The Moolie.

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The Moolie.

Post by djp73 » 21 Jan 2019, 13:40


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The Moolie.

Post by Soapy » 21 Jan 2019, 19:09

djp73 wrote:
21 Jan 2019, 13:40
listen y'all it's moolie monday's not moolie monday morning lmao

i was running late this morning so its coming tonight.

glad y'all love it though.

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The Moolie.

Post by Soapy » 21 Jan 2019, 19:51

"You did not fuck her," Ronny shook his head as he took a big bite of his sandwich, spilling some of his lettuce onto the dashboard.

Charlie raised an eyebrow and Ronny quickly got to cleaning up.

"She's a whore," Robbie explained, "Besides, I've fucked more beautiful women that you've even dreamed of."

"You were a virgin in high school," Ronny dismissed Robbie's claim.

"I did think you were kind of queer in high school because of that," Charlie quipped, "I mean everybody was getting laid in high school and you had the pretty hair and all that, still wasn't getting nothing."

"You just said I got pretty hair and I'm the fag?" Ronny shot back.

"Did you just call me a fag?" Charlie's piercing black eyes shot right through Ronny's face that had turned from a wry smile into a face of horror.

"We've got something," Donte tapped Charlie on the shoulder from the backseat on the driver side as he pointed to the end of the road.

They were parked on the side of an off-road that led from the industrial district where there were many factories and warehouses into the city. It was the only way to get into the city from out of town without going over the bridge and they had been standing there for the last two hours with just a few pickup trucks going by every few minutes or so. From the top of the hill came a truck, maybe an 8-wheeler, with the letters 'ABC' plastered on the side of it.

The car got quiet as they watched the truck go down the hill and got closer to them. Charlie tapped Ronny on the shoulder and he quickly pulled out four masks and passed it to each of them.

"Hold on," Donte said, "Let's just get it to stop or some shit first."

"That motherfucker ain't stopping for no n*gger," Charlie scoffed as he got out the car and grabbed his shotgun. He pointed it directly at the truck and it came to a halt before the driver could be seen frantically shuffling around in the car before the car started to go in reverse. Charlie loaded up the shotgun and shot a warning shot that blasted through the rear view mirror. It was either great aim or a terrible one. Either way, the truck came to a stop and the driver put his hands up.

Charlie walked over to the driver side and Ronny followed while Robbie was still sort of fumbling around with his mask. Donte took a deep breathe before getting out of the car, grabbing his old reliable handgun that he was undefeated with. He quickly shuffled to the passenger side and when Charlie ordered the driver to get out the car, he grabbed the car keys from the ignition and sprinted to the back of the truck.

His heart was beating out of his chest as Donte kept looking around, making sure no one was coming from down the hill. It was an isolated road but he knew it only took one brave motherfucker to send him to join his parents. Donte tried the different set of keys before one finally opened up the cargo and up the doors went, flying up to reveal the various boxes of liquor. Robbie finally joined Donte in the back.

"Holy shit," Robbie said, taking off his mask as he got into the cargo, "We're going to need a fucking truck of this shit."

"Get the scotch and the fucking whiskies," Donte ordered, "Get the shit that looks expensive."

"How we're doing boys?" Charlie ordered from the front of the truck, drawing a thumb up sign from Donte through the side mirror. Ronny pulled the car up behind the truck and they started off-loading the boxes of liquor into Charlie's car until the car's suspension just couldn't take anymore.

Donte tapped the side of the truck and Charlie finally removed the gun from the driver's face and started walking towards Donte before turning around and slamming the butt of the gun into the driver's face. He hit the ground, headfirst, and blood started gushing out of his face. Charlie laughed as he ran into the car and started whooping and hollering.

"Ooooweeeee boys! Let's go! Let's go!"

Donte didn't know it at the time -- who could have? -- but he had just been at the genesis of one of the greatest crews Port Town had ever seen.


They didn't have a cool nickname or sexy moniker in the press or even a signature style but Ronny, Robbie, Charlie and Donte quickly turned into prolific hijackers. They'd stop and rob any low-level truck they could find, even produce items, and since they weren't robbing armored trucks or banks, it never even made the local news. It even got the point that they wouldn't just rob the contents of the truck, they'd rob the truck itself. They had almost perfected a routine. Donte would case out a truck route, Ronny would steal a car for that day's heist and Charlie was the muscle while Robbie.....well, Robbie was just sort of around. They'd stop the truck, throw the driver into the stolen car and take off with the truck. They'd drop the goods of the truck off with Bobby and by the time the truck was even reported stolen, it had already gone through a chop shop.

They weren't making bank, at most it'd be a few hundreds per job but they were easy jobs, so easy that sometimes the gun wouldn't even be loaded. They'd rob a truck in the morning, go home for lunch, rob another before the sun went down and head home for supper and drinks with the boys. Except for Donte. He still wasn't one of the boys and he wasn't trying to be. His address might have changed but he was still Donte. He was still the moolie.


"I just don't understand why I never get to drive," Robbie complained as the foursome hopped out of the crowded cabin of the truck.

They were in an empty parking lot where the only other car was Charlie's.

"Do you even have a license?" Charlie asked him as he made his way to his car, opening up the trunk, "Let's get this shit and get it over with, I'm fucking starving."

"I do," Robbie explained as he helped Ronny unlock the cargo of the truck. Donte was sort of milling around, looking around as he tried to warm up his hands.

"What'd you say this shit was, D?" Ronny asked as Donte turned around.

"Electronics," Donte explained as he came over to the back of the cargo, "Should be like a bunch of radios and shit, you know, easy shit to sell on the streets."

"This isn't no radio, padre."

Ronny lifted up what could be described as a small, square rectangle that was packed with duck tape. Ronny handed Donte the contents and Donte shook it up, thinking maybe it was just electronic parts. They'd be worthless so he groaned in frustration as he couldn't hear anything. Robbie came over and took another one of those duck tapped rectangles, piercing one with his key chain.

"You fucking idiots," he snickered, "This shit's dope."
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The Moolie.

Post by djp73 » 22 Jan 2019, 15:39


no real NFL games this weekend so I expect a Moolie Sunday
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The Moolie.

Post by Baze » 23 Jan 2019, 09:01

Soapy wrote:
21 Jan 2019, 19:51
"That motherfucker ain't stopping for no n*gger,"
Might have to post some screens of the group chat.


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The Moolie.

Post by Soapy » 23 Jan 2019, 20:27

djp73 wrote:
22 Jan 2019, 15:39

no real NFL games this weekend so I expect a Moolie Sunday
for you? i will.

Moolie Sunday and Monday.
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The Moolie.

Post by djp73 » 23 Jan 2019, 20:58

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The Moolie.

Post by Chillcavern » 25 Jan 2019, 21:28

Soapy wrote:
21 Jan 2019, 19:51

They weren't making bank, at most it'd be a few hundreds per job but they were easy jobs, so easy that sometimes the gun wouldn't even be loaded. They'd rob a truck in the morning, go home for lunch, rob another before the sun went down and head home for supper and drinks with the boys. Except for Donte. He still wasn't one of the boys and he wasn't trying to be. His address might have changed but he was still Donte. He was still the moolie.



Stealing drugs? Shit's about to get real

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The Moolie.

Post by Soapy » 26 Jan 2019, 09:03

Chillcavern wrote:
25 Jan 2019, 21:28
Soapy wrote:
21 Jan 2019, 19:51

They weren't making bank, at most it'd be a few hundreds per job but they were easy jobs, so easy that sometimes the gun wouldn't even be loaded. They'd rob a truck in the morning, go home for lunch, rob another before the sun went down and head home for supper and drinks with the boys. Except for Donte. He still wasn't one of the boys and he wasn't trying to be. His address might have changed but he was still Donte. He was still the moolie.



Stealing drugs? Shit's about to get real
i aint gonna hold you....i did the salt bae after dropping that line.

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The Moolie.

Post by Soapy » 27 Jan 2019, 18:15

"Let's get the fuck out of here," Ronny flickered his half-finished cigarette onto the concrete and headed towards Charlie's car.

Robbie and Charlie sort of stared at each other before they followed suit.

"Wait," Donte said as he scratched his eyebows but the trio continued walking, "I said hold the fuck on!"

Charlie briskly turned around, surprised by the outburst. Donte had been quiet, unnervingly mild mannered since they met him and this was totally out of character for him. He wouldn't take their shit sometimes and shoot back a snide remark if they made a few too 'dark' jokes but this was different. He meant business.

"Wait for what, to go to jail for the rest of our lives?" Robbie said with a bit of condescension in his voice.

"I know for you guys, this is sort of your thing. We don't do that," Ronny added, "Bobby will fuck all of us and our mothers if we get caught with that shit."

Charlie was less dismissive and didn't say much, which was a first. He sort of just observed Donte's face as if he was waiting for him to say something to change his mind.

"Exactly," Donte told Ronny, "This is 'my thing' so I know exactly the only people in that fucking city with enough money and enough places and shit to store this shit."

Donte pointed to the lower east side of Port Town where he lived. Where he used to live.

"What is this, some sort of big kumbaya? This isn't lost and found. I'm not helping your buddies get their drugs back. They can come find it," Ronny wasn't budging.

"You're so fucking small minded," Donte laughed at Ronny, throwing his hand up in submission.

"What'd you have in mind?" Charlie crept up towards Donte. His curiosity was fully peaked.

"We have the dope," Donte shrugged, "We don't have to sell it, we don't have to do shit with it. We can even fucking burn it, throw it in the river, I don't give a shit."

"And then?"

"We hit them again, except this time directly. I know exactly where those stash spots are."

"What are you talking about?" Ronny was still not catching on.

"We bury them in," a smile crept up on Charlie's face, "We run them dry."

"Sell them their own shit back to them," Donte tapped Charlie on the chest as they both shared a smile, "We mark them up like fucking crazy."

"Bobby was right about you," Robbie finally joined the conversation now that he was ready to switch sides, "You're pretty fucking smart."

"I don't think Bobby is gonna like this," Ronny shrugged, "But if he's fine with, I'm cool with it."

"We don't tell him," Donte quickly instructed, "Not now at least."

"I don't know about that," Charlie rubbed his beard, "If he finds out about this, he'll be doing more than just fucking our moms."

"We tell him once we sell it back," Donte explained, "Believe me, he'll be a lot happier if we tell him about this with some cash in our hands than a fucking twenty-year sentence wrapped in saran."


The hardest part of keeping the drugs somewhere was keeping Ronny out of them. While he was initially hesitant about the whole scheme, he certainly did his first share of testing the product for the four days that they kept it stashed away.

Donte left Charlie to worry about that as he tried to slowly show up in the neighborhood a bit more often to see how things were doing. The first two days were hard to tell but by day three, there was a definite angst that Donte had noticed while being back in his old stomping grounds. He did his best to avoid Bernard and Miles but he'd creep around their apartments every so often to see if there were more than normal activities.


Donte kept tapping his index finger against the dashboard, anxiously waiting for those apartment doors to swing open. He'd turn around every now and then to see if anyone was coming up the stairs or if there were kids hanging around.

Just a few minutes later, Charlie, Robbie and Ronny had went up the fire emergency stairs and crept in through an open window into an apartment on the second floor of an apartment building that belonged to one of Bernard's lieutenants. Donte was rolling the dice on the fact that they had: 1. robbed one of Bernard's truck and 2. that the robbery and therefore lack of product had forced Bernard's hand into stashing his remaining product at locations he considered safe.

At the time, it felt like a great and sound plan but as Donte sat alone in the car, he realized how easy it'd be to fall apart. If it wasn't Bernard's truck than the whole plan would fall apart possibly and even if it was, all it took was for someone to recognize Donte as being the getaway driver and he'd be finished on this side of town.

Donte looked up to see Charlie calmly walking out of the double-doors on the first floor of the apartment building. He wasn't wearing his mask anymore and neither were Robbie and Ronny. Maybe there was no one and nothing in the apartment and it was a failed attempt. Donte was almost relieved. He'd fear they'd come out bleeding and in a panic. Perhaps with just two or even just one of them running to the car.

Charlie got in the front seat without saying a word and Robbie and Ronny got in the back. They sat there for a brief second without anyone saying anything.

"You know," Charlie sat up, "Part of being a getaway driver is to, you know, drive."

Donte put the car in drive and slowly rolled out of the parking lot and into the street. Ronnie and Robby finally busted into laughter after Donte kept looking back at them. The two of them removed a pair of large bricks -- similar to the one in the trucks -- from their pockets. Charlie did the same but he also pulled out a wad of cash from his back pocket.

"Like robbing a fucking black baby," Charlie grinned, "Give it another hour or two before they untie themselves so let's go. Where to next?"

Donte let out a sigh of relief and punched Charlie in the arm, "You had me fucking worried there."

"Relax," Charlie tussled Donte's curly hair, "We might be thousand-airs by the time we're done tonight."

"There's two more spots we can hit," Donte smiled as he took a right.

"Let's get it," Charlie sat back as he placed the revolver on his lap.
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