Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 23 Apr 2024, 07:19

Agent wrote:
22 Apr 2024, 18:58
Has anyone ever won a natty at two different schools?
Agent, Your answer lies up here Image
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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by Scars » 25 Apr 2024, 04:14

Wemby's cool and all but I don't see him winning a natty after getting benched by Clownsberry. Keem gonna give the Pac 12 its last dance
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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 25 Apr 2024, 09:25

Scars wrote:
25 Apr 2024, 04:14
Wemby's cool and all but I don't see him winning a natty after getting benched by Clownsberry. Keem gonna give the Pac 12 its last dance
Wemby is definitely not college bound lol Just lining things up
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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 27 Apr 2024, 14:01

Chapter II: New Encounter

Summer time of 2022 felt like it was more earned than any other summer before. My first year of college was finally in the books and things were starting to die down with everyone going back home and whatever adventure they sought out. For me, the original plan was for me, Asia & Keri to fly out to Cancun and enjoy ourselves, but that plan has been derailed. Unfortunately, Asia & Keri got into some big argument while I was traveling. I spoke with both of them, heard both sides to their story, but ultimately, I didn't want to get involved. My mere suggestion was to take some time and let cooler heads prevail. With that resolution postponed, that still left me with nothing to do. I called up Michael in Pennsylvania to see if he wanted to shoot some content, some vlogs and ops, a few days later, we were arriving in Miami.

My Uncle Paulie slid us some cash and said, "Have a good time, just not here". Sometimes I wonder what my Uncle really does to be having all this money, who be claiming that he's broke, but I had no intentions of asking. The money basically funded the whole trip with some leftover, so we was sitting nice thanks to the sponsor. We were a few days in on our two week trip, and Miami was booming. Be it trotting through the streets or the beach, there was definitely something to look at.

"Yo Mike, how we looking on cam, we've been shooting all morning", I asked my cousin as we waited on our food. We sat down at Salt Cafe Miami Beach. I ordered the smoked salmon egg benedict, while he got the steak & eggs.

"We're actually good, but we got a lot done today. I can use a spell away from this though. Got a lot of editing to do and catch up on."

"Yeah, put that away bro. I don't want you wasting the whole trip behind the camera, even though that's what we're here for. But lets have fun too."

"Facts. So uh, Washington? Going all the way to the west coast, huh?"

"Yeah. I know it's a long way from family, but it gives me the opportunity to see what west coast basketball is about, expand my game and what not."

"Aight, bet, that's what's up. You know we're all here in full support, wherever you go."

"Appreciate that. Man, I'll even appreciate it more when they hurry up with the food. I know it's breakfast time, ain't nobody really really here like that, sheesh."

"Yeah, cause partying with you got me crazy famished. We've been out since midnight, still haven't come down yet."

"You got that damn steak they're back there cooking, taking forever. Can't order breakfast like a normal person?" I shot back jokingly.

"Hey, you carry this camera this heavy duty equipment case all night and let me know if you work up an appetite."

"Couldn't just bring a small camera? Shit, could've just brought the lappy and did everything by phone. Sufficient enough."

"Nah, pro cam is the only way. You get that real focused and detailed shot you want every time with my baby."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Here you two go, one steak & eggs and one smoked salmon egg benedict. Is there anything else I can get y'all?"

"No, that'll be all for now, thank you."

"Okay, enjoy your meals and I'll check back in with you later", the waitress said with a smile before taking her leave.

"She seems nice", Michael said.

"Yeah, you must gonna leave her a fat tip."

"Shit, we can afford it."

"And this is why you're in the boonies back in Pennsylvania" I rebutted.

After a good meal, we headed back to the hotel and winded down for a few hours of sleep. I woke up to find myself alone with a text from Michael saying he's out and about, he'll check in later. With that, I got myself up, washed up and headed to the beach. The weather was 86 degrees today. Sunny as all hell, but there was a decent breeze to kill some of the humidity. As I made my way to the beach, people on the street started to recognize me, the younger kids asked for autographs and pictures, guys around my age or just really avid of the sport dapped me up and gave me some hood love, the ladies, well, lets just say that had to invade my space to get my attention. My fame from school and the internet was giving me bigger buzz than I could imagine, but who better than me to bask in it all. But there was someone that did catch my attention. While relaxing on the beach, bumping some Cam'Ron classics, I laid eyes on this hot ass tenderoni. She had this warm bronze complexion, body inked up here and there, nice long braids, she was looking like she was on some different type of time. But Mom always said to never judge a book by it's cover, but damn I wanted to read her whole book, or at least add some chapters in it. She must've felt my eyes peering on her as she looked my way and locked in with me. Instantly, she didn't smile, first thing I've noticed, but her gaze didn't indicate anything that unwelcomed me. It's like she had this poker face on, straight face through & through, but her eyes were most telling, and that was all I needed to make my approach.

"Hey, how you doing?"

"I'm fine, yourself?"

"I'm good, I'm good. Can't complain with what's going on. My name's Hakeem, can I get your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Shantelle. So listen, I'm not gonna come at you with any one-liners, no cat calling, none of that. I was checking you out and we locked eyes. I felt compelled to come over to introduce myself and see if I can get to know you."

"Why you want to get to know me?"

"Why not?"

"There's thousands of different girls here you could've spoken to."

"True, but what makes you think you're not special enough for me to approach you?"

"I get approached by dudes just about all the time, directors, rappers, athletes, entrepreneurs, tell me why I shouldn't turn you down just like the rest of them."

(I'm sensing a red cap on this dragon, but she's not really giving off those kind of vibes though. But I'll play along) "If you haven't turned me down from wasting your time, then I think you understand that I'm one of one. And I'm only in the business to deal with one of one, and I'm hoping that's what you are. You don't give off any energy of the typical female."

It was then when I called her "one of one", she cracked a smile. In the words of Dave Chappelle, "Gotcha bitch!"

"I thought you said no one-liners?" Shantelle asked dishearteningly as her facade showed chinks in her armor. Noticing that I backed off a bit.

"Technically, that was three lines, so I did honor what I said I wasn't going to do", I chuckled, giving her a nice smile back in response.


"So look, I'm one to understand that time is money, so how about we stop baking here in the sun and lets grab some refreshments, walk and talk. You up for that?"

She looks me up and down for a second, I go the extra mile and give her a 360 and ended it with a goofy flex that got her to open up a bit more with a couple of giggles. "Okay, okay, stop, stop! Please don't do that anymore."

"Hey, just giving you the view."

"You not from around here, aren't you?"

"What gave it away?"

"I don't know, just something about that doesn't screams Miami. Where you from?"

"New York, by way of Sao Paulo, Brazil."

"How that worked out?"

"My mom is Brazilian. Born on a vacation. I'ma Vacay Baby."

"Alright, you seem harmless enough. Yeah, we can walk and talk."

"Cool, you got anything you need to pick up before we take off?"

"Just my bag, give me a second."

Shantelle takes off to a lot of people, assuming she came with. Be weird to just leave your personal effects among the masses of people. But I got a gander the candy she had on display. She got a body on her, even with all the tattoos. A little slim thick ain't hurt nobody. After she gathered her things, we did what was set out as intended, just having a nice walk and talk, couple cold drinks and some good conversation. The walking ended up being damn near a tour guide on the shore side with the sunset. We really got caught up in conversation, getting to know each other, dropping bits as we go alone. I felt her guard was still up about me, but she was definitely warm to the company, I couldn't knock it, so I did everything to keep it respectful. As night fell, we exchanged contacts and went our separate ways, but the communication didn't end there. What was a vacation between me and my cousin, became a vacation between me and Shantelle. The remaining days we had left in Miami became days spent with her. It wasn't necessarily "hot and heavy", but the courtship was in spurts.

For it to be just two weeks, it felt like an eternity there just being with her. And we saw each other pretty much everyday after work and family time. I learned that she owned a beautician shop and was a volleyball player back when she was in college. Me being 19, she was a few years older than me, 25 actually. Regardless, she didn't see me as some kid just trying to get in her pants and actually treated me as an adult. I guess pulling up in a nice rental had it's own rizz to some effect. But we were indulged with each other's presence. With each day passing that grew nearer to my time being up on the trip, her comfort with me grew to the point that she was opened about her past life as a stripper, which was how she got her money up to open her shop. She was on the up & up about her clients and kept it strictly professional. That was cool of her to let me in like that, but it didn't do anything for me. But I respected the notion of not being one to hide things intentionally. She saw that and things seemed to click to another level.

I had a day left in Miami and several hours to return the '20 Maserati Ghibli I rented, and admittedly, Michael and I had our fill of Miami for now. But since this thing was a thing with Shantelle, I couldn't think of anything better than to kick it with her, she was just simply good company. It was just on this particular day, I went against the time frame, pulling up to her business just as she closed and scooped her up. I wanted her all to myself while I still had time. We cruised down to Monty's Sunset on Alton Rd, just off 2nd Street and parlay there. With a couple of drinks and food in our bellies, we got to chit chatting about her day and mine, which pretty much detailed my closure here in Miami.

"Well, today is pretty much my last day here," I started out with. Saying that, you could see some of the light in her eyes go dim as she wasn't enthused to the reminder. "But I can't tell you enough of how much I enjoyed my stay here. It was different, in a good way."

"What do you mean different? Was you expecting something else?"

"Oh, nah, it was just that me and my cousin came here just to do videos and what not for social media and have some fun. But running into you, that kinda changed my plans on the half work, half play schedule."

"I'm sorry if I hindered your work in any way."

"Nah, stop right there. That ain't on you, I had nothing but the best time kicking it with you, getting to know you."

"I'm glad I got to know you too, Hakeem. I'm glad I didn't turn you down that day on the beach."

"Psshh! You turn me down, you need to check into a mental hospital" I joked. She gave off a small laugh, but I could tell she was masking her disappointment. She didn't want the night to end.

"But you know, we'll keep in touch, talk, text, all that. But I have to go back home and prepare myself for life in Washington."

"I know, I just hate this a lot. Like, I really tried my best not to get so attached to you, but just being around you almost all the time, I couldn't help it. I know I got to accept this, I just don't like it."

"I don't like it either. I didn't think we'd hit it off like that, but chill, like I said, we'll stay in touch." I grabbed her hands across the table, rubbing my thumbs across her hands.

"Besides, how you not wanna see all these good charming looks on TV?" I licked my lips, pitching my best suave face impression.

"I do wanna see you, just closer to me, where I can rather come see you in person. Maybe court side? I can be your court side cheerleader?"

"Oh yeah? You got a little pep rally you wanna shout from court side?"

"I mean... Not right now, but I'll come up with something", Shantelle stumbled out as she laughed and blushed. I couldn't recall anytime I've seen her blush in embarrassment, much alone laugh so freely. It was nice to see.

"Aight, we'll work on that, but you're onto something... But nah, you mad chill, I think I dig you a lot."

"Think I'm digging you too... A little too much."

"A little too much? I'm a rabbit hole love, fall in and there's no way back up."

"Why I feel like I believe you?"

We took another shot of our drinks and the place started to boom with Bad Bunny's "Booker T" record as they held a intermission for the live band. I instantly took Shantelle by the hand and headed towards poolside of Monty's and we danced a couple songs that were vibing. It was a nice little distraction from the conversation, but the attraction had build up even more. Her body swaying against mine, her fragrance giving way, her sensual touches, it was a fever burner that ultimately lead from one thing to another. It wasn't long til we was back at my hotel room and things fell on the floor, along with the sheets. The night burned with insatiable lust, and if this was possibly goodbye, then hellos in the future were definitely in order. Shantelle was nothing less than a firecracker in the most pleasurable ways. Though the rendezvous was not supposed to happen, it did. And I wasn't the type to turn down seizable moments. And if she didn't understand why I was one of one then, she did now... At least that what she tried to sell me on. Either way, hell of a way to cap off a trip to Miami...
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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by Agent » 27 Apr 2024, 16:19

Hakeem always keeps a baddie
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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 27 Apr 2024, 20:06

Agent wrote:
27 Apr 2024, 16:19
Hakeem always keeps a baddie
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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 27 Apr 2024, 20:08

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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 27 Apr 2024, 20:08

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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 27 Apr 2024, 20:10

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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by chosenone58 » 27 Apr 2024, 23:14

That's the way to end a vacation!

Let's get this season cracking!
Creator of Derek Baldwin da Gawd
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