Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 02 Mar 2019, 10:06

chosenone58 wrote:
02 Mar 2019, 09:04
Damn, D-Loading broke his ankle and his wrist
Something he's going to have to get used to
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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 02 Mar 2019, 11:07

HER... Pt.1

— 14 Games Later; November 18, 2019

The dream was finally being realized. Though it took years and obstacles, Lyric has become a full-fledged NBA player and was not wasting any opportunity given. Rolling with the Chicago Bulls, Lyric has kicked in doors around the nation lately, letting the NBA world know that he's here. Only at the age of 22, and already playing as if he's at the peak of his prime. It all came too easy for him academically. The way he's scoring the ball, automatically puts him in double-triple team coverage, which also allows him to display his passing skills. Thus far, he's been playing phenomenally on both sides of the ball, but the season is still early, and one thing is for certain: The NBA schedule can be unforgiving to the under-conditioned body...

*It was 10 A.M., Lyric lays stiffly in bed. Already, he has missed out on his morning run and morning practice. It was clear that Lyric's body was shredded.*

Ahmed: Yo! Lyric, get up man! It's already 10 O'clock bro. We gotta catch up on the day.

Lyric: ZzzzzZzZZzzZz.......

Ahmed: Lyric?.. Ugh, come on man. Wake up.

*Ahmed sees a sound system on the other side of the room and had a idea for these trying times. Quietly, he hooked his bluetooth up to the stereo and maxed out the volume.*

Ahmed: Aight, let's see if this works.

Ahmed searched through his recorded files on his phone, for his aunt's voice over quip, something that always got Lyric up in a hurry.


*Lyric pops up out his sleep as Ahmed snickers with a evil grin from afar.*

Lyric: Yoo, chill with that mess man. I really thought moms was up in here. *plops back in supine position*

Ahmed: Haha, I'm sorry man, but you was hard to wake up. Been calling for you for the last hour. Thought your ass might've been dead. Come on man, get up.

Lyric: What time is it?

Ahmed: It's a twenty after ten.

Lyric: Shit...

*Lyric took a deep breath and stretched out in bed*

Ahmed: You aight man? You didn't get enough sleep?

Lyric: Something like that. We got in late from San Antonio. Cuz, I got today and the next three days off, I just want to sleep away man. I never thought my body would be aching like this.

Ahmed: Yeah? Well, welcome to the NBA. This ain't like street ball, where you play to 21 or 5-minute quarters. You pushing through a full 48-minute game, night in, night out.

Lyric: Yeah, tell me about it. I'm doing what I can for the team, but my body is learning and adjusting the hard way.

*Ahmed tosses Lyric some clothes to put on, sitting on the edge of the bed, brushing his hair. Ahmed a thing for the waves trend and he liked to keep his as wavy as possible*

Lyric: Aight, so what's on the schedule for today?

Ahmed: Aight, so you missed morning run and you're already missing morning team practice. So you gonna get up, gets some food in your system and make it out for the afternoon session. We're not missing practice. You might be playing like A.I., but you ain't him.

Lyric: Obviously.

Ahmed: After that, the day is yours.

Lyric: Really? Nothing else?

Ahmed: Nah man, nothing else to report. I mean, unless you trying to ball out sometime before your next game.

Lyric: Sounds good, but I don't know. Coach was very adamant about getting rest.

Ahmed: I can imagine, but you on a four-day vacay. Last thing you want is to cool off too much. Look, I know a hot spot with some street ball comp. Put up a few competitive shots, and we call it a day. Keep that hand of yours hot fam, that's your meal ticket.

Lyric: And yours. Don't act like you not here to eat off the plate.

Ahmed: Hey, you the man in the streets, I just live in your world.

Lyric: Whatever, haha. It's all good. You know I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your initiative for that gofundme joint.

Ahmed: -sniff- Yeah, I know. I'm a genius.

*Lyric gives off a blank stare in disbelief.

Ahmed: Anyway hater, tonight we going out to celebrate.

Lyric: Celebrate? What's the occasion?

Ahmed: You my man. Your first full month in the NBA. We gonna hit the club up and wind down.

Lyric: Same spot as before?

Ahmed: Nah, even better. Found a hottie called "Atlantis Gentlemen's Club", it's my treat.

Lyric: Aight man, I'm with it. We on tonight...
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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 02 Mar 2019, 18:10

HER... Pt.2-1

— Street Bulls; November 19, 2019

Margaret Hie Ding Lin Park. One of the toughest place to ball out in all of Chicago. Tough, because the competition here was known to be top tier. Famous for being a notable site in beverage commercials that featured Chicago's own MVPs, Derrick Rose and Michael Jordan. It wasn't just a famous playground for the community, it was a place to cut teeth, get your skills up as well as your name. This was one of the places Lyric haven't had the pleasure to dance at. But today, he gets the honor among others...

Lyric: Yo, good looking for last night kid. Was much needed and I had mad fun.

Ahmed: No doubt. You been out here balling, got the weight of the world on your shoulders, watching you every step of the way. Had to do something for my cousin, take some of that edge off.

Lyric: Facts. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying what I do, a blessing in all. I still find parts of it sometime overwhelming, but I deal with it.

Ahmed: We all deal with it. You not alone, and don't you ever forget that. Look at how much the world has given you, and look at how much you given back. Y'all been trading off and stayed on good terms with each other. We all in this together fam.

Lyric: You right, you right. I appreciate that, word to the wise. So where we going G'? Sup with this hot spot you was talking about?

Ahmed: We're almost there, we about to pull up. It's a surprise, hopefully.

*Ahmed pulled the car over on the corner on East 18th Street & Wabash Ave, walking the rest down the block.*

Lyric: Hie Ding Lin Park. I heard about this place. Always wanted to come here and make music, but haven't had the chance to.

Ahmed: Well, we here now. Glad I got to introduce you to something new in your element.

Lyric: Yeah man, you got me riled up for this one.

Ahmed: Look like the court got some heavy attraction going on here. Come on, lets see what's up.

*Ahmed parted the crowd to get through the entry, everyone started to notice Lyric. Not expecting to see the famed street baller-turned-pro make an appearance, the fans nearly hound Lyric just to greet him. Ahmed literally had to double back and help Lyric survive the swarm of kids and teenagers that idolized him.*

Ahmed: You good cousin? Damn, they act like they never seen a basketball player.

Lyric: Haha, I'm good man. It's cool. Come on, we used to be like them back in the day when we was growing up.

Ahmed: I mean, yeah, but we hugged the fence and watch them, not tear them apart for souvenirs.

???: Well, well, well. If it isn't the almighty savior of the Bulls.

*Lyric looked out in the direction the attention was calling, surprised to see it being teammate Zach LaVine*

Lyric: Shit, what's good Zach? What you doing out here?

Zach: Doing what I do best when you're not hogging up the shine, haha.

Lyric: Oh, that's where we at? The hate is real, ha. Yo, this my cousin Ahmed, my personal assistant/sidekick.

Ahmed: Nice to meet you Zach. Big fan of yours.

Zach: Yeah? Well, maybe you can tell your cousin to pass the ball more often to me so I can showcase my talent too.

Lyric: Well, if you stop missing your shots, maybe I'd pass more your way more often, until then, I'll just keep "passing you by//Keep passing you by//".

*Lyric lets out a huge laugh while Zach and Ahmed tried to contain their composure from the embarrassing singing, but still snickers were let out.*

Zach: Whatever man. So what you guys doing out here. Come to watch me show out?

Ahmed: Something to the likes of that, at least for me for that matter. Cuzzo here is actually gonna run. Told him he gotta keep that hot hand going no matter how many days you guys got off.

Zach: Ahmed here's a smart man. Too bad me and my crew running this court up here.

Lyric: Oh yeah? Lets see how bad you are as you are on the NBA hardwood. Where's your squad?

Zach: We here. But I see you came alone, so grab up some of these runners on the fence and get dominated, partner.

Lyric: Say less. I'm going to enjoy taking you down a notch.

???: You know what I would like to enjoy? Some basketball. We running or not?

Lyric: Kris?

Kris: Oh snap! What's good? You running too?

Lyric: Yeah man, you need a runner?

Kris: Nah, I got my squad. Where's yours?

Zach: He's solo, haha. Round up your team Jamarion, you got next after this one. Give you time to ready up and prepare to hand over that "The One" moniker to yours truly.

*Lyric waves off Zach's machismo".

Lyric: I heavily doubt that, but I'll be watching.

*As Zach LaVine and Kris Dunn prepped to run their game, Lyric looks around, not seeing eye-catching talent. But nonetheless, Lyric mind his manners as you can't judge a book by a cover*

Ahmed: You think you can handle this? I won't think less of you if you snuck out here.

Lyric: Sit down Ahmed. Enjoy the show...
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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 02 Mar 2019, 18:11

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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 02 Mar 2019, 19:32

HER... Pt.2-2

— The Illest Chick Straight Outta Nebraska; November 19, 2019

Margaret Hie Ding Lin Park. Another showcase in Lyric's tour of world domination to strike off the list. Lyric was lucky enough to find a couple of gems hidden among the crowd. Some high schoolers, but had the potential to make it to the NBA if they keep striving in that direction. In a set of three games, Lyric did work and made short order of LaVine and Dunn's teams. While they were enemies for the night, this would only bring them much more closer as a unit, on and off the court. The real prize here for everyone was chemistry...

Lyric: Yo, good games y'all.

Zach: No doubt. You earned my respect on the hardwood and blacktop.

Kris: Me too. That 360 was sick man. I'm still not over that.

Lyric: It's all respect all around fam. Ain't no losers tonight. Just getting familiar. And now that I know where the hiding spot is for y'all, maybe we can do something with this.

Zach: Hmm, yeah, I'm catching on to it. Maybe. We'll see though. We still gotta grind out this season.

Ahmed: Aye' man! Good game to all of y'all bros. Y'all really rocked the house.

*The three teammates gave each other a dap and bro-hug*.

Kris: Aight man, we'll see you two later. Yo, Houston, see you at practice tomorrow!

Lyric: Count on it.

*Both Zach and Kris left together in a black SUV parked just off the corner.*

Lyric: Whew! Yo, I. Am. BEAT!

Ahmed: Come on then, lets get you home.

Lyric: Man, it's good that we got a home-stay until next Wednesday. You really ruined my four-day vacay, and I don't know if I'll get another!

Ahmed: Yeah, but you love me though.

Lyric: There you go with that funky ass machismo again, haha.

*As the two grabbed their things and began to head to the exit, a young female grasped Lyric's ear from afar.*

???: Hey big head, good game tonight.

*Lyric almost spins around as if he knew the person off rip, but to his dismay, it was an apparent unknown female. Beautiful as they come among the stable of other women she was parlaying with, interest in both Ahmed and Lyric peaked as they made their way over.*

Lyric: I'm sorry, but have we met before?

???: I mean, I guess we have, but not really. You might know me if you can remember, but I know of you.

Ahmed: Wait, wait, you look awfully familiar... Aren't you that Ayisha chick? Ayisha Diaz? The Instagram model.

*Ayisha kept her eyes on Lyric, smiling and biting her lip as realization set in*

Lyric: Ahhh! Okay. Yeah, yeah, I remember now.

Ayisha: Okay, you remember now?

Lyric: I do now. Sorry for not putting name to face quicker. You see a lot, meet a lot. What you doing out here?

Ayisha: Just out visiting some family, I didn't to run into you here.

Ahmed: Y'all know each other? Y'all go back or something?

Lyric: Nah, nah, it's nothing like that. We bumped into each other a time or two. I remember she was at the celebratory reception back when I won the "Rags To Riches" show. Yeah, I definitely remember. You was arm candy for Drake there.

Ayisha: Yeah, something like that. It was nothing serious. But I see you all grown up, looking good, it's nice to see you again.

Lyric: Yeah, thanks. I've been through a ton of shit, but it got me to be where I'm at and I can't be more happier at the moment.

Ahmed: Hey, I'ma get the car man. It's getting late.

Lyric: Aight, yeah, it is. I'll be with you in a minute.

Ahmed: Ayisha, it was nice meeting you.

Ayisha: You too... So, the NBA got a curfew on you?

Lyric: More or less, but I got practice tomorrow, so I gotta be sharp for that.

Ayisha: Okay, what you doing afterwards? Maybe we can catch up and grab a bite?

Lyric: Hmm, I don't know Ma, I'm trying to watch my diet.

Ayisha: Haha, that's your excuse? Come on, it's just two friends for lunch, or dinner.

Lyric: We friends now?

Ayisha: We can be. That depends if you want to take down my number.

*Not much time to ponder about it as Ahmed blew the horn to signal his cousin, Lyric pulls his phone out of his duffle bag and allows Ayisha to enter her contact.*

Ayisha: So, I take that as a yes, on the friends end?

Lyric: I guess that's what it means. So, I shall see you tomorrow then, for lunch?

Ayisha: You let me know the place, I'll be there.

Lyric: Aight, bet. It was a pleasure seeing you. You take care of yourself.

Ayisha: You definitely will...

*Lyric tried to catch all of her last words as he made his way to Ahmed. Not sure if suggestive, might've heard wrong, but waivers off whatever intentions might be. Harmless lunch, could it be? *

Ahmed: All's good cousin? You finished slobbering and ready to go?

Lyric: Yes, Mr. Funny Man, let's go home...

*Just as Lyric settling in the car, pulling off, Lyric's phone rings. Seeing the caller ID light up before answering, it was Tammy calling...*
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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 02 Mar 2019, 20:50


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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by chosenone58 » 03 Mar 2019, 11:20

Don't step out on Tammy, bro. It's too early for this
Creator of Derek Baldwin da Gawd
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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 03 Mar 2019, 15:55

chosenone58 wrote:
03 Mar 2019, 11:20
Don't step out on Tammy, bro. It's too early for this
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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by The JZA » 05 Mar 2019, 04:59

HER... Pt.3

— Playing With Fire?; November 20, 2019

It seemed as if today's afternoon could not get here any faster for one particular reason, involving around yours truly, Lyric him-self; meeting up with Ayisha Diaz. For lyric, this escapade was a new adventure on the horizon, if it's said to be. But what really kept her on his mind all morning long was why is she entering his life at this time? For what purpose? With Tammy calling Lyric last night, it was a no brainer of divine intervention. As much as it is suggested in his head to stay away, he was allured by the inquisition of the unknown. But he knew he must be on his guard...

Lyric: Hey, sorry to keep you waiting.

Ayisha: Hey yourself. It's okay, glad you could make it.

Lyric: Of course I'd be here, would never stand a person up.

Ayisha: So, you saying that you had every intentions to see me today? -flirtatiously spoken-

Lyric: Hmm, yeah, I guess. Like to be a man of my word, if that satisfies you.

Ayisha: Good, I like that.

*The two met at The Waterfront Cafe, just off Edgewater Beach. Not too crowded, not too secluded from the public. Nice little spot off the end of the beach, risen over the shore, looking onward to the endless view of Lake Michigan. For this time of the year, the weather was abnormally nice. A cool 70 degrees with calm winds. The day was just a nice day to suit a outdoor retreat for food.

Lyric: So what's good? We eating or what?

Ayisha: What you in the mood for?

Lyric: Hmm... Definitely got a craving for a seafood. What you got a taste for?

Ayisha: I don't think they have what I want on the menu here, but I do like what I see.

*Ayisha finesses her fingernail across her bottom lip, eyeing down Lyric's masculinity in his urban, but fitted dresswear. From the time he walked in, she hasn't taken her eyes off him. Checking his demeaning swagger as he approached the table. But having a better look, up close, had her attention in more ways than he expected.*

Lyric: What you see?

Ayisha: Huh? No, I said, I like the view of the sea. It's pretty. I've always like being out by the water.

Lyric: Oh, word. Yeah, well I'm glad you're enjoying your-self.

Waitress: Hi! Are we ready to order here?

*Lyric looks over the menu once more quickly before settling.*

Lyric: Yeah, um, I'll have the Shrimp Ceviche, Blackened Salmon Cobb, and a bottle of Pinot Grigio.

Ayisha: I'll have the same as the Shrimp Ceviche, and a order of Tres Leche.

Waitress: Okay, I'll return with your meals shortly.

Ayisha: Look at you, big boy sophisticated. Thought you were trying to watch what you eat?

Lyric: I am, but I feel a little cheat wouldn't hurt. My workout grind is nearly everyday, so I'll burn this off easy.

Ayisha: You look good.

Lyric: Yeah? I try, thank you.

Ayisha: ... No compliment for me?

Lyric: I mean, you aight. I'm the star of the attention here. I seen your little instagram profile, you think you popping.

Ayisha: Yeah, is that a problem?

Lyric: Nope, just my way of saying you look gorgeous yourself... But you aight though, haha.

Ayisha: Mhm, whatever. Bet you wasn't thinking that while you were liking my pictures.

Lyric: Aye', I'm just a friendly follower like the rest. Well, maybe not THAT friendly like some of them guys that be oogling over you.

Ayisha: You see that ish, right? You won't believe the thirst on there, like for real.

Lyric: Trust, I can imagine. Guys be throwing themselves at you all day long, so trust, you won't get that same treatment here, even if I wanted to.

Ayisha: Haha, thank you, very kind of you.

Lyric: So, lets get to the meat of things; what's really good? You pop up out of nowhere. I'm well aware of your status-

Ayisha: My status? What's that suppose to mean?

Lyric: Just saying, you're kind of a big deal in the modeling world I suppose. Photoshoots, videos, magazines. I do my homework. Calm down, no need to snap.

Ayisha: Not snapping, just sounded a little offensive. I'm sorry.

Lyric: You straight, no offense intended.

*Just before Ayisha could answer on the spot of Lyric's interrogation, the waitress returns with their meal order. Both meals exquisitely prepped and presented in top class fashion, Lyric was one to dig in, but held back just as the waitress opened the bottle and poured glasses for the table, sitting the rest on ice.*

Ayisha: I guess I liked what I seen, and took a chance. I get a lot of guys hitting on me, thinking I'm easy, never really taking an interest in me. But I get the feeling you're not like that, so I wanted to see what you're about.

Lyric: Hey, I'm flattered, honestly. But, I have to tell you, I'm in a relationship. Got a woman back home. I'm not even suppose to be here, but I took a chance on your intent of "friendship".

Ayisha: And that is my intention. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I don't just give my-self to anyone like that, come on. Yes, I gave you my number, which is something I rarely do, but like I said, I seen what I like, took a chance. It's not the first time I've crossed paths with you. I'm not interested in a relationship right now. Just looking for friends, something I lack of lately.

Lyric: ... Aight, I hear you. I didn't want you getting the wrong idea. Hey, I'm cool with us being friendly. Just got to have my respects, and vice versa. But for real though, how much have we seen of each other? I hardly remember crossing paths with you. Except for that one time back in Toronto.

*Ayisha goes into detail mode, giving up the spots and dates that intertwined the presences, but not never directly meeting and getting acquainted. The two enjoy their meal, talking for over an hour at the shoresided cafe. For two practical strangers, they both found a lot in common with their personal lives, interests, growing up in New York, going far as having mutual friends since Lyric was in high school. Lyric was taken a liking to Ayisha more than he should have, but it's natural, given how much background they share rising up out of poverty and the streets as teens. But he knew to never cross that boundary. As for Ayisha, the sparkle in her eye, as the sunset began to overcast, couldn't go unnoticed. But lines were drawn.*

Lyric: Dayum, this is nuts yo. That's tight you know my mans Stevie from Polo Grounds, that was my dude. Yo, I miss him like crazy.

Ayisha: We practically hung out together all the time while he was dating my cousin. I'm surprised I haven't ran into you with him.

Lyric: Yeah, definitely. But you know, things happen for a reason, but we here now.

Ayisha: True...

Lyric: -Looks at his Invicta Specialty: Model 1270 watch for the time- Aight Ms. Diaz, I really had a good time today. It's been a real pleasure getting to know you on a personal platform. Not going to lie, I was a little skeptical of things, wondering why somebody so fine as you, rolling up in my life like this. But uhh, we really clicked today.

Ayisha: Yeah, we did. Sorry, we hadn't ran into each other the last, what? 7-8 years? Like you said, things happens. But it was a pleasure here too.

Lyric: Definitely, you aight.

Ayisha: Yeah, you aight too. So umm, you going to hook a girl up with some tickets for the next few home games you got? Preferably courtside.

Lyric: I said you was aight, not banging like Death Metal Hot Wings!

Ayisha: Haha!! You aight too! Where did Stevie get that from? He always putting crazy types of hot sauce on his wings and be going bonkers like he's some punk rockstar, haha.

Lyric: Yours truly. I don't know what got him into doing that, but one night was at this party and there was mad wings on the kitchen table, like a sea of wings from end to end. They ended up having a contest, but the host never mentioned the wings were loaded on sauce. So everyone eatings it, and freaking out from the hotness and spice. The negro Stevie started screaming all kinds of demonic shouts and bopping his head like crazy... Then he just kept on eating them like that, we dubbed it "Death Metal Hot Wings" from the amount of sauce that was dumped on it... Crazy... Good times though, good times.

Ayisha: I remember when...

The conversation seated Lyric back into his chair. The conversation surrounded their late friend Stevie Martz, the memories and love for him, kept the two going until nightfall. Every passing minute, Lyric couldn't help but feel more comfortable around her. Just being someone easy to talk to. Or something of a filler in the void of a missed companion. Though Tammy had Lyric's heart, Ayisha would hold Lyric's for the day with pleasantries of tales from the past. One thing for certain, it was a coming for this relationship, seeing how fast they hit it off. Both understanding their busy status of time and schedule, it was something still to be explored. A straight and narrow path with boundaries, or rocky turbulence as one thing took off...
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Songs of the Playground | The Lyric of Jamarion Houston

Post by chosenone58 » 06 Mar 2019, 01:56

This just friends shit is not going to last
Creator of Derek Baldwin da Gawd
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