The Mis-Education of Noah Baldwin (2027 - ???)

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The Mis-Education of Noah Baldwin (2027 - ???)

Post by chosenone58 » 13 Jul 2021, 22:41

Caesar wrote:
06 Jul 2021, 20:35
Noah needs to get to the league before his uncle retires and dunk on him to re-establish supremacy at Thanksgiving.
Derek Baldwin would never let that happen
djp73 wrote:
12 Jul 2021, 08:09
man on some harry potter shit dropping all these hits back to back to back
Gotta write while I'm inspired
Creator of Derek Baldwin da Gawd
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The Mis-Education of Noah Baldwin (2027 - ???)

Post by chosenone58 » 07 Aug 2021, 23:20


Beal and Gordon are Taken First in the NBA Expansion Draft

With the NBA season officially over, the 2028 expansion draft is underway and with the first pick the Las Vegas Venom selected Gordon Hayward. The Jazz and Hayward were on shaky ground nearing the end of the season with the emergence of Giacomo Avanti of France moving into the staring small forward position. The Jazz decided not to hold onto him as one of their protected players, and in turn the Venom have secured a shooter for their team.

On the other side of the draft, the Seattle Supersonics have taken Bradley Beal. Beal had been itching for a change of scenery and sources say he all but volunteered to be placed in the pool of unprotected players. Beal was drafted by the Wizards in 2012 from the University of Florida and he has been there for the last 16 seasons of his career. Beal had been disgruntled for the past few seasons, so rather than go through an ugly split, the Wizards decided to make him available in the expansion draft.
Creator of Derek Baldwin da Gawd
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The Mis-Education of Noah Baldwin (2027 - ???)

Post by chosenone58 » 07 Aug 2021, 23:32

Summer Session I (June 2027)

“Damn, this Baca dude was tough.” I closed my English book and rubbed my eyes. I had pushed through the Spring semester and my GPA was respectable again, but at my uncle’s request I decided to take classes during the summer too so that I wouldn’t fall behind.

“Crazy, right?” James’ voice came from the laptop. We were doing these sessions on Skype since he wasn’t in town for the summer. “Learning to read in prison and becoming a poet from all of that.”

We were reading his autobiography, A Place to Stand, and I had to write a paper on it next week.

“So, you have an idea about where you want to go with the paper?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m gonna send you what I have so far. Let me know what you think.”

“Sure. You’re doing great, man. I think you’re gonna ace this class.”

“Appreciate it.”
I looked at the clock and realized it was after 5. “I gotta go, James. Thanks for all your help, man.”

I ended the call and quickly emailed my paper over. I couldn’t believe it was already June. The NBA season had come to a close and the Brooklyn Nets had ripped through the playoffs. I was able to catch some of the Eastern Conference Finals against Philadelphia since I had finished the Spring semester with a 3.5 and was rewarded with tickets to the game as a well-deserved break.

But as the NBA Finals started up and so had summer session, so I know I wouldn’t make it to Houston for games three and four. But I was not going to miss Game 1.

I walked over to my closet and contemplated what to wear. I grabbed a pair of black cashmere joggers, a black Henley t-shirt and a pair of my uncle’s Dark Horse x Mamba sneakers that he was wearing tonight. I laid everything out on the bed before going to the kitchen to grab something to eat.


3 weeks later

“Grades are looking good, Deuce. What’s the plan for the rest of the summer?”
My uncle asked. We were on the runway at Teterboro, waiting to head back to New Orleans for the weekend. I had just finished my last class and I was anticipating a 4.0 for the summer, which is pretty easy when you’re only taking two classes.

“I don’t know, man. I’m tempted to jump on that second session that starts in two weeks, but I do want to enjoy some of my summer. I just want to say thanks for pushing me though.”

“How you gon make it to the NBA if you’re not playing?”


“I don’t know how much life I got left in these knees.”
He laughed.

I knew he was joking, but I can’t lie, playing in the NBA with my uncle would be amazing. Even if it was just one season. “So, I need to declare after this year is what you’re saying.”

“No pressure, Deuce. If you feel ready, go for it. Don’t rush because of me. I’ve had my time.”

“If this year goes as I’m expecting, then I need you to hang around for one more season and then you can pass the torch publically.”


2 days later

My phone wakes me up out of my sleep. It takes a second for me to realize that I’m in the game room at my grandparents’ house. I don’t even bother checking the screen I just hit the green button.


“Who is the bitch all on your Instagram, Noah?”
I pull the phone away from my ear and roll my eyes. It’s too early in the morning for this shit.

“Ciara, what the fuck are you talking about?”

“Don’t play dumb.”

“Ain’t nobody playing!”

Hell yeah, I was playing. I had a great time in New Orleans for Essence Festival Weekend. I ran into some of my people that I hadn’t seen in a while. My best friend since elementary school, Remy Benoit, was in town for a family reunion. His family moved to Virginia the summer before I started high school, so I hadn’t seen him in about six years. Remy was currently playing ball at Norfolk State. We hung out most of the weekend. Me and his fine ass cousins, Monica and Denise. So, the “bitch” on my IG that she’s referring to is Monica.

“That’s like my cousin, girl. Stop trippin.”

“Like your cousin and being your cousin are two totally different things.”

“Do you see the other guy in the picture? That’s his cousin. We’ve been tight since elementary. These people are like family to me.”

“I don’t be in my family’s face like that.”

“Well, we from the south. It’s different. Why does it even matter? You’re not my girlfriend, Ciara.”

“Oh, you weren’t saying that all semester and summer when you were calling me to room for some ass.”

I can’t believe she’s about to pull this card.

“You already knew what it was. I never asked you to be my girl and I never agreed to be your man. Take your ass back to sleep and call me back when you’re talking sense.”

“Boy, fu—”

I didn’t wait around to hear the rest. I went to Instagram to see what she was talking about though. It took all of two seconds to find the pics that @remybdagawd had tagged me in with the caption “These two” and a face palm emoji. We had gone out to dinner at Jack Rose and were sitting under the huge painting of Lil Wayne. There were a few pics of us all together, but this one was just of me and Monica. We were leaning on each other mid laugh. Now who you don’t see in the picture are my uncle, aunt, and Remy’s parents, who had all gone out with us too.

This wasn’t some shit to argue about. I liked all the pics from the weekend and was about to close the app, when I got a DM from @iammonicabenoit asking me if I was awake for real and if I wanted to go to Morrow’s for brunch.

I responded that I’d meet her there in an hour.

Like I said, Monica is fine as hell and Ciara ain’t my girl.
Creator of Derek Baldwin da Gawd
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The Mis-Education of Noah Baldwin (2027 - ???)

Post by The JZA » 08 Aug 2021, 13:01

More like, "The Mis-Education of Ciara"

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The Mis-Education of Noah Baldwin (2027 - ???)

Post by chosenone58 » 08 Aug 2021, 13:27

The JZA wrote:
08 Aug 2021, 13:01
More like, "The Mis-Education of Ciara"

:lol: :lol:
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The Mis-Education of Noah Baldwin (2027 - ???)

Post by Agent » 08 Aug 2021, 16:20

My mans said “aye you’re not my girlfriend so back off”
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The Mis-Education of Noah Baldwin (2027 - ???)

Post by chosenone58 » 08 Aug 2021, 22:43

Agent wrote:
08 Aug 2021, 16:20
My mans said “aye you’re not my girlfriend so back off”
Hate when females get possessive over things that aren't even theirs.
Creator of Derek Baldwin da Gawd
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The Mis-Education of Noah Baldwin (2027 - ???)

Post by chosenone58 » 17 Aug 2021, 10:15

Summer Session II (August 2027)

I decided to sign up for that second session and get a science and math class out of the way. My uncle said he would help me get ready for the season, so I would work out with him at 6 in the morning, go to my classes from 11-2 and then go through some drills in the afternoon. It was my own version of Kobe’s 666 workout routine. 2 hours of weights and cardio, 2 hours of class, and 2 hours of drills. 6 days a week for 6 weeks.

I don’t know what I was thinking.

“Nice job, Deuce. Way to push through today, kid. You get the day off tomorrow. What are you going to do?

“I’m going to get at Remy. Maybe go down to the parks and catch a game.”

“Be careful.”

“I’m not playing, just watching.”


The next day I’m sitting courtside at Dyckman with Remy checking out some of the players. A few people tried to get us to play, but I wasn’t up for it. There was one face on the court that I recognized from all of my time spent on and off Howard’s campus during my off time.

“I didn’t know Q was out here.”

“This dude is always showing off,”
I heard Remy say next to me.

I laughed. “How bad did he bust y’alls ass last season?”

“Bad enough.”

Quincy Franklin was a 6 foot 9 power forward for Howard University. And he had made quite a name for himself being a four star athlete that turned down scholarships to play at some of the top schools on the East Coast to play at an HBCU. This was his third year at Howard, but he was putting in some work this summer to build his profile up. Rumor had it he was going to declare for the draft next year.

I turn my attention back to the game when I see a girl wearing a Howard University tank top and a pair of basketball shorts. She was watching Q pretty intently. She looked familiar, but her hair may have been different or something, I don’t know.

“Huh?” I barely register Remy talking to me.

“I said, that’s not his girl, bro.”

“How you know?”

“Because I know. That’s his sister, Sydni.”

“Sydni. Sydni. She plays ball too?”

“Yeah, man. She’s just as good. She gradated last year. I think she’s playing overseas now.”

Once the game ends with Quincy’s team easily taking it, I head over to speak.

“That was nice, Q.”

“What’s up, Noah? You should have run with us.”

“Nah, man. I’m good.”

“I see you brought your sidekick with you.”
He points at Remy.

“Don’t play my boy like that.” I turn my attention to his sister. “Who is your sidekick though?”

“This is my little, big sister, Syd.”

“How are you, Syd? I’m Noah.”
I extended my hand to shake hers, but Quincy quickly slaps it away.

“Watch that shit, man.”

“I know. You’re at St. John’s.”
Sydni finally answered.

“So, you’ve seen me play?”

“I may have wanted to know what all the fuss was about over at St. John’s. Besides, I’m a huge fan of your uncle.”

Q and Remy both bust up laughing.

“Just wondered if any of his game rubbed off on you.”

More laughter from the peanut gallery.


“You’re alright.”

“Just alright?”

“You’re no Derek Baldwin, kid. It’s a shame you didn’t finish your freshman season.”

“Maybe you can give me some pointers then.”

“Sure thing. You need to work on your range. Gotta get those threes up, Noah.”

I liked her. She had a little attitude. And she was a baller too. So, that was definitely a plus. I decide not to push it any further. We manage to find some seats and watched the rest of the next game. We came across a few fans and took a few pictures before leaving to grab some pizza.

I learned a few things about Miss Sydni Franklin tonight. She was born and raised in New Jersey. Graduated from Howard with a degree in Mass Comm. She is currently playing ball in Las Palmas, Spain. I told her that my cousin’s wife played ball in Spain for a while before coming to the WNBA. I also got her number before she and Q went back to Union City.

Remy headed back to Norfolk and I opted to go back to campus for the night.

Big mistake.

“So, who’s the new bitch that you were posted with at Dyckman tonight?”

How did this become my life?


2 weeks later

“Damn. You really know how to impress a girl, huh?”
Sydni said.

We were grabbing some lunch at Luzzo’s on a Saturday. After two outings and talking on the phone for the past two weeks, I finally got up the nerve to invite her to a light scrimmage with me, Remy, Uncle D and a few of his NBA and WNBA friends. Maybe I was trying to lay it on a little thick.

“I figured you’d enjoy the run.”

“How many other girls have you taken to practice with your uncle?”

“You’re the first.”

She laughed.

“Dead ass. I don’t do that. I’ve never dated a baller before.”

“Oh, so, that’s what we’re doing now?”

“Yeah, I mean, we’ve gone out to eat twice. One of those times was in Jersey. I paid. And we’ve been talking on the phone and shit. To top it off, you’ve basically met my whole damn family. Uncle D, Aunt Naya, my cousins Devin and Carmen. Only thing left is Sunday dinner in two days. Might as well call it what it is now.”

“You move fast, huh?”

“Just stating the obvious.”

We continue to eat and talk for another hour or so before she had some errands to run and I had some studying to do, so I decided to head back to campus.

I was about 30 minutes into studying when I heard a knock at the door.

“So, you’ve been avoiding me for the last two weeks, Noah. What’s up with that?” Ciara was at my door. I rolled my eyes and leaned in the door frame. “You’re not gonna let me in?” She asked after she took a step forward and I hadn’t moved.

“Nah. I’m trying to study right now.”

“Okay. You don’t think you can make some time for a study break?”
I still didn’t budge. “You gotta another girl in there?” She stood on her tiptoes to look over my shoulder.

“No. I told you, I’m trying to study. And the last time you were here it didn’t go over well.”

“That’s not how I remember it.”

What started as an argument ended with us having sex. But I wasn’t really trying to go there with Ciara. She was trying to make us a thing and I wasn’t trying to make us a thing. When it was causal it was cool. I wasn’t trying to move past that.

“Look, I’ll hit you up when I got some free time. I’m busy tonight.”

“Fuck you, Noah!”

She shoved me and I grabbed her wrists.

“Don’t put your hands on me, Ciara. I’ve told you more than once.”

She stares at me for a second before storming back down the hall. Moments later I hear a car alarm going off. I stopped for a second before I realize it’s my car alarm.

I look out the window and see Ciara going all Fernando Tatis Jr. on my Acura RDX. I run down the flight of stairs and snatch the bat out of her hands before she breaks a third window. She spins around and I pin her against the car.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

“You are what’s wrong with me! Why do you keep doing this? I love you, Noah!”
She tries to pull away from me, but I keep her pinned between my body and the car. She starts hitting me in the face and chest, so I try to grab her hands. She bites me and I shove her away from me. Maybe a little too hard.

Before I could do another thing, campus security pulled up and you can only imagine how it looks. 6 foot 3 inch tall guy standing over a 5 foot 5 inch tall female on the ground crying hysterically.


2 hours later

“I appreciate you picking me up, Aunt Naya and Uncle D.”

I climbed into my uncle’s SUV. He didn’t answer.

“It’s a good thing you were able to get that footage from your apartment complex.” My aunt, answered. “What is going on with you, Deuce?”

“Nothing. We were just kicking it. Then I said I didn’t wanna kick it anymore and shit just kind of went left.”

My uncle stared out of the window not speaking.

“You’ve gotta be more careful than that. You have a lot at stake here, honey. You can’t risk it over silly shit.”

“I hear you, Auntie.”

We pulled up to my campus apartment and I looked at the smashed windows on my truck. “Damn, man.”

“Don’t worry about the truck, Noah. We’ll take care of it.”

“The hell we will.”
That was the first time my uncle said anything on the ride back.

“We will take care of it.” She said again with emphasis on the word we. She turned her attention back to me. “You sure you don’t wanna come back to Brooklyn with us, Deuce?”

“Nah, I’m okay. I just can’t believe she tried to flip the script on me like that.”

I said good night and opened the door and I noticed Uncle Derek opening his door too. He followed me in silence to my apartment.

“Unc, you know I didn’t do anything to that girl.”

“I know that, but you can’t jeopardize your future. Everybody is going to want a piece of you. You gotta be careful. Do you realize how badly this shit could have gone if there wasn’t any footage of her smashing your window?”

“I get that, but I’m still a kid. I was just trying to enjoy my time in college. I never gave Ciara any indication that our situation was more than physical. She said she was cool with it. When she started talking relationship, I cut it.”

“Women are emotional creatures, Nephew. Sex can be some real intense emotional shit. This all could have been taken away from you tonight. Keep your damn nose clean.”

“I got you.”
I paused for a second. “Is it still okay if Syd comes by for Sunday dinner? I mean, you’ve met her and everything. She doesn’t seem crazy.”

“Sydni’s cool for Sunday dinner. You’re not sleeping with her, are you?”

“Nope. We just hanging out and hooping. Like you and Carmen.”

He patted me on the shoulder and turned to leave.

“I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Bright and early, Unc. Bright and early.”

“That’s my boy.”

Creator of Derek Baldwin da Gawd
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The Mis-Education of Noah Baldwin (2027 - ???)

Post by chosenone58 » 17 Aug 2021, 10:39


NBA Season Preview: Brooklyn Nets

The Brooklyn Nets look focused and ready for another championship run. Attrition is taking its toll on the team, as Paul George is 37 years old at the start of this season and will be turning 38 by the time the Nets are in the playoffs. Derek Baldwin will be turning 40 in December, but if you talk to either player, they don’t seem to be concerned about it.

“We just have to reconfigure the way that we handle ourselves through the course of the season,” said Baldwin. “No wild parties the night before a game. Things like that.”

“We know what it takes to play close to 100 games in a year. We wouldn’t have signed up for another season if we didn’t think we could handle it,” said George.

The Nets got rid of a few key role players from last season’s championship run, namely shooting guards Andre Palmer, who is finishing the final year of his rookie contract with the newly formed Las Vegas Venom, and Luigi Rancatti, who played few, but very key minutes for Brooklyn throughout his time there. Rancatti has been signed by the Portland Trailblazers for this season. Of the four players the Nets put in the pool for the expansion draft, these two did not return.

With what we’re expecting to see of load management for Baldwin and George, this lack of depth at the bench is leading several analysts to believe that the road to the Larry O’Brien trophy will not be so easy.

“It’s never been easy,” said Nets head coach Kobe Bryant. Bryant has won five championships as a player with the Los Angeles Lakers and has now won two more with the Nets. “Every season brings with it its own set of challenges. Every season we have to come in with renewed focus. Mind and body. These guys are invested.”

You would think a team in the Nets’ position would be riding high right now. Resting on their laurels. Enjoying the fruits of their labor, but not these guys. Everybody showed up bright and early for training camp and they are putting in the work. The same as when they were in the hunt for their first championship two seasons ago.

“Nothing changes, fellas. Brand new season. Brand new teams. Everybody s putting in work,” Bryant says after the players have finished their morning session. “The question is are they putting in more work than you?”

A chorus of “hell no’s” echo around the gym. The Brooklyn Nets are as hungry as they were before the gold arrived in Barclays.

New to the team is small forward Jim Manning, the only player the Nets took in the 2027 NBA Draft. He is a quick two-way wing player. His play style is similar to that of Paul George, who he worked with very closely during training camp.

The Nets are still the favorite in the East, but this season will definitely be an interesting one to watch.

Creator of Derek Baldwin da Gawd
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The Mis-Education of Noah Baldwin (2027 - ???)

Post by The JZA » 17 Aug 2021, 19:05

chosenone58 wrote:
17 Aug 2021, 10:15
Before I could do another thing, campus security pulled up and you can only imagine how it looks. 6 foot 3 inch tall guy standing over a 5 foot 5 inch tall female on the ground crying hysterically.
Image Noah walked right into that one. I see Derek ain't teach his nephew the ropes.
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