Download League File:
1. Download that file
2. You go to
3. Click start playing
4. Click new custom league
5. Click the drop down box that says "random teams"
6. Choose the upload league file option
This will let you explore teams, stats, etc. on your own.
• • •
Semi-Finals Round Matchups

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Submit your lineups by Tue, Apr 20, 11:59 PM ET
- Select five starters, the rest are bench players.
- Next, select the playing time for EACH player on your team. The scale ranges from 0 to 4.
0 = No playing time
1 = Less playing time
2 = Default/coach's discretion
3 = More playing time
4 = Most playing time
- You can give any player any number on that scale. Starters cannot receive a 0.
- Just say "same" if you don't want to make any changes from the previous sim.
- Use this code example as your template:
Code: Select all
Starter Name (#)
Starter Name (#)
Starter Name (#)
Starter Name (#)
Starter Name (#)
Bench Name (#)
Bench Name (#)
Bench Name (#)
Bench Name (#)
Bench Name (#)
Bench Name (#)
Bench Name (#)
Bench Name (#)
Bench Name (#)
Bench Name (#)