The Essence of Glory

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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 24 Jul 2019, 15:58

“What about Powell y’all, what do we have there?” Head coach Gus Davison, a stocky man with a scruffy beard, asked the room as he looked up at the magnetic board with roughly 75 names on it.

“Cade's a hell of an athlete, Gus. Six foot six. Good speed, good head. You don’t get those dropped in your lap everyday.” Replied offensive coordinator Carl Edison, a lanky man, barely looking up from his clipboard as he flipped through pages of notes.

“He could definitely play QB at this level, if he had time to learn the system and whatnot. I wish we had him another year, it'd be a hell of a lot easier to move on after Kenny if we did.” Assistant coach Jason Eliason interjected. He was the youngest of the group who looked like he wasn’t far removed from his playing days.

“Well we don't have that luxury unfortunately.” Gus retorted with a hint of aggravation in his tone.

“I mean, clearly he’s our best option if anything does happen to Kenny.” Assistant coach Buck Washington spoke, almost to himself.

“Buck you shut the hell up. Don’t even put that shit out there in the universe.” Coach Eliason shot back, knowing how important senior quarterback Kenny Hill was to the team's success.

“We gotta be prepared for anything, he runs, takes a pile of hits, ain't that big.” Buck replied with a shrug.

“Bottom line is we gotta find ways to get Powell on the field however we can. Get him touches. He's open to whatever. Let's work him part time with the QBs and get him in with the receivers. Shit I'd pass rush him a bit too.” Gus instructed.

The rest of the coaching staff made notes in their notebooks or on their tablets.


“Powell! You gotta plant that outside foot and explode out of the cut, that’s how you’re gonna get any separation there.”

“Yes coach.” Cade said with a nod as he jogged back to the line.

He frequently found himself looking over at Kenny Hill and the underclassmen quarterbacks. He wondered how much more time he had with the receivers today.

“Powell, you here with us.” A coach asked, bringing his attention to the fact that it was his turn to go again.

The receivers were running through on one drills against the corners, working on the route tree and timing. He was lined up across from Ray Crockett. Ray was the best defensive back on the team. He had strength and speed and most importantly he had a great understanding of what a receiver was trying to do.

Coach Buck held up six fingers behind Ray, signaling for Cade to run a dig route. Upfield 12-15 yards then a ninety degree cut in. Sell the fly and get separation on the cut.

“Go!” Shouted Coach Eliason, acting as the quarterback.

Cade exploded off the line with Ray all over him. Cade planted his outside foot and burst inside, getting the slightest bit of space between him and Ray and taking inside leverage. Coach Eliason delivered a pass well ahead of Cade, where the shorter Ray couldn’t get to it. He extended as far as he could and made the catch before Ray was able to wrap him up from behind.

“Great cut Powell, nice catch. Next!” Coach Buck punctuated the sentence with a short blow of his whistle.

“Powell! With us!” Coach Edison shouted into his megaphone as he waved Cade over. Cade smiled as he sprinted to the quarterback group.
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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 24 Jul 2019, 16:00

accidentally missed a post between the last two, edited.
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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 25 Jul 2019, 14:41

“Just how good do y’all think this Carroll team can be this year? You got most of the team coming back, only notable losses are Peyton Williams and Sabian Holmes at receiver, you lost James Prince at offensive tackle, and linebacker Will Davis. All those guys are onto D1 programs now. Sounds like a lot but you’ve got Kenny Hill, one of the best quarterbacks in the nation. Ray Crockett at corner taking away opponents best receiver and let’s not forget the coaching.”

“Loaded with talent, championship pedigree. Call in and let us know what you think.”

“Hector you’re on the air. What do you think? Back to back titles for Carroll?”

“To be honest I’m worried.”

“Why’s that?”

“I’m worried about all the feelings we’re going to hurt this year when we go undefeated and crush all them other schools!”

“That’s a good one Hector you had us going for a minute there. I mean, honestly, who on the schedule is going to be a problem this season?”

“The best team they’ll face in the regular season is Allen. I don’t think they’ll lose but that will be the closest game.”


“So we're winding down here with Southlake Carrol all over Duncanville up 70-3 with just over three minutes to play as we're stopped for a Duncanville injury. Southlake led 49-0 at the half and pulled most of their starters. Kenny Hill threw for 263 yards and four scores and Reggie Franklin added a couple scores on the ground.”

“Yeah and you had the early pick six by Ray Crockett on just a phenomenal play by the senior corner.”

“And the Carroll defense has been absolutely dominating this Duncanville squad. They have no answers.”

“If you're the Carroll coaching staff you've got to be pretty ecstatic about how well this team is playing for it being the first game of the season.”

“Absolutely, extremely disciplined. Not making the first game mental errors that you're seeing from Duncanville out there. Making the right blocks, running the right routes, very little confusion in pass coverage and excellent execution all around.”

“If there was one area of concern at all for Carroll it would be the poor play of backup quarterback Grant Singleton.”

“Singleton played well on JV last year and with players graduating he found himself just behind Kenny Hill on the QB depth chart almost by default coming into this season.”

“Yeah he's missed all five of his pass attempts since he came into the game shortly after halftime and most of them have been well off. He threw a pick on a really bad read and he's had some troubles with the read option as well. They've just been leaning on the running game and Singleton's just been handing it off on some really basic plays. If you're the Carroll coaching staff you have to get this kid ready to play, you'd hate to squander all talent if Hill gets injured.”

“Carroll does have Cade Powell, a newcomer to the program, also listed at quarterback but he's played primarily at receiver tonight.”

“Alright looks like we're going to get back underway here and we'll reset the game. Southlake Carroll leads Duncanville by a score of 70-3 with 3:12 on the clock, Duncanville has the ball at their own 15 on a third and twelve.”

“Heller takes the shotgun snap and throws incomplete as the pass rush is there almost immediately with Powell leading the way, they've given Powell a few reps at defensive end here in the fourth quarter on passing downs and he's gotten some pressure, hasn't gotten home yet for a sack but bringing pressure.”

“Duncanville to punt and looks to be at least partially blocked as it only travels about 20 yards before it bounces out at the Duncanville 37.”

“Looks like they'll send out Powell here at QB. He's lined up in the pistol with DeAndre Phillips to his right. Takes the snap and hands it off to Phillips... nope pulls it back on the read option as the Duncanville end crashes down. Powell has all kinds of room down the right sideline, cuts back inside on the last defender and he's in for six. What a debut at QB for Powell, who led Richland Springs to the 2010 and 2011 UIL Six man state championships before moving up to Southlake.”

“Dominant performance by Carroll as the final gun sounds in the 77-3 win over Duncanville. About what we expected overall, just more Carroll and less Duncanville than we could have predicted. Carroll will face what looks like, at least on paper, their biggest test of the regular season next week at Allen as they play their home opener in that beautiful new stadium they just finished up.”


“Excuse me son.” Cade heard in a deep Texas drawl as he felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Yeah?” Cade asked as he spun around, not recognizing the voice or the man it came out of.

He was a short, round man with a thick brown mustache and not much hair atop his shiny head. Cade thought he looked like the guy on Quaker oats, just younger.

“Eddie VanHaasteren, Midwestern State Football. Heck of a game out there Cade.”

“To be honest I didn't think I did all that much sir.” Cade replied matter-of-factually, trying to think of what may have impressed the man. Surely a rushing touchdown against their backups hadn't gotten him this worked up.

“We'll we've seen some tape from your time at Richland Springs and seeing's how you proved you can make plays at this level that's enough for us to be interested. Have you thought about where you want to play next year Cade?”

“I'm really not even thinking much about the future yet sir.” Cade and his mom had talked about the future before, playing at Texas or A&M, but Cade knew it was a longshot coming from the six man game. He hadn't taken much time to think about playing at the next level.

“Understandable. Tell you what.” The man grabbed a business card out of his shirt pocket and extended it toward Cade. “You think about some things and let me know if you wanna chat, we'd be tickled to have you over in Wichita Falls for a visit sometime.”

“Thank you sir, I appreciate it.” Cade said as he took the card.

“We'll be seeing you around.” The man said with a nod before walking away.
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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 25 Jul 2019, 14:49

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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 29 Jul 2019, 13:10

“All Allen's talking about is making history! Ending our winning streak! Like it's some foregone fuckin' conclusion! What y'all think of that?”

“Bullshit!” Ray Crockett shouted back at the fired up head coach.

“Sixty million! Sixty million dollars they spent on this shit just to have us come here on opening night and whoop they asses. Keep the streak alive!”


“And if you're Carroll this is really worst case scenario losing Hill here.”

“Yeah clean hit by Allen's Byron Bonds and Hill just didn't see him coming.”

“So Hill goes back to the locker room and Grant Singleton will sub in for Southlake Carroll, the sophomore hasn't played much and I don't believe he has completed a pass at the varsity level.”


“Singleton misses again on third down and Carroll punts again here in the second quarter trailing Allen 10-0.”


“Singleton brought down on the sack by Bonds and pinned back again they'll have to punt.”


“Why the hell ain't we putting Cade in?” Coach Eliason pleaded with the two older coaches, loud enough so that Cade could hear him.

“Bro?” Desmond nudged Cade and pointed.


“Plead y'alls case man this game getting away.”

“It's not my place. I'm not the coach.” Cade replied with a shrug, even though he was certain he could outplay the struggling sophomore.

Desmond popped up and made his way over to Coach Eliason, Cade tuned them out, turning his attention to a moping, head hanging Grant.

“Shake it off, let's throw.” He said as he tossed Grant a ball.


“Southlake Carroll about to be back on offense. Trailing 17-0 to Allen as we start the third quarter in this beautiful new stadium.”

“Yeah what a sight. They're saying just about 22,000 in attendance here and they've been fully engaged.”

“About 60 million invested here and it's absolutely worth every penny.”

“Let's talk about on the field. Great demonstration of the importance of a good backup QB with Carroll's sophomore Singleton really struggling after replacing Hill following injury. And on the other side they're actually splitting time with Oliver Pierce and Kyler Murray both making plays.”


“Singleton back to pass and pressured, spins around the pass rush and fires it downfield to Coby Watters who has space and he's down to the Allen 23.”

“Oh there's a flag back near the original line of scrimmage and this one is coming back for holding.”

“Mistake after mistake out there. Best play Southlake has had all night and instead of a first down at Allen's 23 they're looking at third and 17 at their own 38.”


“Murray hands off to Allen and he's in for six as we wrap up the third quarter, Allen taking a 24-0 lead.”

“Looks like Southlake is hoping for a spark as they've got Cade Powell and Ray Crockett back to return.”

“Line drive kick to Powell and he catches it on the bounce, moves to his right and he stops and throws it across the field to Crockett who's got some room. Great block by Hopkins and Crockett's pushed out at the Allen 44. Maybe some life here for Carroll.”


“Southlake Carroll going for it here on fourth and six at Allen's 40. Singleton to Crockett on the slant and he's brought down almost immediately after a gain of just four yards.”

“Easy to say from here but it looked like he had Powell deep.”


“Allen grinding away at the clock and we're down under two minutes now as Murray keeps on the option and picks up another first down.”


“Gentlemen.” Coach Davison addressed the downtrodden team. He paced for a moment then turned back to face them.

“There's nothing I need to say to y'all about that game. We were all there. We saw it. Let's get cleaned up, leave this game here and get a fresh start tomorrow.”
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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 29 Jul 2019, 13:14

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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 31 Jul 2019, 10:41

Coach Davison sighed and aggressively rubbed his forehead as he watched the tape from the loss at Allen, showing another miscue by Singleton.

“He's talented.” Coach Edison defended the sophomore. “He just ain't had the reps. Too much jitters.”

Davison grunted, running the tape back to get another look at a Singleton interception.

“SHIT!” He shouted as the play unfolded, throwing the remote against the wall where it broke into several pieces and startling the rest of the coaching staff.

“Where are we at with Kenny?”

“Should be good for Friday Coach.”

“Good. Jason.” Davison quickly turned his attention to the quarterbacks coach.


“I want Powell with the quarterbacks 100% of the time in practice from here on out. He's our backup now. Get him ready to play, god forbid.” He mocked a lazy sign of the cross as he tossed his notes on the desk and stood up.


“Kenny Hill back under center this week for Carroll after missing the second half of the loss to Allen last week with an ankle injury. Wearing a brace there on the left ankle but hasn't seemed to bother him much so far today with Carroll all over Midland, leading 42-0.”


“Another stellar week for Kenny Hill and the Southlake Carroll squad as they knock off Temple 34-0. Two convincing wins to follow up that ugly loss at Allen”


“Southlake Carroll with another big win here tonight as they throttle Keller Central 59-0 to ruin their homecoming game. Three big wins since the loss at Allen in week two and the Dragons are 4-1 and right in the mix. And Kenny Hill has been phenomenal since the injury.”


“Powell comes down with the jump ball from Hill and that will put Carroll up 48-7 over Timber Creek, Hill's fourth touchdown pass of the night already and the second to Powell, who's come on strong in the past few weeks as a receiver.”


“Mr. Powell!”

Cade heard the words but didn't register that they were directed at him. He kept walking toward the locker room until DeAndre nudged him and pointed behind them.

A man approached, hand extended.

“Cade Powell!”

“Yes sir.” Cade replied while shaking the man's hand. He had gotten a bit more used to these encounters over the past few weeks. He had cards from Midwestern State, West Texas A&M, Western New Mexico and several other division II, III and junior colleges.

“Jimmy Baker, Stephen F. Austin State University!” He said it so proudly Cade couldn't help but get a little excited.

“Nice to meet you sir.” He replied, finishing the handshake.

“Mr Phillips.” Jimmy nodded in DeAndre's direction and extended his hand. “Mind if I borrow Cade here for a minute?”

“I'll catch you inside.” Cade told DeAndre as he motioned toward the locker room.

The two players bumped fists as the sophomore runningback jogged off.

“You're really looking like a natural out there at receiver Cade. We've had our eye on you for a bit.”

“Thank you sir.”

“Call me Jimmy, please.”

Cade nodded.

“I know you want to go celebrate so I'll keep this short. We'd really love to have you with us over in Nacogdoches next season. You given much thought to that, next season?”

“Not much si... Jimmy.”

“Well, whether it's us or someone else you're gonna be playing at the next level. You should start thinking about it. Like I said we'd love to have you.”

Jimmy pulled out a card.

“Call me. Even if you're not interested in Stephen F. Let's talk soon Cade.”

“Thank you sir. I will.” Cade held up the card. “Have a good night.”

“You too Cade, keep it up.” Jimmy punctuated the sentence with a thumbs up as Cade turned and jogged toward the locker room.
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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 31 Jul 2019, 10:48

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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 01 Aug 2019, 08:53


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The Essence of Glory

Post by djp73 » 05 Aug 2019, 15:52

“So coming off their huge 63-7 win over Richland this Southlake Carroll team is already on top 21-0 against Northwest and Hill and the rest of this offensive unit is looking to extend that lead here before halftime.”

“Hill hands it off to Reggie Franklin and he picks up six yards.”

“DeAndre Phillips on the sweep left and he's got some space, shoved out of bounds at the Northwest 37 yard line after a gain of 12 yards with just under a minute to go before the break.”

“Hill in the shotgun with Phillips next to him. Hill takes the snap and it's an option, Hill keeps and gets the edge. OH and Hill was just absolutely blown up there on a big hit by Northside's Douglas and gets tangled up with another player there. Hill grabbing at that right knee and that's not looking too good there.”


“So after the Hill injury Grant Singleton comes in and hands it off three times and Ty Cummings hits the 32 yard field goal to make it 24-0 at the break. We'll get you info on Kenny Hill as soon as we get it.”


Cade noticed that the coaching staff was taking an abnormally long time joining him in the locker room, he assumed they were trying to get information on Kenny's injury.

Just then Coach Davison burst through the swinging doors.

“Powell, with me!” He shouted, first pointing to Cade then to his office.

“I'll make this quick,” he exclaimed, out of breath and red faced. “Kenny's out. You're in. Singleton's got more time in the system and he knows this offense but we feel like you're the better player. Prove us right.”

“Yes coach.” Cade replied, feigning confidence.

“You good?” Coach asked.


“Let's go.”

Cade tried to focus as the coaching staff threw a pile of information at him.

“Just relax, we'll keep it simple. Protect the ball. Make good decisions and we'll lean on the defense. We've got a good lead, we just need to protect it and we're good.” Coach Eliason explained.

Cade nodded.

“You've been here before. This is easy. It's just football Cade. You got this. Alright?”

Cade nodded as Coach Eliason patted him on the back then gave him a push out of the locker room.


“So it's senior Cade Powell under center here for Southlake Carroll after the punt by Northside. He takes the snap and hands off to DeAndre Phillips for a gain of seven up the middle.”

“Phillips runs again for five.”

“Powell keeps on the option and runs for a gain of eight.”

“Powell connects with Coby Watters on the slant for a gain of eleven yards.”

“Franklin carries for a gain of two.”

“Franklin on the toss and he'll get outside, gets a block and he's in for six. Cummings kits the point after and Southlake Carrol is up 31-0 here as we're about halfway through the third quarter.”

“Ray Crockett with the pick off the tipped pass and nobody's going to catch him, 38-0 Southlake after the kick.”

“Powell keeps and runs right up the middle for 12 yards.”

“Powell to Crockett on the out for a gain of 12 and Powell's completed all four of his passes so far.”

“Franklin for a gain of six.”

“Phillips runs for four yards and another first down.”

“Powell keeps on another read option and picks up three yards.”

“Powell on the quick out to Watters and he picks up thirteen before he's dragged down at the four yard line.”

“Phillips on the counter and he's into the endzone for six.”

“Cummings kick is good again and Carroll goes up 45-0.”


“That's a hell of a game Cade. That's exactly what we needed, smart plays, nothing risky. Picking up yardage and setting us up to score. No turnovers, no incompletions. Great job.”

Cade nodded as a few teammates slapped him on the shoulder pads or helmet.

“That's a big win for us.” Coach Davison continued.

“We've got three games left and I'm sure you're all wondering about Kenny. The answer is we don't know yet but it doesn't look good. What I can tell you is we're not about to let ourselves use that as an excuse for anything short of another state championship!”

Davison pumped his fist to drive his point home.

“We've got a lot of talent in this locker room and we're going to need all of you to step up a bit. Each and every one of you. If we all do that, if we all hold ourselves and our brothers accountable we're going to go far.”

Scattered cheers and applause from the team was offered as a reply.

“Coaches? Anything else?”

Most shook their head but Coach Eliason spoke.

“Let's just block out the bullshit that's coming and keep winning.”
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