Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 13 Apr 2024, 11:48

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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 13 Apr 2024, 16:12

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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 13 Apr 2024, 16:50

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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 13 Apr 2024, 16:51

Agent, Looks like you was right Image
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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by Agent » 13 Apr 2024, 17:01

:drose: so far my final 4 picks are still alive!

I'm surprised Marion's teammates even wanna give him the rock anymore :kghah:
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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 14 Apr 2024, 03:49

Agent wrote:
13 Apr 2024, 17:01
:drose: so far my final 4 picks are still alive!

I'm surprised Marion's teammates even wanna give him the rock anymore :kghah:
Agent, 5 Second inbound doesn't really give them a choice :mischief:
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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 14 Apr 2024, 03:50

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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 14 Apr 2024, 04:41

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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 14 Apr 2024, 07:02

Chapter VIII: Whatever It Takes

The final buzzer sounded off, signifying the end of the game. We beat the Virginia Cavaliers, 60-51, but it didn't feel like it. Tonight was rough, even for me, but the job was done, at least for tonight that is. While all in attendance adulated our advancement to the elite eight round, my mind weighed heavy with the inevitable transfer and the on-going situation within the locker room. Drained, frustrated, I was in no mood to celebrate. The only silver lining in all this was seeing the girls, Asia and Keri, seeing my family, my mom, Michele, Uncle Paulie, Auntie Angela, & my cousin Michael. They were all there watching on, and that kind of support was much needed to get me through tonight's game. As I was making my way to the corridor, I was stopped court side by the most familiar face in the house, Joel Embiid...

"What's up Hakeem, great game tonight."

"Yo, Joel, thanks man. Surprised to see you here."

"We just got back from Phoenix. Wasn't our best performance, so I figured I'd come out and show some support to the next generation."

"Uh huh, the team sent you out to scout for the next draft", I joked.

"Hey, cover your mouth talking like that, people pick up on lip reading, besides that's below my pay grade", Embiid rebutted. "But I definitely liked what I've seen out of you, I've been following since we played at the charity event. I can't wait to see what you bring to the NBA level, my man."

"Hey, thanks, I really appreciate that. I don't know how enthused you'll feel when I get there, cause I'ma run amuck on everybody. I'm coming for what's owed. So until then, I'll let y'all live." I smirked under my covered mouth.

"It's jokes now, but the NBA is whole different beast. What you're doing now is just a small taste of the grind."

"Yeah, I know man, trust. I don't take none of this for granted, especially where I came from and could've ended up at. I'm just trying to take all this in stride and keep my head up."

"I hear you, good to hear. But what's up with you and the team tonight? You guys looked seriously out of sync."

"Man, it's a long story. Which I wouldn't mind telling you provided you can shoot me some advice about it."

"Yeah man, no problem, I'll send my contact to your phone." Embiid proceeded to follow through after taking my number.

We wrapped up our conversation and headed to the locker room, where silence fell upon the room as I walked in. Shaking my head, I tuned out the nonsense and got myself ready to head back to the hotel. Some time later, I finally hit up Joel on video call and had that sit down with him. I explained the whole situation to him, I'm not one for one-sided stories, so I didn't sugar coated any details.

"Hm, I see. You're in a rough spot man. But listen, you have to do what's best for you, first and foremost. You have to make sure you're in the best environment and mindset to play at the highest level. This mayhem between you, the coach, and the other players will not end well at the rate it's going. So you have options. You can go elsewhere, or you can find a way to make things right with the guys."

"But why does it fall on me to make things right? I didn't ask for any of these problems."

"No, you didn't, and you're within all your rights to question that, but it doesn't matter who's at fault when it comes to being a leader. See, this is what I meant by when I said this is just a small taste. When you get to the NBA, there's going to be all sorts of problems, from a personal level to professional level. And how we choose to approach each situation determines what the necessary outcome is going to be. Now me, personally, I'd sweep all that under the rug, talk to the bros, let them know that all is good and we have a title to win. We got this far, let's not do or become anything that will destroy that dream we're so close to winning."

I sat there soaking every word Embiid was dropping on me, putting my feelings to the side and seeing the bigger picture, and he was right. "I hear you Joel, I just don't think the team will see it that way."

"They will, they will. They understand what's at stake. It's not just a title, it's pride, glory, a brotherhood, all that stuff. If everyone is on the same page, those guys are going to be like you, out there hustling for every rebound, steal, block, and points. And going out like that, knowing we gave it our all, when or lose, that'll resonate with them man. Cause not everyone will go to the NBA or overseas, for some, this is it, college basketball is the highest level they will go before they start new chapters in their lives. But to come this far, on a awesome run y'all guys are having, this is historic, and they all are a part of that history. So, even if you did choose to not make amends here and now, you choose to go to another school, who's the say that the cycle won't repeat it-self? This is where leadership comes in, bro."

"Fact, Jo, I see it." I nodded my head to the sound advice he was giving. And it seemed to make sense. No matter my decision, getting myself and the boys back on the right track would be best for everyone. What's the point of having bittersweet victories I asked myself.

"So think on it, dwell on it, sleep on it. When the time is right, you'll know what to do for the necessary outcome you want. You got three more games left and I'm hoping you can take Penn State all the way man."

"Thank you bro, that's the goal, for real. I didn't come this far to lose."

"I know, but it's a part of the game. Losing isn't fun at all, look at me, I've came so close to the conference finals, and didn't make it. It broke me, but we bounced back and learn from it. It's what makes us stronger and better."

"True, true. But still, I'm not trying to go that route. It still burns me that we lost to St. Joseph's way back. It drives me to compete harder everyday."

"Then you understand my exact sentiments. Share that same sentiment with the people who stand on the court with you, who rode up and down the road with you. Until all this is over, those are you brothers, Hakeem. Brothers fight, but they always have each others' back. So whatever it takes, keep that brotherhood close to heart and it'll take you where you need to be."

"Alright, sounds like a deal. Yo Joel, man.. I truly appreciate this talk. I definitely needed a different pair of lens on this. I'm glad we were able to chop it up and I appreciate the advice."

"Hey, yeah, no problem. We all go through it. We all want to follow our hearts but sometimes it's best to sit down, take a minute and see things through. If anything I said helped, I'm happy for you."


"But hey, this was real, man. But I gotta go. Gotta get some rest and prep for the game *looks at watch for the time* later tonight, didn't know it was already after midnight."

"Yeah man, didn't mean to take up all your time. We let this call get out the way. But I'ma do what you said and sleep on it man. We gotta get this right."

"Absolutely lil bro. Hey man, it's good talking with you. Don't be a stranger, you got my number now."

"Likewise big bro, have a good game tonight, I'll be watching."

"Thank you. Later bro."

With that, we ended the video call and I leaned back onto the sofa, taking in everything that was said but suddenly taken away from my thoughts from a knock on the door. Getting up to see who it was, I opened the door to find Sam tagged along with Jalen and Seth.

"Sam, what's up bro? Long time no see! what you doing here?"

"Mind if we come in? Don't want to air this conversation out where ears can easily hear."

"Yeah, come in."

I stepped back, letting the trio into the room, all taking a seat. "You guys done well for y'all selves. Tournament games, down to the elite eight, y'all riding that momentum", Sam gleefully adulated. "I'm proud of y'all as much as I am happy for y'all, I wanted to get that out the way first."

"Thanks, I'm sure all of us can agree that we wish you were a part of this experience."

"Well, I still am in a sense. I'm not playing and perhaps my playing days are behind me, but at least until this ride is over, my name is still on the roster. And I'd like none better for it to be one of the names that brought home the Natty to Penn State."

"I hear you, Sam. But what's this all about?"

"Well, I caught up with the bros, we talked and chopped it up and you came up. That's when the story got out and started making sense to what I was seeing on TV, and especially tonight."

"Let me guess, they told you I was trying to run a one-man shop or some shit like that."

"No, quite the opposite. As strange as it sounds to me with all my years at the college, their jealousy got the better of them. They admitted to the fact that they didn't like you stealing their thunder."

"Crazy... I saw no notion of me stealing anyone's thunder, but if that's how it was perceived, then I don't know what to say honestly. If they told you everything, then you know how things turned out. It didn't have to come to this."

"You're right." Jalen admitted. "It didn't, but we got carried away in what we wanted, not seeing things unbiased with you coming in as a freshman."

"I won't lie, you see all this crazy talent in the NBA that took the NCAA by storm, and it's eye opening as a fan. But seeing it before your eyes from a teammate that hasn't sat down long enough to tie their own shoe laces, it just didn't see right with me, with us apparently. I don't want to sound like a hater, but that's essentially what we were doing, hating. And that's wrong of us", Seth added.

"Listen, I get all that. If I stepped on any toes unannounced, then my apologies. For myself, I'm just proving I belong. I'm proving I deserve. I'm proving that I'll take whatever is dished at me and make something of it. It just so happened that I crushed y'all mojo along the way, wasn't my intention honestly."

After several exchanges, clearance and understanding, the conversation amongst us all came to it's head.

"Sounds like we got some tract here", Sam inputted. "We can apologies and share sobs all night, but I think we understand each other to know we're not trying to step on each other's toes here. So, do y'all think we can find a resolution to all this?"

"I'm game." Jalen answered. "Seth?"

"I'm all for it. We need to make sure we're all on the same page."

"So, Hakeem, what you say?" Sam asked.

"... Let me make one thing clear. What I said to y'all last time, in Texas, I meant every word. I don't renege on nothing. But let me add to those notions I made. Win or lose, I'm as competitive as it gets, that' s just how I'm built. You guys play hard, I play harder. But you guys have a choice in playing hard for me or against me. The outcome will always be me paying that debt tenfold. And I'm sure we're on the same page that we all want to play hard for each other. We came too far to let this ship get rocked and capside. As I said before, I didn't mean to step on toes, and I apologies if I did so. I just want to win, I want to cut nets down and raise a trophy. I want to shut my doubters and naysayers out. Most of all, I want this brotherhood among us to be worth the school's history when it's all said and done."

"Good... I like it, I love it. This is what I'm talking about, these the boys I know that are on the same page and look unstoppable on the courts." Sam rallied. "I knew it was a good idea to come here and try to bury the hatchet. I guess all is needed to call it truce and shake it out."

"Cool..." I stood up without hesitation, extending my hand to Seth since he was the closest to me. Seth stands up in response and shook my hand. I turned my attention to Jalen, looking him in the eyes. "We got a title to win. We good?" I extended my hand out to Jalen.

"Yeah, lets bring this Natty home", Jalen says as he shakes my hand and proceeds to give me a bro hug. With all of us in agreement, the tension among us dissipated, and it seem like a weigh was off my shoulder. I guess there wasn't really any time needed to sleep on it as Joel asked. We all knew what was the necessary course of action we needed to do for the outcome we all want. Despite the potentials, if things goes our way, we were three wins away from solidifying a championship run. And that isn't much time, but in the meantime, rebuilding the trust and respect among us will be worth the while. Whatever it takes...
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Becoming HIM | The Hakeem Marion Story

Post by The JZA » 14 Apr 2024, 07:21

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