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The King Of Kings

Posted: 29 Sep 2022, 17:23
by The JZA


June 19th, 1984... The day was finally here. The NBA draft lottery was over and everyone found out where the #1 overall selection was heading to, Houston, Texas. With that understanding out of the way, it was only a matter of who. With each passing minute, the anticipation and suspense grew thick in the air. The anxiety long the day as families of the NBA prospects scrambled around to make sure the night was perfect. After O'Shae had gotten off the phone with Derek and Tiny, he spent majority of his afternoon in the mirror, doing his best to perfect his image. He wanted everything to be right for this occasion. Tonight, O'Shae wasn't just becoming a NBA player, he was becoming his own man that will walk his own path...

"O'Shae... O'Shae!" A woman shouted from the distance of the bathroom. "Yeah, mom, I'm coming", he replied. "Come on and hurry up, we're ready to snap some photos before we head out."

O'Shae made his exit after a few more touch ups on his oversized afro, making his presence felt entering the family room. Wearing an all-white cream tuxedo from head to toe with a snazzy bright red bow tie and handkerchief to pop the contrast, his family was impressed at how unusually stylish O'Shae has looked.

"Ooooh, look at you, you little handsome devil, you!" Rachel, O'Shae's aunt praised.

"Thank you auntie. You sure this isn't too loud? I'm having second thoughts about this suit."

"No, honey, you look fine. I like it! It really does look good on your skin", Mama King explained. "Your father would be so proud to see you make something out of yourself. All the sacrifices we made, all the hard work you've put in, it's all for this night and all for you, sweety."

"No, it's for all of us, not just me. Yeah, sure, I'll go places and travel, make some good money, but I want those who helped me be where I am to reap the benefits too. I'ma get you out of this city Mama, put you in a nice big house on your own land."

"Aw, don't go changing things some people ain't looking for. I'm happy right where I am, helping the community and advocating for the future generations", Mama King expressed.

"Mama, you've been a teacher for as long as I can remember, you don't think it's time to retire and enjoy the good life?"

"I'm sorry baby, but this is my life. What I do with it is my business and my care. All I want from you is to go enjoy yours. I've raised you the best I can and gave you the best opportunities others could only dream for. Don't squander it worrying about mine."

"You heard your mother, can't change people set in their ways", said Rachel as she shrugs her shoulders. "But I'll be more than willing to take that house and land if she don't want it", her hopeless expression quickly turned hopeful with a big smile, though being sarcastic.

"Auntie, please talk some sense in her. Show her that she-"

"Boy, hush on up! What I said is final and don't want to hear no more talk about it", Mama King sternly putting her foot down. "Now don't ruin this moment. Today is about you and your dreams. Lets see to it that we fulfill them tonight, shall we?"

"Yes m'am."

"Alright now, give me a few seconds to get this camera ready and we'll be big smiles."

Mama King sets up the camera while Rachel and O'Shae stand ready with their best smiles. Mere seconds later, all three shared a moment in life, captured in a Polaroid still, of O'Shae King, the boy wonder...

...Later That Night...

Madison Square Garden... The lights were bright and and the auditorium was filled with faces across the nation that could be the next face of the NBA. Draftees, families, friends, GMs, everyone you can think of was in attendance. And it went without saying, the pressure in the building was as heavy as gravity it-self. Some nerves were rattling, some palms were sweaty, others were cold as ice. For Derek and O'Shae, they couldn't stop staring at the podium stage. Behind it were tables of telephones, waiting to ring and punch that ticket in the draft.

"So, Derek, ready for tonight?"

"As ready as I can be. Not going to lie, I pictured my-self more composed for this night in my head than I really am. I'm all nerves right now. We're talking a new life. New home, new faces, new scenery."

"Yeah, I get what you mean, Derek. As excited as I am, I'm not ready for that kind of change... And what about you, "Big Shot Jimenez"? How are you holding up?", O'Shae asked looking over the table.

"I'm cool as ever, man. I put on my best outfit to show up and show out to the world that Tiny Jimenez is here."

"You sure you're cool? I can see beads of sweat on your forehead", Derek joked.

"Real funny, these lights in here ain't helping with the temperature", Tiny retorted. "Yeah man, it's definitely hot in here. I liked to get out of this jacket, but it looks like the show's about to start."

It didn't take long for the NBA Commissioner, David Stern to take podium as he prep his opening speech. The boys parted ways and headed back to their respective tables, awaiting for the ceremony to start. After a solid few minutes, the NBA draft began...

"And so, with the first pick of the 1984 NBA draft, the Houston Rockets select... Akeem Olajuwon, from Houston!"

Akeem Olajuwon towered over everyone he walked passed by, his air about him gave them vibes of him being the next big thing as the #1 overall selection, or so they thought...

"With the second overall pick, the Portland Trail Blazers selects... Sam Bowie..."

"With the third overall pick, the Chicago Bulls selects... Michael Jordan..."

Three big names had taken stage as expected to go quickly. With three of the most wanted names out of the draft pool, everyone else was fair game to each team. And it didn't take long for one of the Terrier War Dogs to leave the table first.

"With the fourth pick of the NBA draft, the Washington Bullets have selected... Tiny Jimenez, from St. Francis of New York!"

Tiny slowly gets up, keeping poised like a poker face, making his way over to Derek and O'Shae for a hug. "I'll see you fellas at the top, if y'all make it there", Tiny taking a jab at the two. Derek and O'Shae just waived it off with a smile and applause, seeing their childhood friend walk up the to the podium and shake the Commissioner's hand. Not too far after, the next one was called up.

"With the sixth pick of the NBA draft, the Atlanta Hawks have selected... Derek Baldwin, out of St. Francis of New York."

Derek stood up, hugging his family and O'Shae. "Don't fall behind. We're waiting for you, lets take the league together."

"You got it, save me a seat", O'Shae responded.

Derek Baldwin made his way into the spot light to shake hands and people gave a loud pop to whom should've been a top three, top five selection, but to fall just shy at sixth, can't complain too much about it. After Derek made his exit, the draft continued and there was only one player left anticipating the most among others, O'Shae King.

"With the seven pick..."

"With the tenth pick..."

"With the thirteenth pick..."

"With the fifteenth pick..."

"With the nineteenth pick..."

Pick after pick, after pick, after pick had gone by and O'Shae's name was not called yet. Many names had gone by. Sam Perkins, Charles Barkley, John Stockton, Kevin Willis, Otis Thorpe, Jeff Turner, Jerome Kersey and so on. O'Shae was wondering if his name would ever make it into the first round with only just three picks left in the round. Even more so, would his name be called at all. To his side, his mother softly rubbed O'Shae's hand that was visible on the table to keep him calm. O'Shae did his best to not hang his head as he endured the selections...

"With the twentieth pick of the NBA draft, the Utah Jazz selects... O'Shae King, from St. Francis of New York!"
Mama King and aunt Rachel pops out of their seats quicker than O'Shae before his name was completely called. After a tight and prolonged hug from his aunt and mother, O'Shae finally makes his way to the podium to shake David Stern's hand and greet those in attendance and at home, that O'Shae King is too, here...

O'Shae makes his way to the green room where Derek and Tiny greeted him at the door with big smiles and pats on his back.

"About damn time you get your name called", Tiny says.

"I didn't think I'd ever get called."

"We had faith in you brother, ain't no way just us two would make it in the league without you. All three of us is a complete package, ya dig?"

"Man, I'm just glad we all made it. Hey Tiny, how you feel about Washington?"

"Wouldn't be my first option, Kind of prefer New Jersey, but at least it's not Boston. Those boys are stacked over there, no way you seeing any floor time unless someone gets hurt. But, if things don't work out, I can always run for President. President Tiny, the first black president of the United States of America, got a nice ring to it."

"Man, if you were president, the nation would be in a world of trouble with you leading", Derek joked. "I can't wait to head to Atlanta! Got some family out there, I might shack up with them for a while til I find some prime real estate."

"Didn't even put ink on your rookie contract and already burning through your money, huh?"

"Gotta think big and plan ahead O'Shae. Life can be a tangle without clear goals", Derek taps at his noggin. "But look at you, Mr. Utah, you heading out to those clear skies, green pastures and big mountains, how you feel about it?"

"Haven't even sank in yet that I'll be leaving New York, that we all be leaving New York and heading to different cities. I just hope I can find a restaurant that's as good as mom's cooking."

"Good luck finding that out there", Tiny retorted. "Ain't no good food like coming home to good food. If one day, if New York should ever need Tiny, it'll be well worth the wait to come back home."

"Same man", Derek agreed. "Here's to all of us. The Terrier War Dogs. To honor, glory, and brotherhood."

The three connected each other's fist bump as Derek finished off the moment with a prayer. Derek Baldwin, Tiny Jimenez, and O'Shae King, three members of the 1984 NBA draft class that featured the likes of Michael "Air" Jordan, Akeem Olajuwon, Charles Barkley and John Stockton. They all had their work cut out for them, but in twenty years from now, if you ask anyone of these three guys what was it like to play against those legendary names, they'll all tell you, "you just had to be there"...

The King Of Kings

Posted: 29 Sep 2022, 17:24
by The JZA


The King Of Kings

Posted: 29 Sep 2022, 22:56
by The JZA


The King Of Kings

Posted: 30 Sep 2022, 00:21
by The JZA

The King Of Kings

Posted: 30 Sep 2022, 09:15
by mvp
this is really dope. great concept

The King Of Kings

Posted: 30 Sep 2022, 10:32
by djp73
Damn I love a throwback chise

The King Of Kings

Posted: 30 Sep 2022, 11:11
by chosenone58
Looking good Fam! Can’t wait to see how all this plays out. And how will this will shape the future of the Jazz.

The King Of Kings

Posted: 01 Oct 2022, 11:37
by The JZA

The King Of Kings

Posted: 01 Oct 2022, 11:50
by The JZA
mvp wrote:
30 Sep 2022, 09:15
this is really dope. great concept
Preciate it my brother, I'ma try my best to work all the way up to the current era
djp73 wrote:
30 Sep 2022, 10:32
Damn I love a throwback chise
I love it even more bro. Watching Kiba do his thing with Portland and 2K just so happens to give us the eras we love, I had to drop one.
chosenone58 wrote:
30 Sep 2022, 11:11
Looking good Fam! Can’t wait to see how all this plays out. And how will this will shape the future of the Jazz.
Can't wait to see how this shapes the whole NBA landscape. Just having Stockton in L.A. is already a big deal to me.

Baldwin and Tiny didn't waste no time establishing themselves in the league just after one game. But just like O'Shae, they both too lost their first :drose: :camdead: :rg3:

The King Of Kings

Posted: 01 Oct 2022, 13:29
by The JZA
Definitely gotta tweak these slides for sims , sheesh :obama:

Bump >>>>>>