Tiny-Verse Presents: Faria's Wrath

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Tiny-Verse Presents: Faria's Wrath

Post by Agent » 13 Aug 2022, 20:58

Faria's Wrath.


.. In the furthest depths of the cosmos of the Tiny-Verse, the single, sole survivor after the complete decimation of planet Maluwei, Faria Maluwei, finds herself traveling through deep space in hopes of avoiding the same army that genocided her people & to find a place to call home.

Faria is an experienced pilot, however she quickly punched in a random bunch of intergalactic coordinates to hurry her escape. As her stress levels continued to rise, she also felt a sense of comfort that she was safe. For now at least. She closed her eyes to rest as her ship darted across Space.

She didn't know her destination, but for all she knew, it was better than sticking around here. A proven warrior among her comrades, she wept for the memories of her forgotten land. Her father, the king of the planet Maluwei, & her other family & friends. Her warrior spirit didn't allow her to be hang her chin low for too long, as she now knew it was her mission to move forward & start a fresh life on a new world.


Game: WWE 2K22
Mode: MyRise
Difficulty: Legend
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Faria's Wrath | WWE MyRise

Post by Agent » 13 Aug 2022, 20:59


Wrestler Profile:
Name: Faria [f aa - r EE - aa] Maluwei
From: Out of the World, Maluwei
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 111 lbs
Signatures: Powerslam 12 / Leaping Roundhouse
Finishers: Chingona Bomb / Jumping Knee Strike 2


Story Archives:

Prologue: Chapter 1 (WWE Performance Center): Chapter 2 (NXT):
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Tiny-Verse Presents: Faria's Wrath

Post by Agent » 13 Aug 2022, 20:59

Career Accolades:

Royal Rumble
Royal Rumble Appearances: 0
Royal Rumble Eliminations: 0
Royal Rumble Wins: 0
Royal Rumble Time: (0/Best, 0/Total)

Wrestlemania Appearances: 0
Wrestlemania Main Event Appearances: 0
Wrestlemania Wins: 0

Money In The Bank
MITB Wins: 0
MITB Wins after Cash-In: 0

NXT Women's Championship


Times Earned: 2
Days Held:
Mar. 8, 2033 - Mar. 15, 2033: 7 Days
Apr. 2, 2033 - Active

NXT Women's Tag Team Championship
Times Earned: 0
Days Held: 0

Raw Women's Championship
Times Earned: 0
Days Held: 0

Smackdown Women's Championship
Times Earned: 0
Days Held: 0

WWE Women's Tag Team Championship
Times Earned: 0
Days Held: 0
Last edited by Agent on 26 Aug 2023, 14:28, edited 6 times in total.
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Faria's Wrath | WWE MyRise

Post by Agent » 13 Aug 2022, 21:02

A New World.

Faria's spaceship began to malfunction on landing. She managed to jump out & shrink it back into it's capsule & prepare her own body for impact.


"Holy sh**? Are you okay?!" One of the bystanders asked.


"..You fell from the sky & dropped right on the concrete! You even cracked it quite a bit!" the other bystander added.

Faria woke up from the commotion & prepared to make her first interaction with these new beings. At the same time, one of the junkies pulled out a needle & injected herself with an unknown substance. Faria, unfamiliar with Earthly matters, was shook to the core.

"Are you looking for Comic-Con?" the substance-shooting junkie asked.

"Comic-Con? Wait.. What the hell did you just do to yourself?" Faria asked with a face of disbelief.


"It's just a little secret that us girls come down this alley & shoot up." One of the junkies said as they all laughed.

Faria shook her head as she had little interest in learning more.

"Can you tell me where I am? How long was I out?"

"Well this specific spot is known as Shooter's Alley.. But not that kind of shooter.." She said as she made her hand up like a gun & fired towards Faria.

".. & this is downtown Indianapolis. You weren't out for long. Maybe 1 or 2 minutes? We were all standing here talking when you came flying down like a bat out of hell."

"Indianapolis, eh? I've never heard of that planet.. Exciting.."

The junkies laughed in her face at her remark as they prepared the needle for another round of dosing.

"Indianapolis ain't the planet! What, were you raised in a barn or something? This is Earth! Indianapolis is in Indiana which is in the United States of America located on planet Earth. Sounds like you don't need a hit, blue girl. You're already rolling on the good stuff!"

"Blue girl? Um.. No. I think I'd better be on my way though... & consider yourselves lucky that I've chosen to spare you today. Any other day, a Maluwei warrior would leave you slain on this ground for your insolence." She replied as she walked away to plot her next move.

"Yeah, whatever, blue b*tch. Just go wash all that off & get back to hooking! You ain't no real alien, wannabe!" One of them shouted from afar.


Faria began to walk down the sidewalk & soak in all of her new surroundings. She received a lot of strange looks including a random passerby who grabbed her by the arm at the crosswalk.

"Hey, what are you, crazy! Be careful! You can't just go walking into traffic like that girl what's the matter with you?"

"Oh, my deepest apologies. I'm new here, so I don't quite know the rules of your people yet."

The man gave her a sideways look.

"Pay attention to the street signs! My goodness look at you.. what a freakshow.." He said as he tossed his head back in laughter & continued about his day.

Directly above her at the crosswalk was a Dos Equis beer advertisement on a billboard. She squinted her eyes as she struggled to fully read the text:

The Most Interesting Man In The World. Tiny.. Jimenez?? She said aloud.

"You there. Can you tell me where I can find your world's most interesting man, Tiny Jimenez?" Faria asked a woman standing nearby.


"Who that muthaf*cka?? Sh*t. He ain't the most interesting man. He plays here for the Indiana Pacers. You could always go see him at a basketball game I guess but he ain't sh*t. Zion Williamson wins all the d*mn games."

"Basketball game? I shall find this interesting Earthling & he will set this correct. I will force him to teach me the ways of your people, or I will cut his head off for the whole world to see."

The woman stared at Faria without the slightest bit of change to her facial expression.

"Whatever you say, weirdo. The stadium's just a little ways up ahead & they have a game tonight so you're in luck. By the way, cool costume. Who are you supposed to be anyways?" She said as she took a drag from her cigarette.

"How dare you! This is no costume & I am no mere Earthling playing make believe. I am Faria Maluwei. A galactic warrior for the Maluweian Army..."

Faria's rambunctious persona quickly began to shrink as she realized those days are now over.

"... At least I was before my home planet was destroyed.. Excuse me." She said as she wiped a sole tear falling from her face.

"I must be on my way to find this most interesting man. Thank you for your kindness, dearly. In return I shall spare your life, human."

".... Best of luck to ya in this world, alien or not..." The lady said as she turned to walk the other direction.
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Faria's Wrath | WWE MyRise

Post by Agent » 15 Aug 2022, 02:05

The Most Interesting Man In The World.

After the Pacers victory against the Houston Rockets, Faria managed to sneak past security into the lot where the athletes & coaching staff park their vehicles.

"There he is..." She said to herself after watching all of the other Pacers' players leave the arena.

"Aight, fam! I'll catch you tomorrow.." Tiny Jimenez said to his teammate CJ McCollum as he got into his car.

Before he could turn the key Faria jumped in front of the vehicle & demanded his attention before approaching his window.


"Can I help you?" a very confused Tiny Jimenez asked.

"Greetings! I seek the one known as the most interesting man in the world! Human, I am honored to make your acquaintance. I have traveled across the galaxy-"

Tiny cut her off from continuing her story.

"Is this some kind of a joke?"


"Am I on a set right now or something? I really don't have much time for this I've got to get back to my home. Ashton Kutcher? Am I being Punk'd?"

"Punk'd? Heh, I don't quite understand, most interesting one." Faria replied.

"Look your makeup looks great, whoever you're trying to be. But clearly you're lost. I'll sign a couple of autographs for you & then we'll go get security so they can show you back to your car."

Faria, now angered at another person not taking her seriously & assuming she's a human in costume, decided to drag Tiny out from the window of his car.

"What the!"


"Just what in the hell do you think you're doing, lady?" Tiny said as he tried to pry himself loose from the tight hold Faria locked him into.

"For the last time today, I will not be confused for being in a costume. I am Faria Maluwei of the planet Maluwei."

"Wait, you're serious?"

"I have traveled across the galaxy to live among your people. They honor you as the most interesting man in the world. I only want the best to teach me the ways of your people."

"So I'm not being Punk'd?"

Faria flipped Tiny Jimenez onto the ground & grabbed him by the head as she rammed her butt into his face.


"You are not being Punk'd! But decide, Earthling. Am I coming with you, most interesting one, or will your reign come to end here in this parking lot?"

Tiny clearly realized he was mismatched against Faria, but his brain struggled to understand what was happening.

"How are you so strong! What is this suit made of?"

"I am one of the most elite killers in our galactic army, human. I can end your Earthly existence without breaking a sweat. So what will it be?"

"Fine, fine! You can come with me! Just please, don't hit me anymore. My chin feels like it got hit by a car.."

"Very well!" Faria said as she released him & walked towards the passenger door of his car.

"One rule. I have children, so if you're going to be staying at my place, you'll have to lighten up a bit.."

Faria nodded her head with a smile as the two began to drive off.

"I love children." she replied.
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Faria's Wrath | WWE MyRise

Post by Agent » 15 Aug 2022, 02:06

The Most Interesting Human Family.

As Tiny Jimenez arrived at his home with Faria, he reiterated that she needs to keep her cool in his home.

"No problem."

"... Hey, kids!" Tiny said as he walked into the door & was greeted by two girls.

"This is my new friend, Faria. She's going to be staying with us for a little while.."

"Woah!" They shouted as their young eyes locked in on the blue being standing in their living room.

"Hello, human girls. My name is Faria & I am from planet Maluwei. What's your names?"

"I'm August, but you can call me AJ."

Faria bowed her head towards AJ.

"And this is my sister, Autumn."

"Hello, Autumn!"

"I think your blue skin is awesome!" Autumn said as Faria turned around to give Tiny a smug look.

"You're children don't make assumptions. They're raised right, unlike some people." She said as she brushed past Tiny to walk further into the house.

"OK, girls. It's time for bed. Faria, you can have the entire basement to yourself." Tiny said as he began to walk her down the stairs.

"Do you even have any luggage?" He asked.

Faria showed him a handful of different capsules that she keeps tucked in a compartment of her jacket.

"Each of these contains everything I need to start a fresh life on this planet."

"Tremendous. Tomorrow we can get you some new clothes. That way no one will mistake you for being in a costume anymore. You'll have to forgive me for assuming. It's not everyday that someone with real blue skin sneaks past NBA security & attempts to kidnap me in a massive parking lot."

"Your apology is accepted, the most interesting one. Thank you for allowing me to learn under you."

"You don't have to keep calling me that, either. The most interesting man in the world title is just a name that a beer company known as Dos Equis gave me. It's only an advertisement to get people to want to purchase their beer. Granted, I do appreciate the recognition from someone who didn't have that prior context."

"Very well, human."

"Tiny's good enough. That's what everyone else calls me. Goodnight, Faria. he said as he turned around to head back up the stairs.
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Faria's Wrath | WWE MyRise

Post by Agent » 15 Aug 2022, 02:06

Finding A Career.

The next day Tiny returned from basketball practice & started teaching Faria everything he could, including purchasing her a cell phone. As the two began to spend time together traveling across town & doing various activities, Faria's knowledge about everyday human life began to grow more & more.

"You're a quick learner! Next we need to figure out what you can do to make a living & earn an income." He said.

"What did you do on Maluwei?"

"I served in the Maluweian galactic army. I was one of my father's greatest fighters. I could fight here on this planet for a living?" Faria said.

She stood up & ran across the room to a photograph of Tiny connecting with a spinning back elbow on Jon Jones.

"Ah, yes! This will do."

Tiny paused for a minute before coming up with a different plan for Faria.

"I don't think the UFC is for you.. You had me ready to tap in the parking lot last night. I'd hate to see what kind of massacre you'd leave in there.. I know, I got it! WWE!"


"Yes. It's entertainment wrestling. Basically you can do everything you do in a fight, except you'll want to pull your power so YOU don't kill your opponent. It's a lot of fun, & fans will cheer you on along the way. Here, I'll show you some of my footage."

After watching a couple of Tiny's WWE matches, Faria is convinced she's interested in attempting a career at wrestling.

"I'll make a call & see if I can get you on there. You hardly need training with what I've already seen. Just ease up on your future opponents & you'll be a star in no time."

"Very well. I knew I made the right decision by hunting you down."


"I did it. I got you an audition at the WWE performance center for tomorrow. They're eager to see what you're made of."

Faria hugged Tiny as she prepared herself to travel to the performance center.

"I will make you proud."

"I know you will. I can have my private jet escort you there.."

"No need." Faria said as she tossed one of her capsules out in Tiny's backyard.


"I will return, Tiny Jimenez! Thank you again."
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Faria's Wrath | WWE MyRise

Post by Agent » 15 Aug 2022, 06:59

WWE Audition Day Pt. I

"Faria, welcome! Tiny put in a very good word for you to get this private workout so we're very excited! Please just fill out this form & sign the waiver on the second sheet." Kory Klein, a WWE talent agent told Faria.




"Thanks so much! Everything looks good.. OK follow me & I'll take you to the locker room!"



"Holy sh*t! I saw on Twitter that there was an alien on Earth but I never thought I'd ever be auditioning for the WWE with one!"


"My name is Meilee! It's an honor!"

"Faria. Nice to meet you too.. Please don't call me an alien ever again though, OK?"

"Uh, oh, whoops! Sorry! I didn't mean to offend you! Guess I have some people skills to work on. Anyways, see you in the ring!"

As Faria turned around, she noticed another wrestler standing nearby listening to their conversation.


"I'll be d*mned! There is an alien here!" The woman in red said.

"Another person who wants to practice picking up teeth..& you are?"

"Oh is that right? I'm the one who will be stopping you from getting a WWE contract. But the name's Josie. Josie Jane."

"Hah. Big ego. We'll see if you're still talking after stepping in that wrestling ring with me, human."


"Hey, what's all this commotion in there?"

A man ran into the locker room & separated the two.


"You must be Faria. The name's Road Dogg. I'm one of the trainers around here. Your audition is about to start in two more minutes. You better head to the ring!"
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Faria's Wrath | WWE MyRise

Post by Agent » 15 Aug 2022, 07:00

WWE Audition Day Pt. II


"Oh my god! Can you believe it? We're actually here!"

(...What's wrong with this girl?)

"Yeah, I'm totally stoked."


"Welcome to your WWE audition today. I'm Shawn Michaels, the Heartbreak Kid, & this is Beth Phoenix, WWE hall of famer, the Glamazon."


"We're going to make this quick. Today I'm only looking to sign one of you. So how about you three get in this ring & we'll see what you're made of. Leave it all in the ring today."

"This is going to be a cakewalk. Better go ahead & get that contract ready for Josie Jane because these two chumps don't stand a chance against a beast like me."

Faria's frustrations were mounting, but she held her composure as she understood what entertaining wrestling was all about.

"How about you go up against me first? Meilee can sit this one out while I go ahead & clear the path for us two to compete for that contract."

"Ladies! Cool it.. But that's not a bad idea. We like to settle things in the ring. Faria. Josie. Get in here & have a match.

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