Ruthless Aggression | A WWE Universe

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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by djp73 » 10 Jun 2020, 07:09

Lita taking no prisoners!

Cena got beef with Lashley for no reason? Lashley up for a push?

Goldberg vs Booker is a good match-up, surprised that wasn't closer.

Nice nWo vs Hardys match, Extreme Rules should be fun!
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 10 Jun 2020, 07:18

djp73 wrote:
10 Jun 2020, 07:09
Lita taking no prisoners!

Cena got beef with Lashley for no reason? Lashley up for a push?

Goldberg vs Booker is a good match-up, surprised that wasn't closer.

Nice nWo vs Hardys match, Extreme Rules should be fun!
Yeah I guess we're gonna find out what the deal is with the whole Cena vs. Lashley thing. Goldberg is ridiculous lol like his moves do so much damage.

nWo vs. the Hardyz should be good
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 11 Jun 2020, 20:34


September Week 2 | Uncasville, CT

Show Opener Promo: The Rock
The Rock kicked off Smackdown! by calling out the recently crowned #1 contender for his WWE Title, Macho Man Randy Savage, to come down to the ring and face him. Savage told him that he may be from an older era of the WWE, but he has a few tricks in his bag The Rock will never have and he will use those to defeat him for his title. The Rock reiterated that he reformed the Nation of Domination precisely because of people like Savage. Old, white superstars who want to keep themselves at the top, The Rock said this is his time now and he's not giving up his spot to anybody. The Rock lowered his mic and got in Savage's face and started talking trash to him inaudibly, and Savage finally had enough and headbutted The Rock before the two got into a full on brawl in the ring. Eventually the referee had to try to break things up as several other officials stormed in from backstage to separate the two and stop them from causing any more chaos.

Match #1: One on One Normal | Kane w/ Undertaker vs. Mark Henry w/ Papa Shango
Mark Henry came out like a house on fire, showing a serious display of power against Kane and dominating the match from the outset. When he hit the World's Strongest Slam on the Big Red Machine, it looked like it was all but over but Kane kicked out of Henry's finisher at 2 and three quarters. Henry, enraged by the referee's perceived slow count, turned his attention to the official and that was his mistake. By the time he was done with that discussion, Kane had recovered and started to mount some offense of his own with a series of big boots. Henry eventually rallied, but then seemingly out of nowhere, Kane whipped Henry into the ropes and on the rebound, popped the 400 pound start into the air, caught him by the neck and chokeslammed him. Henry was not getting up from that as Papa Shango could only look on in horror as the Nation of Domination took their first loss.
Winner: Kane by pinfall.

Match #2: One on One Normal | Eddie Guerrero (3) vs. Christian (6) | King of the Ring Quarter-Final
Eddie Guerrero came into this as the favourite, as both a higher seed and the more experienced singles competitor, with Christian only recently having left his tag-team partner ship with Edge. But Christian looked perfectly comfortable in singles action, holding his own against Eddie, and even taking advantage when things spilled to the outside of the ring. Christian looked set for a big momentum swing in his favour when he went for a diving splash off the top rope, but a game Guerrero got both knees up into Christian's chest to counter him before hitting the Three Amigos and getting a near-fall. Despite the kick-out, it looked like things were done for Christian, but when Eddie dragged him to his feet and to the ropes, Christian was able to bounce his neck off the ropes to get back in the match. A series of reversals was followed by a Killswitch from Christian, but that was only enough to keep Guerrero down for two on the pin. The two wrestlers exchanged blows, and Christian once again took advantage. Then he went for the unexpected, climbing the top rope and hitting Eddie with his own move, the Five-Star Frog Splash and pinning him for a three-count and surprise upset victory. After the win, Guerrero looked disappointed, but offered his hand to a suspicious Christian, who eventually reached out his own and the two exchanged handshakes. Display of good sportsmanship from Eddie Guerrero or is there something more to this?
Winner: Christian by pinfall.

Main Event: One on One Normal | X-Pac (7) w/ D-Generation X vs. Kurt Angle (2) | King of the Ring Quarter-Final
X-Pac came into this match as a major underdog, but he did have two of the best players in the game, Triple H and Shawn Michaels in his corner. Angle looked to put away X-Pac early, locking him in a sleeper hold that nearly incapacitated him, but Pac was able to break out. X-Pac mounted a bit of offense from there but then Angle started putting on a technical wrestling clinic. Belly to belly suplex, german suplex and a wrestling takedown to ground the usually high flying X-Pac. Just as it looked like Angle was going to roll on to victory though, X-Pac was able to counter him and hit a tornado DDT off the top rope to get back in things. Unfortunately for him, Angle didn't stay down for long and followed that up with a tornado DDT of his own and then a series of german suplexes. Rather than go for the Angle Slam to finish, Angle just pinned X-Pac right there for three to move on to the next round. Post-match, X-Pac looked upset at having lost to Angle without even eating one of his finishers, but his D-X buddies helped to cheer him up.
Winner: Kurt Angle by pinfall.

Show Closer Promo: Shelton Benjamin
Before the show could come to a close, Shelton Benjamin called out Randy Orton, demanding a rematch for the Intercontinental Title. When Orton came down to the ring he smirked, and said just a few words, "You want it, you got it. You're just going to have to do one thing first. You'll need to beat an opponent of my choosing next week. If you can do that, you get a shot at my belt at Backlash, if you can't? Well maybe your opponent will be the one who gets the title shot." Orton dropped the mic and walked off and Shelton nodded his head confidently, ready for the challenge awaiting him next week.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by djp73 » 12 Jun 2020, 08:54

Rock vs Macho Man is going to be epic. Two of the best personalities of all time!

A couple big boots and a chokeslam would do anyone in.

Nice to see Christian win, always liked him. Sounds like a great match there.

So much for the X-Pac upsets.

Wonder who Orton will put between him and Benjamin? :hmm:

Good show!
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 12 Jun 2020, 10:39

djp73 wrote:
12 Jun 2020, 08:54
Rock vs Macho Man is going to be epic. Two of the best personalities of all time!

A couple big boots and a chokeslam would do anyone in.

Nice to see Christian win, always liked him. Sounds like a great match there.

So much for the X-Pac upsets.

Wonder who Orton will put between him and Benjamin?

Good show!
Actually not sure yet on this. Few different options. I imagine it won't be anyone who's in the KOTR tournament still though so Mysterio, Lesnar, Christian and Kurt Angle are ruled out.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by djp73 » 12 Jun 2020, 12:30

Should still have some good options, maybe an older era guy.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 12 Jun 2020, 15:51

djp73 wrote:
12 Jun 2020, 12:30
Should still have some good options, maybe an older era guy.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 13 Jun 2020, 05:45


Updated Smackdown! King of the Ring Tournament Bracket after Quarter-Finals

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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 14 Jun 2020, 17:22


September Week 3

Backstage | Goldberg vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan
Goldberg was walk around backstage with his title belt when all of a sudden he was ambushed from behind by Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Hogan started stomping out the champion before Goldberg grabbed his leg and flipped him onto his backside. Goldberg started to land some offense for a while, but eventually Hogan whipped him straight into the locker room door and into the locker room itself. There, Hogan made use of every foreign object imaginable to inflict damaged on Goldberg, including a chair, garbage can and the lockers themselves, before finishing him off with his signature leg drop.

Match #1: One on One Normal | Bobby Lashley vs. John Cena
Bobby Lashley came out like a house on fire looking to get some revenge on Cena for interfering in his match last week. Cena seemed almost helpless against Lashley's offense until the Big Show's theme started to play through the speakers. Lashley turned his focus to a slowly approaching United States Champion, which gave Cena enough time to recover and hit him from behind. The action from there spilled outside the ring, and while Lashley was still in control, that didn't last long. Just after slammed Cena into a table and getting ready to roll him back in the ring to finish him off, Lashley was hit with a massive big boot from behind by Big Show. The referee immediately called for the bell, but Show didn't care, picking up Lashley and chokeslamming him before heading back up the ramp. A confused John Cena could only sit in the ring questioning why Show had decided to get that involved.
Winner: Bobby Lashley by disqualification.

Match #2: Mixed Tag Team | Edge & Lita vs. Chyna and Batista
Lita and Chyna have had a rivalry going for the last several weeks, and while Chyna expressed prior to this match she had no interest in a one on one fight with Lita that wasn't for the Women's Championship, Lita suggested they find another way to compete against each other. Lita sought out the help of her boyfriend Edge, while she told Chyna to find one of the guys in the locker room to be her tag partner for tonight. When Chyna came out for the match, she motioned for a mic and announced that she'd be teaming up with "an absolute ANIMAL" tonight. Shortly after, Batista made his way out to join her. The two powerhouses made an absolute mockery of Lita and Edge in the match, overpowering them completely and never really letting them get much offense in. It was Batista who would pick up the win for them though, hitting Edge with a Batista Bomb while Chyna prevented Lita from interfering with a Pedigree outside of the ring.
Winners: Batista and Chyna by pinfall.

Main Event: Extreme Rules Tag | nWo vs. Hardy Boyz | World Tag Team Championships
This one got going before the nWo could even get through their entrance. The Hardyz pounced on them and both teams started fighting with everything they could outside the ring. The nWo elected for chair shots, Matt and Jeff opted for kendo sticks and both teams went at each other with weapons relentlessly. It wasn't until the action made its way back into the ring that one team started to gain an advantage, the nWo. There was a clear size mismatch between the two teams, particularly with Nash standing nearly 7'0, and in the confined space of the ring, the Hardyz speed wasn't much of an advantage. At one point though they did rally and Matt slipped out of the ring to grab a table, planning to put Hall through it, but Nash stopped him once he got back in the ring. A chair shot to Jeff's back from Nash and a big boot to Matt once again turned the tide in the nWo's favour. Then, Scott Hall grabbed a lighter and small vial of gasoline out of his boot and doused the table with it then lit it on fire. He hoisted up Jeff Hardy and Crucifix Powerbombed him directly through the flaming table before pulling him out of the ashes and pinning him for the victory. The nWo celebrated their tag team title win, but one has to think the lengths they went to get it were excessive and dangerous. If they're willing to do this just to get the titles, what will they be willing to do to keep them?
Winners: The nWo by pinfall.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by djp73 » 15 Jun 2020, 08:05

Goldberg vs Hogan is a great feud

Weird interference by Show in Cena vs Lashley match, wonder where that is going?

Yikes in the Edge/Lita vs Chyna/Batista match, couldn't see that one going any other way.

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