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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K Universe

Posted: 14 Jan 2021, 18:20
by Xixak

February Week 4 | Cohasset, MA

Match #1: Rey Mysterio vs. Shawn Michaels | One on One Normal Match
HBK asked to face Rey Mysterio again after losing to him last week. This time not for the title but simply as a chance to prep himself for the Elimination Chamber match on Sunday. He and Rey have had a good relationship so Mysterio agreed and they were set to face off for the second straight week. Mysterio caught HBK with a 6-1-9 early, but when he went for the springboard senton, HBK rolled out of the way. Then Shawn started to build up some momentum, hitting Rey with the diving elbow to close out a flurry of attacks. He tuned up the the band but Rey ducked under his Sweet Chin Music attempt and kicked his legs out from under him. Then Rey climbed the ropes and delivered a West Coast Pop and HBK kicked out at two. So he climbed again, HBK still kicked out at two. Finally, Rey hit the West Coast Pop a third time and HBK simply had nothing left. Almost immediately after the bell rang, Eddie Guerrero rushed the ring and attacked Mysterio from behind. Then he picked up Rey's IC title and smashed him over the head with it, leaving the champ dripping blood from inside his mask.
Winner: Rey Mysterio by pinfall.

Match #2: Edge & Christian vs. Hart Foundation | Two on Two Tag Team
Edge started off this match but not long into it, he was near the corner and Christian again slapped him on the back to tag himself in. Edge finally lost it and just decked Christian with a punch and walked out of the match. Left to face the Hart Foundation 2 on 1, Christian had no chance and was quickly dispatched with a Hart Attack tag team finisher. After the match, a furious Christian grabbed the microphone and called out Edge, "You think you can walk out on me huh Edge? Because you have a title shot at Wrestlemania and I don't? You think you're better than me? Why don't we find out? Me, you, at the pay-per-view. And if you've got the balls why not put that Wrestlemania title shot on the line?" Edge appeared on the titantron and responded, "You're just not ready for the big leagues, Christian, but if it's a challenge you want, fine, I accept. I'll teach you a lesson on Sunday."
Winners: Hart Foundation by pinfall.

Match #3: Hardy Boyz vs. nWo | Two on Two Tag Team | #1 Contender's Match
As tensions have risen between the Hardyz and nWo, Vince McMahon decided to cool things down a bit by giving BOTH of them an opportunity at the tag team titles at Elimination Chamber. That didn't exactly work though. The Hardyz were tired of being jumped by Hall and Nash and decided to take the fight to them this time, attacking them before the match. Things eventually did get started however and it was a fairly even contest. Jeff Hardy turned things in the Hardyz favour by hitting Hall with a Twist of Fate and then teaming with his brother to hit him with the Extreme Combination. While Jeff held off Kevin Nash, Matt went for the pin but Hall somehow kicked out at two. Matt couldn't believe it and after some time went for a second cover, but Hall was playing possum. He rolled Hardy up into a School boy cover and Hardy simply couldn't get out of it and succumbed to the three count. The nWo celebrated their victory, laughing and mocking a frustrated Hardy Boyz duo post-match.
Winners: nWo by pinfall.

Main Event: Goldberg vs. Sting | One on One Normal Match | Elimination Chamber Qualifier
And for the last spot in the Elimination Chamber match, a clash between two titans of the former WCW, the "Icon" Sting and Goldberg. While this didn't last quite as long as some would've hoped, it was still a great match. Coming in, Goldberg only had one loss in WWE, courtesy of the retired Hollywood Hulk Hogan and the nWo. Sting looked to change that. He came out in a flurry, but eventually was stopped dead in his tracks by a belly to belly suplex from Goldberg. From there it was all 'Berg, as after a series of slams he hit Sting with the spear and it was all over almost as quickly as it started. After the match, Sting offered Goldberg a handshake, and Goldberg, somewhat cautiously accepted it, remembering Sting's previous affiliation with the nWo. They shook hands and Sting clapped off Goldberg as he exited the ring. Goldberg celebrated earning the 6th and final spot in the Elimination Chamber match with the fans.
Winner: Goldberg by pinfall.

Show Closer Promo: Lita | Call Out
Lita took to the ring to close the show much like Trish last week, and called out the Women's Champion. After Trish came out they traded barbs with each other before Lita shared some new information, "Trish, I have a new trick up my sleeve for this pay-per-view match with you, a MAN advantage, one might call it." Trish looked at Lita confused by what she meant until Edge's music started to blare from the speakers. Trish stood there shocked as one of her good friends, and fellow Canadians, Edge entered the ring and stood next to Lita. Lita continued, "I have a new man in my corner, and we'll both be supporting each other in our matches at the pay-per-view." With that Lita dropped the mic, kissed Edge and the two walked off as the show faded to black and an astonished Trish Stratus stood alone in the ring.

Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K Universe

Posted: 14 Jan 2021, 19:28
by Agent
Lita & Trish getting the last television block 2 weeks in a row :obama: Womens revolution starting early

DAMN Eddie. Setting up a nice IC match

Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K Universe

Posted: 14 Jan 2021, 20:36
by Xixak
Agent wrote:
14 Jan 2021, 19:28
Lita & Trish getting the last television block 2 weeks in a row :obama: Womens revolution starting early

DAMN Eddie. Setting up a nice IC match
We equal opportunity here :yep:

Eddie cheating cheating lol

Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K Universe

Posted: 15 Jan 2021, 20:31
by Xixak

February PPV | Mobile, AL

Match #1: Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Eddie Guerrero | One on One Normal Match | Intercontinental Championship
After weeks of ambushes from Guerrero, Mysterio was finally ready to get his hands on his former friend in this Intercontinental Championship match. But Rey came in weakened from the attacks and it showed. While he was in control for most of the matchup, he clearly wasn't at full strength and seemed a little bit slow on his usually fast-paced moveset. That ended up being crucial when Rey did hit Eddie with the 6-1-9, but took too long to set up his West Coast Pop and Eddie got his knees up to counter it. Later in the match, Eddie hit Rey with the Three Amigos suplexes, but the referee was stopped at two. This incited Eddie to "argue" with the ref, but really it was just a ploy to get Mysterio to charge at him. Rey did, and accidentally took out the official instead as Eddie moved out of the way. Guerrero then slipped outside and grabbed a chair from under the apron as Rey gave chase to him. Just when Rey caught up, Guerrero turned and smashed the champion over the head with the chair once, then twice, then a third time, as blood gushed from Mysterio's face. The incapacitated referee missed all of this, but woke up just in time for Guerrero to roll Rey back into the ring, hit him with a Frog Splash and steal the championship from his former friend. It seemed even that wasn't enough for Eddie though, as just like earlier this week on RAW is WAR, he lined up Rey for a hit to the face with the title after the match, leaivng him in a bloody heap in the center of the ring.
Winner: Eddie Guerrero by pinfall.

Match #2: Lita w/ Edge vs. Trish Stratus (c) | One on One Normal Match | Women's Championship
Lita came out sporting a new, racy, Rated-R t-shirt, flanked by her new boyfriend, Edge. It wasn't just the new looks though, Lita also had a new attitude, one shared by Edge, a willingness to win at all costs. She'd abandoned her typical show-woman, high-flying act, in favour of a more cerebral attack. This was most exemplified when Trish gained the upper hand in the matchup and Lita slyly rolled outside the ring. She then put Edge in between her and Trish blocking the champion's path. Trish eventually got fed up and slapped Edge and ran past him after Lita, but Lita slipped back into the ring. When Trish followed her back inside she was hit with a quick Twist of Fate and then Lita hit her with a diving moonsault. Trish simply wasn't going to kick out of that and Lita walked away with the Women's Championship just like that. It looks like this alliance or relationship between Edge and Lita is already paying dividends for the latter.
Winner: Lita by pinfall.

Match #3: Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena (c) | One on One Normal Match | United States Championship
After suffering a brutal attack at the hands of John Cena four weeks ago, Daniel Bryan was back and ready to challenge Cena for his United States Championship on pay-per-view. Cena didn't seem intent on letting that happen at all. He again attacked Bryan, this time from behind during his entrance. The resultant altercation ended with Bryan receiving a shot directly to the head with a baseball bat from Cena that rendered him unconscious and unable to compete.
Winner: No Contest

Match #4: Edge w/ Lita vs. Christian | One on One Normal Match
It was finally time for these two former friends, former tag partners and former tag team champions to settle the score, go their separate ways and find out which of the two was better. Christian had been envious the past few weeks of Edge's Royal Rumble win and future status as a main eventer. Edge had slowly been slipping to the dark side, with an increasingly heelish approach to his matches. Despite all this, when they finally stood face to face, Christian relaxed. He saw a fury in his former friend's eyes that he wanted to calm down and he offered a handshake, an olive branch of sorts. Well Edge took that olive branch and turned it into an Edgecution, leveling Christian instantly to start the match. The spear that came next could've easily ended the match but Edge wanted blood. He speared Christian two more times before taking him outside the ring and putting him through the table with a second Edgecution. Christian's lifeless body was then rolled back into the ring and as he slowly and painstakingly rose to his feet, Edge readied and delivered a fourth and final spear to grab the win. There would be no reconciliation here and restoring of the friendship, Edge was done with Christian and moving on to the Wrestlemania main event without him.
Winner: Edge by pinfall.

Match #5: Brothers of Destruction (c) vs. Hardy Boyz vs. nWo | Triple Threat Tornado Tag | World Tag Team Championships
This was absolute chaos. The tornado tag triple threat rules meant that all six superstars would be in the ring at once, and any pinfall would result in the pinners team claiming the World Tag Team Championships. Tensions had run high between all three of these teams the last few weeks, but the blindside attacks from the nWo had pissed off both the Brothers of Destruction and the Hardyz so the two pairs of brothers effectively made this a 4 on 2 match early on, double teaming Hall and Nash from the get-go. With the nWo eventually out of the way, the Brothers of Destruction and Hardyz could focus on each other. The size mismatch seemed to be too much for Jeff and Matt though and with the lack of space in the ring, there was little opportunity for high-flying moves. Kane and Taker hit their finishers simultaneously on the Hardyz, and with the nWo beaten outside of the ring, there was no one to interfere as the Devil's Favourite Demon and the Deadman retained their tag team titles.
Winners: Brothers of Destruction by pinfall.

Match #6: Ric Flair vs. Triple H vs. Batista | Triple Threat Falls Count Anywhere
This wasn't a scheduled match. Before the Elimination Chamber main event, Batista came out to the ring. He was frustrated at losing a chance at the title to Orton and blamed the rest of Evolution for getting in his way. The Animal demanded that Flair and HHH come out and face him in a falls count anywhere match to finally sever the bond between him and his former mentors. They both came out soon after and the bell rang for the match to begin. Flair and HHH decided to work together initially to take Batista down before going after each other. HHH took control but Batista didn't take long to get back involved in the match. As those two fought, Flair recovered... but rather than get back in the ring and get involved, he simply let them duke it out. Just when it looked like Batista was starting to gain the advantage over the former leader of Evolution, Flair rolled back into the ring and low-blowed the Animal, forcing him to writhe in pain and slip out of the ring. Flair then locked HHH into a figure-four leglock and there was simply nowhere for The Game to go as he was forced to tap. In a somewhat embarrassing loss for HHH and Batista, the oldest former member of Evolution, Ric Flair, strutted his way out of the ring and to the top of the stage and laughed as HHH and Batista could only look on in confusion and frustration.
Winner: Ric Flair by submission.

Main Event: The Rock (c) vs. Goldberg vs. Randy Orton vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Brock Lesnar | Elimination Chamber Match | Undisputed Championship

Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K Universe

Posted: 15 Jan 2021, 22:16
by Agent
Nice incorporating the main event. Makes me wanna install 2k19. Brock Lesnar isnt the beast for nothing

Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K Universe

Posted: 16 Jan 2021, 04:00
by Xixak
Agent wrote:
15 Jan 2021, 22:16
Nice incorporating the main event. Makes me wanna install 2k19. Brock Lesnar isnt the beast for nothing
Yeah think the videos add a bit more life to it. And yeah Lesnar finally got the belt, he's probably been the top superstar this year just never got a real chance at it.

Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K Universe

Posted: 16 Jan 2021, 11:04
by mvp
wow new champ

Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K Universe

Posted: 16 Jan 2021, 12:02
by Xixak
mvp wrote:
16 Jan 2021, 11:04
wow new champ
Yessir, Brock finally wins it

Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K Universe

Posted: 17 Jan 2021, 18:57
by Xixak

March Week 1 | Washington, D.C.

Match #1: Triple H & ??? vs. nWo | Two on Two Tag Team
RAW opened up with a backstage segment with Triple H and the nWo. Hall and Nash were making fun of Triple H for how pathetically his Evolution faction had fallen apart, while they were still going on as part of the nWo. HHH got frustrated and finally said, "Ok you guys want to make jokes? I challenge you guys to a match tonight." Nash laughed, "On your own? Good luck with that." HHH replied, "No, I've got someone in mind to help." The camera cut away and after the commercial break Triple H was seen walking around backstage until he ran into... Shawn Michaels? HHH approached HBK apologetically for what his Evolution faction had done to Shawn in the past, and a seemingly understanding HBK nodded and shook his hand. The two came out not longer to face the nWo and HHH started things off. He was doing some major damage to Kevin Nash but a double team attack from Hall rendered him in a bad position. HHH was able to make the hot tag to HBK though who came in like a house on fire on Hall and started to take over. He hit Hall with the diving elbow then lined him up for a Sweet Chin Music. While he did this, Nash tried to get involved but HHH ran around the outside and hit Nash with a Pedigree before delivering the "Suck It" pose while HBK pinned Hall in the ring to get the win. HBK gave nods of acknowledgement to each other after that but nothing more as they both headed back to the locker room victorious.
Winners: Triple H & Shawn Michaels by pinfall.

Middle Card Promo: Rey Mysterio | Call Out
Rey Mysterio came out bandaged and clearly very irritated by the actions of Eddie Guerrero last night. He called Guerrero out and demanded a rematch for the Intercontinental Championship because Guerrero had won the title unfairly. Eddie just laughed and said, "I lie, I cheat, I steal homes, that's what I do. For you? There will be no title shot." Eddie continued to grin, and Mysterio, who was having none of his BS, headbutted him, triggering a brawl between the two. Mysterio gained the advantage until Eddie slithered back into the ring and then all the way across the other side to pick up his title. He tried to hit Mysterio with it again but missed and Rey knocked it out of his hands. Then Rey picked up the belt and smashed Eddie across the face with it. He was about to line up another shot to knock him out but security came rushing out and got in between Eddie and Rey to end things there.

Match #2: Ric Flair vs. Batista | One on One Normal Match
Ric Flair had gotten the win in the Evolution triple threat match at Elimination Chamber, and Batista wasn't happy about it. He came down to the ring and demanded Flair come down and face him one on one and see if the result would be the same. It wasn't. Batista demolished Ric Flair, hitting him with a Spear out of the gates. The only offense Flair got in was one time where he attempted a roll-up pin, but that seemed to only anger The Animal. Batista responded by hitting Flair with not one, not two, but three Batista Bombs as he stomped around the ring in a rage. Rather than going for the pin, Batista tossed Flair outside before hitting him with a pair of Batista Bombs, one through each of the announce tables. Flair was battered and broken and the referee wanted to stop the match, but Batista wouldn't allow it. He rolled Flair back into the ring and delivered one more Spear and a final Batista Bomb before finally pinning Flair for the victory. That might be Flair's last match in the WWE judging from the severities of the injuries he suffered, but that remains to be seen.
Winner: Batista by pinfall.

Match #3: Lita vs. Trish Stratus | One on One Normal Match | Women's Championship
Trish exercised her right to a rematch for the Women's Championship immediately after losing to Lita at the PPV. The fight was fairly even but at one point Lita hit Trish with the Twist of Fate. She then tried to follow that up with a Diving Moonsault to end things but Trish got her knees up and badly hurt her. Trish then rose to her feet and hit Lita with a Chick Kick. When she went for the cover, though, Edge got up on the apron and distracted the official preventing him from making the count. An annoyed Trish walked over to argue with Edge and that gave Lita time to recover and an opening. She approached Trish and hit her with another Twist of Fate, and this time the Diving Moonsault didn't miss as she pinned her for the second time in two nights to retain her championship.
Winner: Lita by pinfall.

Match #4: Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman vs. The Rock | One on One Normal Match | Undisputed Championship
Brock pinned The Rock fair and square after a dominant performance at the Elimination Chamber match to win the WWE Undisputed Championship. However, The Rock was entitled to a rematch and demanded one against Lesnar to reclaim his belt. The Rock started off hot with no fear of the Champion, getting his offense going very quickly and even hitting Brock with a massive Spinebuster in the center of the ring. Rock crouched in waiting then delivered a Rock Bottom to Lesnar when he rose to his feet, but The Beast kicked out at just one. Out of bewilderment and desperation, The Rock did something he usually doesn't and climbed to the top rope. He attempted to deliver a People's Elbow from the top rope to put Brock away but Lesnar rolled out of the ring just in time causing Rock to hurt himself. Then Brock went to work with the Suplex City series of German Suplexes, followed by an F-5 to the former champion. But it was The Rock's turn to surprise, kicking out of the F-5 at two. Then Lesnar also did something out of character. He climbed to the top rope and delivered a Diving Moonsault to The Rock that connected. While he got the pin and the win, Lesnar had landed awkwardly and hurt his his neck and back in the process. He rose to his feet gingerly, and then collapsed, seated in the ring corner when... KING BOOKER'S MUSIC STARTED TO PLAY.

Almost a full year ago back in June, King Booker had won the King of the Ring tournament to earn the Money in the Bank briefcase, and then later beaten Lesnar in a Briefcase vs. Briefcase match after the brand split to keep his. This gave him a chance to cash in for the championship whenever and wherever he wanted, and Booker was coming to collect right now with the champion down and hurt. Booker handed the briefcase to the official and once a very annoyed Lesnar was up to his feet, the match was underway. Booker immediately went after Brock with a series of neckbreakers and backbreakers to damage his already injured neck and back. He then went for the 1000th Street Slam and Axe Kick, but Brock somehow found it in him to kick out and 2 and a half. The damage was done though, as Booker kept on it and repeated both moves, and Lesnar simply could not kick out a second time. Lesnar's long awaited reign as champion was over in less than 24 hours. Winner and new Undisputed Champion, Booker T. The King finally has his crown.
Winner: King Booker by pinfall.

Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K Universe

Posted: 17 Jan 2021, 19:36
by djp73
F Eddie!
Woah!! BOOKER cashes in!

Crazy RAW!