Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 01 Feb 2019, 17:53

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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 01 Feb 2019, 17:58


— Home Sweet Home, July, 2017

*Summer time rolled in and New York was heavy with traditions. Summer Jams, family gatherings, cookouts, water fun with the fire hydrants, playground full of laughter and joy. But one playground was typically hot as the weather could be, Monsignor Kett Playground, also known as, Dyckman Park. After playing on several courts out West in California and Seattle, Lyric and Supernatural returned home for a two-day stay, before hitting the road again. The two agreed on making Dyckman a priority while here, to keep the buzz flowing in New York. If Lyric was going to make his name household again, Dyckman makes it no better place to do it at.*

Supernatural: Hey man, you did your thing back out west. You looking real serious. Haven't seen that in a while.

Lyric: What you expect bro? You took me under your wing and put me back on the map, I gotta ball out in your good name.

Supernatural: I hear that, but it's all about you kid. I see mad potential in you, just like I did way back when.

*Both exit the airport and into a luxury cab, heading back to Harlem*

Lyric: Which brings me to ask, why you doing this for me? Not that I'm not appreciative for it, just don't understand your reason behind it.

Supernatural: Like I said man, I see mad potential in you. I was a kid like you. I left home in Indiana and came here to New York at 19 to pursue my dream. And you know, basketball and hip-hop shares the same culture, more or less like Indiana and New York. I did my thing, made a name for my-self, but it wasn't until I met KRS-One who gave me the opportunity to open more doors. Like so, few years back when we did "Rags To Riches", I saw that same opportunity, a kid with a promising gift to help open doors.

Lyric: I feel that. But I had my shot. Wasn't how I expected it, much so be life altering.

Supernatural: And this is why things come full circle G'. I know it. They fans know it. The competition you went up against and busted your butt know it. You got robbed in Toronto. What happened to you was unfortunate, but you survived and came back stronger than ever. Now don't eat my words up, I'm not pointing fingers and saying who did it, who had a hand in it, but it seems likely the season finale was fixed. And that ain't right. You're just a kid with aspirations and dreams like anyone else. But now... We spin it, and do it the right way. No reality TV, no set ups, no nonsense. This time, everything is on you. Every game you play is opening another door for you to step through and achieve more greatness. You deserve it.

Lyric: Yo, that's heavy man. That's mad love coming from a legend, ain't nothing but respect here.

*After a sentimental conversation concluded between the two, the cab pulled up on the corner of 127th & 7th Avenue, Lyric's block*

Supernatural: Ayo, remember. Dyckman tomorrow night and we fly out the next morning. Lets make this happen.

Lyric: Oh, definitely, I'll be there.

Supernatural: Aight bro, can't wait to see what you. Peace.

Lyric: Peace.

*After jumping out the cab, Lyric mosey his way up to building 227, the 13th floor. Jimmying the lock with the keys that the Super never fixed after years, Lyric was finally home, welcomed by his parents and a slew of other family members including Aunt Michelle and cousin Ahmed.*

Mom: There's my baby! How you doing? Wasn't expecting you to be back home so soon!

Lyric: Hey Ma, I'm good, little lagged, but I'm good. What's up Pops? YOOOO!!! Ahmed!! Aunt Michelle!! What's gooood??!!

*Lyric was joyful seeing the family that mattered to him most. Hugging everybody before getting settled in*

Lyric: What's up G'? What you guys doing here?

Ahmed: Auntie told us the big news and we couldn't wait to come out and see you kid! Look at you! On your two feet, you look good man!

Lyric: I feel good too, much appreciate it.

Michelle: I'm so glad to see you doing so much better than before! It's truly amazing how blessed you are with your health and condition.

Lyric: Thanks auntie, it wasn't easy, but I'm here now. And I don't plan on going back to a wheelchair, haa.

Pops: Amen to that!

Mom: Say it again!

Pops: Here, let me get your things, I'll put it in your room for you. Get off your feet boy, relax.

*Lyric hands off his bags to his Dad, plopping on the cozy couch*

Lyric: Awh man! I missed this couch.

Mom: So how long are you back for? Or are you doing with this tour thing?

Nah, I'm actually just here for two nights. I play at Dyckman tomorrow night. Me and Supe going to fly back out west in the morning after to hit the Drew League. It's going to be big. Y'all should all come tomorrow.

Pops: You really making this gig work for you huh? Man, I'm so proud of you kid.

Ahmed: Your moms filled us in after you left, you really doing it big. I've been following you all over social media, you got everybody talking about your comeback.

Lyric: I'm just doing what I can to make a dream work. I see it, I'm not blind, but I'm just focusing on the game. When all this is said and done, I can look back and look at me from different perspectives.

Michelle: That's good. I see my sister ain't too bad at keeping you level headed, haha

*While the snicker was innocent fun, Lyric's mom didn't wasn't too keen on the snag. But, you know how sisters are when they are not the best of friends*

Michelle: But keep your focus and good things will come your way, just you wait. I just wish you can spew some of that focus on Ahmed here. Boy can't stay out them clubs and hold something serious down for too long.

Ahmed: Ma, come on, we not here for that, this trip ain't about me.

Michelle: I'm just saying, it wouldn't be so bad for you to spend more time with Lyric when y'all get the chance. Maybe you'll grow and learn something.

*Pops returns from the kitchen with a snack bowl and refreshments for everyone, shifting the conversation elsewhere*

Pops: Alright, alright, enough of that. Come on, Lyric don't need that type of hostility right now. He got a big game tomorrow, we're all going to go out and show support. But right now, let's all relax, kick back and have a good time.

Lyric: Took the words out my mouth old man.

*As the evening grew on, the family did there thing. Catching up on old times, bond strengthening, and good home style meal to be enjoyed. Lyric was appreciative for what little he did have, but kept the wisdom from Supernatural in mind, which helped him find more solace in the things to come...*

— Showdown At Dyckman, July, 2017

(Tonight is going to be just like any other night. Just got to go out there and do my thing. I got this. This is home turf for me, I'm the man in these streets.)

Pops: Lyric!... Aye'! Lyric!

*Lyric snaps out of his trance, finally responding to the voice of his father*

Lyric: Yo, what's up? Sorry, just trying to focus.

Pops: I see that, me and the gang is here. Just wanted to say good luck to you son. Don't overwork your-self, okay? You good?

Lyric: Yeah Pops, I'm good, thanks.

Pops: You look nervous.

Lyric: Well, Guys like Kemba Walker and Kevin Durant will do that to you, stepping on the court with them.

Pops: Boy, you got Kemba and KD on your team??

Lyric: Nah, just KD.

Pops: Well, still, that's good enough. You and Kevin going to run this place clean without a doubt.

Lyric: Yeah, lets hope he don't dominate all of us. If I was a betting man, you know who the crowd came out to see.

Pops: Oh, no question about it, but don't let that stop YOU from playing your game. You got this kid, me and the family going to be rooting for you.

Lyric: Thanks man.

*Lyric gets a pat on his back before his Pops exited back to his seat. Just as Lyric was about to hit the court, another voice called out to him from the crowd*

?: Lyric! Over here!

*Lyric follows the voice unveiling it was Avery and Tammy*

Lyric: Yo, what's up guys? Y'all came out to see me?

Avery: Of course!... And Kevin Durant.

Lyric: Yeah, I figured as much.

Tammy: Hey, sorry I missed your game at the Rucker. Heard you did well for your-self.

Lyric: Yeah, I did okay. It got me to see other places, I can't complain.

Tammy: You just make sure you do good in this one, I'm watching you this time.

Lyric: Should I do a little razzle dazzle tonight?

*Tammy giggles at Lyric's corny attempt to flirt*

Tammy: Maybe a little, but don't embarrass your-self, haha

Lyric: Aight, I'll do my best, see you guys after the game?

Avery: Good luck!

*Lyric presses himself to the court, barring further distractions as Supernatural draws the crowd in for tip-off*

Supernatural: Yo! Yo! Alright, enough of the chit-chat! Dyckman Basketball, this is where it's at! Team Durant! Team Walker! Let's get it!

(Tonight is my night. Like I said, I'm the man in these streets. Dyckman ain't seen nothing yet...)
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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 01 Feb 2019, 17:58

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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 01 Feb 2019, 18:02


— Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!, Early July, 2017

*Lyric made it through the game successfully. Lyric with Team Durant was able to defeat Team Walker in fashion, putting on a showcase for all who was at Dyckman Park to remember. Without a doubt, Durant did steal the show, but Lyric managed to shine and bask in his own light. Both camps showed love to each other in good sportsmanship as the crowd was still hype with Supernatural closing out the show. Not a moment too soon though, Lyric found him-self being approached by Durant him-self.*

Durant: Yo, Lyric

Lyric: KD, good game.

Durant: Yeah, same to you, good game. Glad we was able to link up get this W baby, you held your own out there.

Lyric: Yo, I do what I can. Guys like you and Kemba and J.R., I definitely had to step up.

Durant: I hear that. You keep that attitude about you on the court. Keep working hard, keep building your game. Don't think the NBA didn't notice you, you turning heads everywhere. I'm sure one day you'll make into the league.

Lyric: Yo, thanks man, I appreciate the word of encouragement.

Durant: So what's next for you?

Lyric: Drew League. Me and Supernatural flying back out to Cali to get it done.

Durant: Oh word? Aight, I'll definitely see you there. I won't be playing, but I know you'll going to want to bring your A-game and then some.

Lyric: Wow, it's like that?

*Kemba walker briefly stops by to congratulate with Lyric and KD*

Kemba: Aye, good game fellas.

Lyric: Yeah, good game bro, fa'sho.

Durant: Yeah, man, it's like that. Drew League, them guys don't play. But I'll tell you what, I'll call up some of my boys to hook you up and we gonna see if you're really cut for the NBA.

Lyric: Good looking, but don't worry, we're not even cut from the same cloth. My game will be there.

Durant: Oh, I know this, for sure. I'm out man, I'll see you.

*The two part ways, Lyric heading to his family and friends for a quick post-op as it seems Momma Lyric had her camera out and ready*

Mom: Baby! Come here, take a picture with us, we gotta savior this moment!

Lyric: No doubt, get my good side.

*Pops did the honor taking the picture of the group that was all smiles.*

Pop: There we go. Looking good out there Lyric, you did work, I'm proud of you.

Lyric: Appreciate it. Felt good out there. Glad it's over with though, too much hype around that game, you know?

Ahmed: Bro! You was out there KILLING IT!! You hit that three piece dribble, jabbed left and pulled back? Had Kemba on skates!!

*Ahmed and Lyric pounded each other hands, chuckling about it*

Lyric: Word! I didn't even know I was going to pull that off, haha.

Ahmed: Pull that off?? You popped a three in his face on the step-back bro!

Lyric: Alright, now that shot was luck! Quote it!

?: Hey!

*Lyric turns around with his attention grabbed from a voice in the distance*

Tammy: So I guess you did have a little razzle dazzle in you, haha. Good game Lyric!

Lyric: Ayyye'! I told you I'd do a little something something.

Avery: You balled out with KD, that was sick!

Lyric: Yeah, it was. It was an honor playing with him, and we got the win to celebrate with it

*Lyric goes in to high five with Avery*

Avery: You think you will go the NBA? I want you to play for Golden State.

Lyric: Golden State?

Avery: Yeah, that's my favorite team! Can't be Chef Curry and KD!

*Lyric looks at Avery dastardly before being interrupted in his response*

Ahmed: Lyriiic, who's the honey dip?

Lyric: Chill fam, this is Tammy, she's a friend.

Pops: Mhm, just friends? -smirks-

Lyric: Aye, Dad, could you not? Thank yoooou!

Tammy: Haha, your family is cute. I see where you get your goofy charm.

Ahmed: Hey, hey! If anybody who has taught this man charm, you ought to be speaking to me, Ahmed Riley, super natural guru of self-charm expo.

Lyric: This guy...

*Tammy couldn't help contain her laugh along with Avery's obnoxious ridicule laughter to tone down to the suave effect from Ahmed's attempt*

Lyric: Speaking of super natural, I'll be back. Gotta chop it up with my dude.

*Lyric makes his way over to Supernatural who was talking to some of the players in the game as they parlayed.*

Lyric: Yo, Supe!

Supernatural: Yo, good game out there man. You and KD did y'all thing. Had the house buzzing! Everybody cams out! So you know this is hitting the cyber asap! Nothing but good looks brother!

Lyric: That's music to my ears.

Supernatural: Songs of the playground.

Lyric: No doubt. So we out early tomorrow, hit up the Drew?

Supernatural: Yeah, yeah, L.A., L.A., city of angels. That's where it's going down you feel me? So you need to be ready 'cause they don't play out there.

Lyric: Yeah, Durant was telling me about so.

Supernatural: Then you've already been warned. But check it, it's nothing new you haven't tested waters with. You've been up against some of the greats of today and yesterday. You just got to keep that in mind and stay afloat.

Lyric: Aight, I hear you, bet.

Supernatural: Aight man, I'll see you early bird status. Don't keep your family and your girl waiting, playa', haha.

Lyric: Yeah, yeah, I'll see you.

*Lyric makes his way back to his crew, heading out of the Heights back to Harlem. Plan was to hit up Sylvia's restaurant and enjoy ourselves and toast to the small victory. Small victory it is, as it's not much, but a stepping stone to the next obstacle. But these stepping stones were not to be overlooked. A step forward in the right direction always can lead to the next plateau, for a clear vision of the horizon. Next stop, Los Angeles, California. Drew League...*
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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 01 Feb 2019, 18:11


— Enter The Drew, Late July, 2017

*Lyric and Supernatural made their way back to California, continuing the Supernatural Tour. With time spent on the journey traveling the nation, both got to know each other more and seemed to click on all cylinders than before. It was one of the few close-knit friendships Lyric came to appreciate, growing more personal outside of business. With only a day to spare before the big game, Lyric spent majority of his time at the Apollo Park nearby the Embassy Suite where they checked in. Keeping what Kevin Durant mentioned in mind, about the guys taking the Drew League games seriously, Lyric was sure to cover all basis in training, fundamentally and mentally. No days off for the song writer.*

-The Next Day-

*Lyric and Supernatural makes their way to King Drew Magnet High School*

Supernatural: Ready for the big stage?

Lyric: Big Stage? It's that deep?

Supernatural: Yeah man, Drew is like the Rucker in the west. Not only that, some of the biggest stars cut their teeth here.

Lyric: Yeah, I heard. KD put me on game at Dyckman. Which is why I spent mad time putting in some work yesterday. Got to be ready.

Supernatural: Ah, okay. No wonder why I couldn't reach you.

Lyric: Yeah, sorry about that. Just excited for this game.

Supernatural: No sweat. I'm excited too. Definitely can't wait to see how you do against PG and them.

Lyric: Wait, what? PG is playing???

Supernatual: Yeah... James Harden, too... And DeRozan.

Lyric: ... Anybody else?

Supernatual: ... LeBron James.

Lyric: Oh, oh, you was just saving the best for last I see.

Supernatural: I thought you knew!

Lyric: I do now! Man, I got a lot on my plate today.

Supernatural: Yo, it'll be aight man. Remember, it's still a five-on-five game. I'm sure you got some competitive bodies to run with.

*Lyric looks at Supernatural inquisitively.*

Lyric: ...

Supernatural: What?

Lyric: Not going to tell me who's on my squad?

Supernatural: Nah, I don't know a thing or two who's running with you, honest. I just know your comp. BUT! At least you know your comp, so adjust your game accordingly.

Lyric: Yikes...

*An hour later, Lyric is suited up and heads out the locker room to the court. Anticipating for Durant to come through on his word, he made it his mission to seek out the star him-self.*

Lyric: Yooo, KD! What's up?

Durant: What's good baby boy? You ready to show what you got?

Lyric: I thought I'd be, until Supernatural told me who I was going up against on the way here. So, I'll just have to see when it's game time.

Durant: I hear you. But don't worry, told you I'd hook you up with some runners.

*Lyric looks around for his teammates and spots JaVale McGee, Trevor Ariza, and Kawhi Leonard*

Lyric: Yo, you playing right? The Claw? Only guy in the NBA that lock down LeBron?

Durant: I guess you can say that.

Lyric: Yo man, that's big. Respect for the hook up.

Durant: Aight man, go prep, it's almost game time. I'll definitely be watching what you can do.

*Lyric and K.D. bro hugged and parted ways, leaving Lyric to a little meet and greet with the teammates he'll be playing alongside. Win or lose, Lyric knew this game could not be a bust for him. He had to make an impact and going up against some of the greatest talent this NBA era, it was no brighter stage to do it on. Not knowing that there will be scouters in the building, watching him and another young baller by the name of Nick Howard, today could possibly be the day that doors open. But to get through that door, one must get pass The King him-self...*
Last edited by The JZA on 02 Feb 2019, 11:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 01 Feb 2019, 18:12

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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 01 Feb 2019, 18:14


— Close, But No Cigar, Yet..., Late July, 2017

*With an abundance of highlights and showtime plays, Lyric and company come up short against The King, LeBron James and friends. Not every hard fought battle is to be won, and today was one the one that slipped away. Nonetheless, Lyric seemed to impress some of the boys on the court, sharing a handful of compliments with Harden, PG, DeRozan, and James him-self. A lot of praise, but it came with a bitter sweet taste.*

Supernatural: There you have it people! King James and your boys are tonight's winner! They produced with no excuse! Right here at the Drew League baby!

*Supernatural goes on with the Commissioner, Dino Smiley, thanking everyone for coming out and showing support. While fans showed love to the NBA stars, Lyric sat on the bleacher sulking about the loss.*

KD: Hey, good game out there. That was a close one definitely.

Lyric: Thanks man, gave it my best, but it wasn't good enough tonight.

KD: That's all you can do man, put in 100% effort. That game could've went either way, just the luck of the battle tonight man, chin up, you did your thing.

Lyric: Yeah bro, thanks, really.

KD: No doubt, keep doing it big man, I'll be seeing you.

*Moments later as the building began to clear, Supernatural approaches Lyric on the bleachers where he remained*

Supernatual: Yo, yo, kid, what's up man? You good?

Lyric: Yeah, I'm aight G'.

Supernatual: That game was hot fam, for real. Tough loss for you, but you still did your thing. You got mad people talking about you kid.

Lyric: Yeah? What they saying?

Supernatural: Nothing that I haven't told you already. People saying you're the real deal man. Scouts were out here, they took notice of you.

Lyric: Scouts? Like NBA Scouts?

Supernatural: Yeah yo, scouts be out here. College ain't the only place where the NBA got their ballers from. It's the sure way to go, but you know brothers be coming up undrafted signees and G-League.

Lyric: So, you think there's still a chance we can do something big with this?

Supernatural: I'm flattered you want to keep me along the ride, but this is your dream brother. The tour is coming to a close, got a few shows out. I believe it's time we part this journey together, let you pursue your own and see how far you can go with it.

Lyric: I hear man. Not for nothing, thanks for everything. I would hate to call it perfect timing, but if it wasn't for you man, none of this would be happening.

Supernatural: No sweat man, we boys. Just two brothers in the right place at the right time. Don't forget, if it wasn't for you to keep holding on to this dream of yours, getting back on your own feet, none of this would be happening.

*Lyric and Supernatural daps each other*

Lyric: Good looking Supe, on the real.

Supernatural: Yo, lets get up out of here. Get you freshened up. Then we gonna hit the venue tonight. We gonna make it hot tonight.

Lyric: Oh, for sure man, I'm with it, let's go.

Supernatural: So, when you get back to New York, what's next for you?

Lyric: Really too soon to ask, but I don't know... We'll just have to see.

Supernatural: Can't wait brother, can't wait.

*Lyric's journey to the Drew League ended with a loss, but the feed around the world was still buzzing about the young prospect. After a two weeks traveling with Supernatural, Lyric returns home, getting much needed rest and quality time with his family and friends. Though not working at the YMCA for obvious reasons, Lyric still came around and helped Avery and others improve on their game, as well as building a friendlier relationship with Tammy Pendergrass. While it seems like a bitter sweet happy ending, the story doesn't stop there. A lot of people question what is next for Lyric. What will he do next? Where will he next show up and spark the world again? Time, as usual, will tell...*
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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 01 Feb 2019, 18:16

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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by C-Dub » 01 Feb 2019, 18:58

a new legend is born :blessed:
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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 01 Feb 2019, 19:30


— A Story That Never Ends; June, 2018

*It just been a few days since Lyric had sat at one of the drafting tables during the 2018 NBA Draft. With him on draft night, his mother and father, and newly girlfriend, Tammy. The two hit it off, though it took some time due to Lyric's journey to the NBA, but his parents fell in love with her for him from day one. But as usual, the night was filled with excitement of anticipation, hearing who's name getting called and seeing who's going where. It was unfortunate, Lyric's name wasn't called. All selections from number one to sixty, went elsewhere, leaving the internet sensation undrafted. It almost felt devastating seeing one of the brightest basketball players in the world get denied, but it was only a setback. And as the world would see it, the media didn't want the story to discontinue as well, specifically, ESPN...*

*Commotion goes on around the set as Lyric sat in the hot seat, patiently waiting to begin. Across from him was Rachel Nichols, she formerly interviewed LeBron James. As it was her job, it's a cake walk to press the likes of a rookie, thus Lyric was a bit nervous for the anticipating questions*

Nichols: You look nervous.

Lyric: Thanks for noticing. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't.

Nichols: Nothing to be nervous about. All you need to do is tell your story. You'll do great.

Lyric: Of all times to tell it, seems like this one may be the most nerve wrecking.

We're on in 5... 4... 3... 2...

*As the interview settled in, Lyric finds his comfort telling his storied background, rising up from a kid in Harlem with a basketball dream*

Nichols: So, you're living this incredible story. You've gone to college and played for Kentucky. You even played on a reality basketball show, competing against NBA players of then and today. But even with tragic fortunes, you've overcame the odds and have been making a big splash since your comeback.

Lyric: Yeah, it's crazy when you look back at it. It's definitely been a wild ride getting here. In fact, I doubted I'd ever play basketball again at one point. But life it-self has taking away and given me things of unimaginable measures. One thing for certain, I'm grateful to be whole again, just to be able to do the simple things in life.

Nichols: And I believe I can say for all of your fans and supporters, that we're all happy to see such willpower and how it turned into such inspiration for others.

Lyric: And to all my fans, I thank you all for believing in me. This journey I'm on, it's no longer just my journey, it's everyone else who helped and shared paved the way.

Nichols: And one of your big supporters is rapper, Supernatural.

Lyric: Yes, definitely. Supe, as I like to call him, has been a major integral part of this story I'm writing. Without him reaching out to me like he did, I don't think I'd ever be here. But that's my guy. He looked out for me, we actually toured together, house venues, clubs, basketball events, we did a lot a couple years ago.

Nichols: You two have certainly blew up on social media, going viral just about every time you played a game in the Pro-Am.

Lyric: Yeah, we did our thing. Basketball is a part of the Hip-Hop culture, so it went hand in hand.

Nichols: Speaking of culture, the world got to see you play international as well. Playing overseas last year, working your way up to the NBA combine. How did that work out for you getting started?

Lyric: GoFundMe, haha...


Lyric: My cousin and I, we was just chilling one night, talking basketball, and a idea just came across us. It was a long shot attempt, starting a GoFundMe account, but we were shocked that it actually worked. We put up a few videos, got a few shares from the right people, and boom, it blows up.

Nichols: How much did you two make?

Lyric: Mmmm.... Roughly $7-8 thousand in a matter of weeks.

Nichols: That's amazing. And with that, you just took off, going overseas and broadcasting your games over social media.

Lyric: Yep, I wanted the whole world to see what they were investing in. It was the right thing to do.

Nichols: You played in many, many games over the year, touring from South America to Asia before returning home, how was the experience there being a household name with a dream?

Lyric: I cannot emphasize it enough, it was a-maz-ing! Like, it's one thing to go viral and your whole community, city, state, or whatever the measure takes notice of you, but people knew of me as I was coming to them. It wasn't no celebrity treatment, not at all, but the level of respect and the love out there were amazing to feel.

Nichols: It sounds like they took you in with warm welcoming arms.

Lyric: They definitely did.


Nichols: You found your-self still playing against top-caliber NBA players, and WNBA players this time around. Were there any different experience going overseas and proving not only to the fans who supported you, but also the association members of the league?

Lyric: Oh, yeah, certainly. I wouldn't say it was pressure, but I certainly lacked confidence in the early going. I didn't know what to expect. And it's funny, because for years now, all I've been doing was compete against professional athletes in both the street world and the association. It was like each game, each possession, I had to show my worth. I always had that chip on my shoulder..

Nichols: As the world watched, it was no doubt intense competition for you.

Lyric: Listen, as much as I love the warm weather, playing under those tropic and humid conditions in Brazil and Philippines, it didn't make it any easier I like to say. It was... a physical endurance among the excitement of others.

Nichols: But you made it out alive and your success story grows even bigger! Not only did you garnered tons of millions of viewers, you've stayed trending all over social media, the buzz around your name grows even larger, and money kept coming your way by way of your GoFundMe account.

Lyric: Yeah, I would have thought that since we made the money we needed to jumpstart this little project, my cousin would close down the account. But money just kept coming and coming in. We made at least, nearly $1 Million dollars.

Nichols: And now you have added a new community center in your hometown, Harlem, NY.

Lyric: "Songs of the Playground", affectionately known as, "The Booth". It's a junction center for recreational basketball, people of all ages, as well as a studio and specialized school of music arts for kids who're inspired by their dreams of music. Not only you learn the arts from some of the best musician teachers in New York, but you also just become a part of something so great for the community and the future.

Nichols: Wow, that's really, really amazing with what you did with the money, giving back to the community as much as they have given to you.

Lyric: Definitely, this is why this is not my journey alone. What I do, what I stand for, is for the people.


Nichols: With the new facility in place in your community, you have a private run, facing more competition. But the stakes didn't seem to be high, as it was more-so a charity game?

Lyric: No way, stakes are always high. Especially in the street ball world. Yeah, it was a charity game, but to us players, it's so much more than that. It was a brand new court, a brand new house, a brand new foundation to lay out pivotal futures. And as a street baller, dominating a court and making it yours, means everything. It means it is your house, and people had to respect it. And if I wanted people to respect the house that I built, I had to make it mine. I had to want it as much as I wanted my own dreams to come true.

Nichols: And it led you to Joel Embiid. The Philadelphia 76ers star took notice of your reputation around the world and took to twitter to issue out a challenge you to a game in his house, under his rules. Not only that, but you also had the opportunity to play in a more star-studded game than ever before. Was that an uphill battle for you? Or just a run of the mill?


Lyric: Definitely an uphill battle. You had guys out there like Embiid him-self, Anthony Davis, LeBron James, Paul George, Rudy Gobert. All these talented guys, they're stars. And even though it was just one game, they still played their heart out trying to outshine one another. It wasn't a team basketball game at all, it was a dog fight for everyone to dominate on someone else's court. But it was a blast and I really had a good time out there with those guys. and I definitely can't wait to meet them again on a more professional platform.

Nichols: Which leads you to the more "pivotal" game of your future, as you would put it, the NBA Combine. You did really well there, the scouts and GMs took notice of you and how well you were able to adapt to changing situations on the court. Games like the combine, players want to show off as much talent of their own as they can and raise up their stock in the draft, you did just that, making the lottery. Were there any doubts you would find yourself going that high in the draft?


Lyric: To be honest, yes, actually. I went out there and like said, did really well. But I felt I didn't do enough, felt like I could've do a few more things to solidify my-self. But then, being home, watching "First Take", seeing how Stephen A. and Max argue over how I fair, it then sunk in how promising things were forming accordingly. My girlfriend has some great connects in the tri-state area. She helped me get a sit-down with Leon Rose. His resume and list of athletes is phenomenal and I wanted to apart of his group he represented. One thing led to another, a call from his top guys to his office, and papers were drawn up and signed.

Nichols: You were mocked to go 9th in the NBA draft, but gone undrafted. As terrible as that is, how did this outcome affect you?

Lyric: I don't know how to put it in words. It was like... My gut just fell down to this abyss of emptiness, along with my heart. I wanted to feel like, "why couldn't I be the one given a chance", but I also had to understand there's 60 other players that the league had planned for. And as salty as it is, doing all that work, just to not to make the draft board, I had to take it with the grain.

Nichols: So what's next for Jamarion Houston? Are you still going to continue to play pro-am and tournaments around cities?

Lyric: Most likely. But my dream to make it in the NBA doesn't stop here. I had to keep telling my-self, it's just a setback. One day, my time will come.

Nichols: That's a really big positive way of looking at it, and I hope you do make it Mr. Houston.

Lyric: Thank you, I appreciate that. Until then, basketball for me doesn't stop. I'll keep going.

Nichols: I for one and all will say, we'll be watching. Jamarion Houston, thank you for your time, it's been a pleasure sitting with you.

Lyric: Anytime, pleasure is mine.

*With the interview completing it's production to broadcast, Lyric shoots home to be with his family. It wasn't the story that the world wanted to be told, but this was only a ending to a chapter. From Kentucky Wildcats, to "Rags To Riches". The "Supernatural" Tour, to becoming, "Mr. International", Lyric continue to dedicate his time to the game he loved. And despite the draft, with it behind him, new challenges, and a new adventure awaits. These are the tales of Jamarion Houston, "Songs of the Playground"...
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