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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by djp73 » 01 Sep 2020, 07:13

Good show leading up to the PPV. Fun mix of styles in all the matches.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 02 Sep 2020, 17:42

djp73 wrote:
01 Sep 2020, 07:13
Good show leading up to the PPV. Fun mix of styles in all the matches.
Yeah liking where things are going. Two more shows before survivor series.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 02 Sep 2020, 18:33


November Week #2 | Cleveland, OH

Show Opener Promo | Chyna
Chyna explained why she distracted Molly Holly last week. She wants her Women's Championship back and is upset that Molly hasn't given her a shot at a rematch yet. During Chyna's promo, Molly Holly came out to address her. Molly told Chyna that she didn't need to resort to cheap tricks to get a rematch, she just had to ask for one. She had already beaten her once and would gladly do it all over again at Survivor Series. Chyna threatened to kick her ass right now, but instead decided that she was going to save it for the pay-per-view where she guaranteed she would win back her championship.

Match #1: Two on Two Tag | nWo vs. Brothers of Destruction
Kevin Nash and Scott Hall took on the Undertaker and Kane in non-title action as the first match of the night. This was a contest between some of the biggest wrestlers in the tag division, and it showed with both teams trading a lot of big power moves. The nWo, however, had an advantage that the Brothers of Destruction didn't, the infamous "third man", Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Hogan was able to distract Undertaker while the other members of nWo isolated and targeted his brother, Kane. Nash was able to put the Big Red Machine down with a Jackknife Powerbomb to pick up the victory.
Winners: nWo

Match #2: One on One | Randy Orton vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper
After losing to Orton two weeks ago, Rowdy Roddy Piper requested a rematch with Orton, to which the Intercontinental Champion obliged. This one was even easier to win for Orton as his athleticism shone through before he started dissected Piper with a series of stomps to the torso. A hanging DDT would put Piper down for the count. Orton was seemingly annoyed that Piper had even dared to challenge him again and started to line him up for the Punt Kick, a move that could easily permanently end Piper's career. Before he could do that though, Stone Cold Steve Austin came out to the stage. He didn't rush to attack Orton, but instead said, "Hey Randy, no need to focus on guys like Roddy, you beat him already, we get that. But you know who you haven't beaten? Austin 3:16. I pinned you 1, 2, 3 last week in that Fatal 4-Way match, and Stone Cold kinda feels like he deserves a title shot, whaddya say?" Orton didn't answer, so Austin continued, "I'll give you a week to think about it Randy, but I'm going to get a shot at that Intercontinental Title one way or another".
Winner: Randy Orton by pinfall.

Match #3: One on One | John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio
Cena reached out to Rey before the match started, seemingly wanting to shake hands as a show of good sportsmanship, but as soon as Rey reached for it, Cena decked him in the face with a cheap-shot and the bell rang to start the match. This gave Cena a significant advantage and he tried to make this match as "street" as possible, forcing things to ringside and using his fists and power to keep Mysterio grounded. Eventually Cena would hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle after reversing a Mysterio running attack with an arm drag and follow that up with an F-U. Rey, resilient as ever, kicked out of this but that only enraged Cena further. The match continued, but Rey was clearly weakened. When he did manage to go for the 6-1-9, Cena countered it and picked up Rey for a second F-U to put an end to the match. It didn't stop there though. Cena clearly wasn't satisfied with just beating Mysterio and went to grab a chair and started assaulting him with it. Just as Cena was about to land what seemed like the finishing blow, Lashley ran out to the ring and Cena escaped in a hurry over the barricade while the United States Champion attended to a badly hurt Mysterio.
Winner: John Cena by pinfall.

Main Event: One on One | Edge vs. Booker T
Booker and Edge got into it right away in this one, locking up and then trading fists in the center of the ring. Edge got the upper hand and Booker just looked fed up. He rolled out of the ring and started walking to backstage, but Edge wouldn't let him get away, grabbing him and smashing his head off the ring apron before rolling him back into the ring. When he came back in though, Booker was ready for him and hit him with a quick move before starting to gain the advantage. The match continued and eventually Booker was able to hit Edge with a 110th Street Slam and follow that up with his Axe Kick finisher. It looked all but over but Edge was just close enough to the ropes to get a hand on them and break up the pin. From there Booker wasted time in frustration and Edge took advantage. Hitting Booker with a surprise running attack and then the Edgecution to get a near-fall at 2. As Booker rose to his feet though, Edge was lying in wait for the Spear but somehow, some way Booker was able to kick out at 2.999 to stay in the matchup. This time Edge was the one to make the mistake of waiting too long to act and Booker took advantage. That was short lived though, Edge countered the Book End and hit Booker with a second Spear to win the match. As soon as the bell rang though, Shelton Benjamin and Mark Henry emerged from the crowd and began assaulting Edge before Christian and the Hardy Boyz came to make the save. As Benjamin, Henry and Booker retreated, Henry grabbed a mic and announced that Booker was the third member of his Survivor Series team, and they would find out who the 4th teammate was next week on RAW.
Winner: Edge by pinfall.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by djp73 » 14 Sep 2020, 08:46

Molly and Chyna seems like a good match.

Lots of beef in that tag match, 900+ pounds?

Orton vs Piper is quite the mix of eras, Orton vs Stone Cold could be good.

Cena. Meh.

That 4v4 match is shaping up nice.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 20 Sep 2020, 12:01

djp73 wrote:
14 Sep 2020, 08:46
Molly and Chyna seems like a good match.

Lots of beef in that tag match, 900+ pounds?

Orton vs Piper is quite the mix of eras, Orton vs Stone Cold could be good.

Cena. Meh.

That 4v4 match is shaping up nice.
Probably even more than that in the tag match they're all like 300lbs each.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 20 Sep 2020, 12:33


November Week #3 | Providence, RI

Match #1: Two on Two Tag | nWo vs. D-Generation X
The nWo took on D-Generation X in a big matchup, but much like last week showed their dominance. They dispatched Triple H and Shawn Michaels in a non-title match to make it back to back wins over two of the best tag teams in the business.
Winners: nWo by pinfall

Match #2: One on One | Bobby Lashley vs. John Cena
John Cena tried to gain the advantage. He didn't even wait for Lashley to get set and rushed him during his entrance in this non-title matchup. That didn't work though, Lashley eventually overpowered Cena and when the referee finally did ring the bell, the United States Champion just continued to dominate and eventually pinned the challenger. With a title match still set for the pay-per-view, it doesn't look like Cena has much of a shot of taking the title off Lashley's hands.
Winner: Bobby Lashley by pinfall

Match #3: One on One | Chyna vs. Lita
A matchup of two former Women's Champions. Both have been the hunted, but tonight Chyna was the hunter as she was preparing for a big match for the Women's Championship against Molly Holly at Survivor Series. And she definitely looked the hungrier of the two, dominating Lita physically throughout the match. However, just as Chyna was about to go for a pedigree to end it, Molly Holly came out to the stage and distracted her with her appearance. This gave Lita enough time to recover, spin Chyna around and hit her with a surprise Twist of Fate to roll her up for the three count.
Winner: Lita by pinfall

Match #4: One on One | Randy Orton vs. Steve Austin
Randy Orton took on Steve Austin in a one on one match as a preview to their upcoming match for the Intercontinental TItle. We didn't really get that preview. Austin turned this into just the kind of fight he likes, a brawl, and the action spilled outside the ring. Both superstars launched each other into the announce tables, apron, stairs and ring posts as the referee counted all the way to ten and ended the match as a draw.
Winner: No Contest

Main Event: 8-Man Tag | Matt Hardy, Edge, Christian and Jeff Hardy vs. Booker T, Mark Henry, Shelton Benjamin and ???
The Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian faced Mark Henry, Booker T and Shelton Benjamin in the ring. Edge, as captain of his Survivor Series team, grabbed the microphone and mocked Henry and his team, asking him why they still didn't have a fourth man. Mark Henry smiled and said, "Oh, but we do." There was a brief pause and then the familiar riff of BROCK LESNAR's music came blaring through the speakers. The Beast rushed the ring and a brawl ensued between the eight man. Before things could get completely out of hand, Vince McMahon came down and said, "Ok you guys can't wait until Survivor Series? Fine. You'll have your Elimination Tag Match at the pay-per-view, but tonight we'll do a good old fashioned four on four tag match. First pin wins dammit." It was clear pretty quickly that the entry of Brock into this fray had tilted it heavily in favour of Team Mark Henry. It's unclear why he decided to join, but as soon as he was tagged in by Mark Henry it was... over. He made minced meat out of Christian and then knocked all of Edge, Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy off the apron before F-5ing Christian and pinning him to win the match for Team Mark Henry. Team Christian is going to need to come up with a plan and FAST if they don't want to get blown away at Survivor Series.
Winners: Team Mark Henry
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by djp73 » 21 Sep 2020, 07:18

DX vs nWo is interesting.

Cena was outmatched, bet he'll grab the title though.

Chyna is gonna wreck Holly.

Orton better find a way to keep the PPV match in the ring.

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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by djp73 » 21 Sep 2020, 07:32

Team Henry is damn near unbeatable!
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 21 Sep 2020, 08:57

djp73 wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 07:18
DX vs nWo is interesting.

Cena was outmatched, bet he'll grab the title though.

Chyna is gonna wreck Holly.

Orton better find a way to keep the PPV match in the ring.

djp73 wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 07:32
Team Henry is damn near unbeatable!
Yeah I don't control all of this stuff so I was kinda shocked too when I saw Brock on Team Henry. Definitely looks unfair af lol. Former IC champion with Shelton, former tag champion with Henry and then the last two King of the Ring tournament winners as well. Hardyz and Edge/Christian will have their work cut out for them at the PPV.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by djp73 » 21 Sep 2020, 10:07

maybe vince will get wild and make it tlc or something
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