Explosions of Grandeur.

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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Soapy » 29 Jul 2019, 08:31

"I'm sure you did fine."

James briefly looked up before resting his head back on the dashboard. He lightly tapped his head against it a few more times before taking a deep breath and sitting up, "It's fine, it's fine. I'll be fine."

"My brother got his back and he got a 1640. You just need at least 700, right?"

"Verbal and math," James sighed, "What did he get in those?"

"Probably in the 800s," Vanessa shrugged, "We really focused on those and you were doing better on the math so you should be fine."

"When the fuck did he take it?"

"November," she answered, "It was after one of y'all game, his ass almost didn't wake up for it."

"Let me guess. You dragged his ass out here today, too?"

"You'll be thanking me," she said as she exited the highway, "I want a shout-out on Wednesday."

"I don't know about all that," James laughed, "Speaking of repayment though. Once I get these scores back and actually get into Fresno, I'm going to let it slip to Tyler that you helped me."

"We're in February," Vanessa shook her head, "I'm not buying your whole wait until the last minute approach."

"Fair enough," James shrugged, "You're going to need to leave the library and attend like an actual party. With alcohol....and drugs....and pre-marital sex, Vanessa."

"I'm not that much of a prude," she groaned, "I'm just not a nasty man like you."

"Say less," James smiled, "We're going on a road-trip tonight."


The house seemed a lot smaller this time around as Vanessa's car pulled up to the front of the house. There were a lot less cars parked out front with James quickly being able to pick out Iman's car. The duo appeared to be fashionably late as loud noises were already emitting from the house.

Vanessa parked the car and sat around for a while, keeping her head in her phone.

"You're not texting anyone," James pulled her phone and opened the door, motioning for her to do the same.

"We just spent almost two fucking hours in a car," Vanessa got up and spat at James as they walked to the door, "I have responsibilities so I need to check my phone, email."

"You're eighteen," James scoffed as he finally handed her phone back, "Stop acting like you're some 32-year old store manager."

"I actually am a store manager," she corrected him as she took a deep breath and adjusted her dress, "And I'm actually sixteen."

"Aren't you a senior?"

"Skipped a grade or two," she said with a sly smile as the door opened.


"It's James," James forced a smile, walking right pass Jessica's attempt at an hug.

The living room was viewable now and the decadence was all around with two TV screens that were well above 60 inches, a water-fall, a fire-placed and several almost life-size art pieces littered and surrounded the set of couches that everyone was sitting on. On the couches were similar faces in Skylar, Gia and Cassie from the previous party with Lexie sitting all over Iman's lap -- literally -- while Tyler just hung around in the corner.

"I'm Vanessa," James turned around to see Vanessa ensnared in Jessica's trap of a hug.

"Jimmy Boy!" Iman yelled, not bothering to even try getting up from Lexie's hefty legs.

"You finally came out," Skylar smiled, "I've been asking Iman here to bring you next time for like the last two months."

"Iman is more incentivized to make the trek out here than I am," James said with a coy smile directed at Lexie.

"That's your fault," Skylar responded in kind, "A lot of good things were supposed to happen last time."

"If I remember correctly," James tapped his index finger on his lips, "You were the one that couldn't hang and ruined it all."

"She just wants your weed," Cassie scoffed, "Did you bring any? We have that shitty shit up here."

"That was very direct," James took a seat before pulling out four, pre-rolled blunts.

"Manners!" Jessica exclaimed as she pointed towards Vanessa who had just been standing awkwardly behind James, "Everyone, this is Vanessa."

The group went around introducing themselves to her, some throwing in a half-hearted compliment on her dress, hair or skin tone. James focused on getting the blunts lit up and starting the rotation.

"Tyler," Tyler raised her hand, "You go to our school, right?"

"Yes, she replied softly.

"She's not with me," James looked up, "So she's fair game, boys."

Vanessa laughed awkwardly before shooting James a harsh look. While she did want it to be made clear that her and James weren't a thing, she also didn't want to be put out like a whore for bidding.

"What's up?"

James turned around to see a deep, familiar voice that he had not heard from in a while. Coming out of the bathroom was Jalen, donning Cuban links that were resting on his black tee along with a few other gold pieces. A short-haired, brown-skinned girl also came out of the bathroom a few moments later, not even bothering to try to hide their previous endeavor as she was out of breath.

"Surprise," teased Iman as he took a sip of his drink before Lexie ate his face once more.

"Just hanging," James dapped Jalen up as casually as possible, "Your fly is open."

He quickly looked down before realizing that James was messing with him, "I forgot how funny you were."

"I forgot how handsome you were," James teased him, making a playful grab at his crotch area which Jalen quickly blocked, "How's he packing?"

The short-haired girl looked in amazement as she sat down, making a small wave towards Vanessa.

"I gave Iman the same speech months ago and I gave it to Tyler too," Jalen's face changed, "I really, really wished I handled the whole transferring things better. I just...things got caught up in the air and then it felt weird to double back and then talk to y'all."

"I got to start," James shrugged with a small laugh, "No problem, little bro. I'm just saying, though, you could have stayed here and got smoked in the quarterfinals too."

"We didn't get smoked," Jalen protested.

"31 points is getting smoked," Tyler added.

"Y'all got smoked and fucked," Jalen fired back, "J.T. made y'all boys look silly, man."

"Go suck his dick then," Iman was able to separate from Lexie's lips long enough to get a few words out. The football talk had sent the other girls into their own little circle as they started their own conversation but Lexie stood by her man while Vanessa just lingered around James.

"He can carry his nuts at SC," James quipped.

"You ain't hear?" Tyler sat up, "This motherfucker's going out to the Artic."

"Columbus isn't even that cold," Jalen shook his head.

"What happened to SC and UCLA?" James asked, taking a puff of the blunt that had made his way back to him before passing it to Vanessa who declined.

"I like Chip but they're still a dumpster fire so fuck that and I'm not sitting two, three seasons behind J.T."

"Only losers sit on the bench for three seasons," Tyler teased before James fired a bunch of playful punches towards his ribs section, "Fuck you."

"Speaking of bench warmers," James got back to his seat and was soon passed yet another blunt, "Where's Noah's bitch ass?"

"He's going to IMG," Jalen shook his head.

"For real?" James was shocked as were Tyler and Iman.

"His uncle apparently is friends with some admin over there and got him admitted," Jalen shrugged, "He hasn't even told the coaching staff, yet."

"What a snake," Tyler sucked his teeth.

"Jalen did the same shit," James replied, causing an awkward silence to fall, "Y'all did!"

"Fake news," Jalen held his finger up, "I told coach Butler two weeks before and he just wouldn't accept the answer. Same thing with Jason, I don't know about Leon and Noah but I kept telling coach, he just wouldn't take the answer."

"You ain't tell us," Iman correctly pointed out.

"Enough of this," Lexie said, feeling the tension, "Y'all fucking up my high."

"I thought y'all said we was good," Jalen stood up, "I'm not going to keep going back and forth about this shit."

"No one's asking you," James kept his demeanor calm, "We're....I'm just saying that you did the same shit Noah is doing now."

"It's not the same," Jalen shot right back, "We're an actual good team with a chance at winning state and he's running away from competition. I wasn't running away from shit."

"Maybe you need an all-star cast to win games," James shrugged as he looked up towards Jalen who seemed to have found his voice and his balls since moving, "I won nine games with a corner at running back and a safety at receiver. You won ten games with like ten Power-5 scholarship athletes on offense."

"Weak ass league," Jalen waved his hand.

"Shut the fuck up," Lexie groaned, "Y'all can get so annoying."

"Shut your fat ass up."

Iman stood up aggressively but Tyler quickly stepped in, placing his hand on his chest and creating a physical barrier between the two. Realizing that the lanky Tyler wasn't going to get the job done, James begrudgingly got up and got in the middle as well. The other girls were now engaged as they walked back over to the action, creating a circle around Tyler, Iman, Lexie, Jalen, James and Vanessa.

"Take that 'hood-rat' shit somewhere else," Gia scoffed, "We're just trying to get lit tonight."

"Everyone's good," James said, raising his voice, "Just a little too much testosterone."

"Let's get into the pool!" Jessica exclaimed, almost completely unaware of what had just transpired.


"I have some suits upstairs."

"I doubt they'll fit," snickered one of the dark-haired girls as Lexie shot them a middle-finger.

The night had went on and James' ability to pick them out -- similar to his previous trip to the Hills -- had went awry, right along with his sobriety. There was a loaded bar alongside the pool deck where James had eagerly indulged himself while the girls changed into their swimsuits and the guys awkwardly waited around as Iman and Jalen gave each other the death stare.

The girls -- whatever their names were at this point -- were all in the pool except for Lexie and Vanessa. Tyler and Jalen had also joined with Iman keeping his girlfriend company on the outside while James would rotate in and out between the bar and the pool.

"Get me something," Skylar said, running her finger against James' leg as he walked towards the edge of the pool and got out, "Something dark and strong."

"Iman's taken," James joked, "Jalen looks pretty busy with your girl Gia over there and I wouldn't call him dark and strong either."

"That's Cassie," she corrected him, "What about your boy Tyler then?"

"Off limits," James smiled as he was now completely out of the pool, "Rum and coke fine?"

Skylar gave James a thumbs-up, sending him waddling to the pool as the temperatures outside the pool were considerably lower. It was deep into the night, perhaps even wee-hours of the next morning, and a chilly evening had came and went but the chilly part stayed. James shot Vanessa a look to make sure that she was still doing okay but instead of just nodding back, she joined him at the bar.

"Having fun?"

"The whole point of this," she took the bottle of Flor de Cana from him, "Was for you to set me up with Tyler, I don't know, a fucking lob like you like to call it. Not get shit-faced."

"First," James grabbed it back, "Every time you come next to me and start talking really intensely after being a mute all night, people assume we're an item. Secondly, the point of this was for me to get shit-faced and most importantly, I can't make a horse drink the water, I can only bring it to it."

"That's not how the saying goes."

"You know what?" James put the bottle down but not before taking a final swing, emptying his second bottle for the night, "Let me see your phone."


James sighed before reaching into her pocket and taking it out, along with taking out her wallet from her back pocket.

"What are you doing?" Vanessa said with confusion.

Before she knew it, James had lifted her up, saddling her in his arms like a baby as he approached the pool.

"Oh my god!"

"Incoming!" James yelled as with a single swing, he threw Vanessa into the pool.

She landed right in front of Tyler before she came up in a panic. Tyler grabbed at her, unsure if she knew how to swim.

"Just wrap yourself around me," he said as he tried to hold back his laugh.

"I'm fine," she stood up inside the pool, wiping her face, "Thanks, though."

"Not for nothing," Tyler got closer to her, "You're the only one here who can actually do that and not have makeup smeared all over your face."

"Thanks," she laughed awkwardly before turning around and facing James who was besides himself with laughter, "Fuck you!"

"I love you too, sis."


"You're not getting into my car soaked."

"What do you want me to do?" James shrugged as he stood outside in the driveway, unable to open the passenger side door.

"I don't know," Vanessa said plainly, "Figure it out."

"I get you your first kiss and this is how you treat me?"

"It wasn't my first kiss," she said, trying not to smile, "I don't want my seat to be soaking wet and then by the time we get home, it'll probably be in the morning and I'll need to go to work and I don't want my car stinking."

"I told you to let us spend the night," James shook his head, "You and Tyler could, you know."

"Fuck you," she flipped him off, "Go change!"

James sighed before turning around and walking back inside the house. The midnight sky was now getting some color which created the perfect backdrop for the glassed-wall living room. A scatter of teenage bodies were sprawled on the couches, some with phones emitting light above their faces.

"You got any clothes?"

"You're not about to stretch my shit out anymore," Iman responded.

"Tiny little bitch," James scoffed, "Where's your shadow?"

"She's getting changed."

"Which is what I'm trying to do but your bitch ass ain't helping me."

"I got you," Jalen said from across the room. James turned around, unaware that he was still awake.

Jalen got up and headed downstairs which James followed suit. They headed all the way towards the floor with the set of guest rooms before walking into one which had a few bags inside.

"Appreciate it," James said as he waited behind Jalen who went through one of the bags before pulling out a few shirts and shorts.

"I'm about to crash," Jalen said as he took a seat on the bed, "That's me politely asking your to change elsewhere."

"You got funny," James with a laugh before dapping Jalen up.

"My fault about that whole thing with Iman," Jalen said as James made his way to the door, "I know that's your boy and all."

"Don't sweat it," James waved him off before closing the door behind him.

He walked down a few steps before opening the door into another one of the guest rooms. This one was a little bit more spacious and had two twin beds. James took his clothes off and changed out of them, smiling to himself as he donned a blue, UCLA shirt that was clearly part of some swag bag that Jalen had received.

James was startled by the sound of a woman screaming. He jumped before turning around to see Lexie scrambling to cover herself up with the towel that she had dropped.

"Holy fuck," she took a deep breath, "You scared the shit out of me!"

"You scared me!"

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm fucking changing," James was now able to laugh about the situation, "The room looked empty."

"Empty?" Lexie walked over and picked up the purse that was laid down a the feet of one of the beds which James hadn't noticed.

"I didn't see that little ass bag," James shrugged, "I'm surprised everyone hasn't barged down here after that loud ass yell with Iman leading the charge, fists swinging."

"Yeah," Lexie scoffed, "Iman, the real tough guy."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know what it means."

"No, I don't. I wouldn't ask you if I did," James shook his head.

"You saw that little fake stunt he pulled upstairs. He wasn't going to do shit."

"I'm not getting into this," James let out a dry chuckle, "Sounds like some built up, relationship shit that ain't my business."

"I've dated some soft dudes," Lexie didn't heed to James' request, "Look around, it's the fucking Hills but Iman easily takes the cake."

"Iman's not soft," James defended his friend, "He's just not a fucking jock, a fucking meathead like us."

"He doesn't even be wanting to fuck."

"Be glad he's not fucking around on you," James interrupted her, "Trust me, he could clean up at Poly if he wanted to so stop looking a gift-horse in the fucking mouth."

"His dick doesn't even get hard half the time," she got closer to him, "Even when it does, it doesn't stay hard for very long and it's not even that hard. Not like yours."

Lexie reached at James crotch, grabbing his penis before he was able to pull away.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just saying," she plopped herself down on the bed which caused the towel to drop, "He's not fucking me, not the way I like to be fucked, the way you fucked me. Shit, he fucked me pretty good that night with you. I'd settle for that again but he's not going to be down for it and I'm not going to up my body count by fucking another nigga."

"You're a whore," James spat at her before grabbing his wet clothes and making a go for the door.

"I know you think about it!" she screamed out before the sound of the door slamming brought the room to a silent pitch.

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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Soapy » 29 Jul 2019, 09:08

"I thought we agreed on suits."

"No, we did not."

Iman shook his head as the rest of the athletic department scurried around the gymnasium, making sure everything was ready. James scanned the room, happy that he was sitting comfortable in just a Fresno State sweatshirt and jeans. Truth be told, he didn't own a suit that fit him anymore and he wasn't going to ask his father for a new one. He was counting down the days he wasn't going to be asking his father for anything, anymore.

"We did agree to suits," Iman shot at James once Gordon also joined them on the extended table that was facing the empty seats that would soon be filled.

"How I look?" Gordon turned around in his burgundy suit with black linings, an apparent homage to San Diego State's colors.

"Fresh and so clean," James joked, dapping up the senior safety.

"No one's doing a hat reveal," Iman looked down the table as the rest of the other athletes from other sports started filling in.

"We could bring Cam up here and have him pick between LB and Azusa," James said with a laugh.

"I can't believe he ditched us," Iman sucked his teeth, "The team looks kinda trash with just three of us signing."

"I would do the same if I was going to a community college," James shrugged, "That ain't nothing to celebrate, not that there's anything wrong with it."

"Yes, there is." Gordon laughed.


"You always starting some shit!"

James was greeted by a barrage of yelling and screaming as he opened the door. He purposely made as much noise as possible when he closed the door which brought the noise emitting from the bedroom to a halt.

"The fuck you doing here?" Tim said after swinging the bedroom door open.

"Checking the mail," James didn't bother looking up at him until from the corner of his eye he saw Naomi slip through the crack between Tim and the door.

"You don't got school or some shit?"

"I'm here because of school," James scoffed, ripping open the only letter which had his name, "My SAT scores came in."

"What'd you get?" Naomi ferociously wiped her face with her hand, "I need some damn good news today."

James scanned the paper, trying to force himself to focus as the mass amount of numbers on the page was impending his ability to check the scores.

"900," James muttered to himself, "Nine fucking hundred!"

"That's good, right?" Naomi asked, unsure whether or not to celebrate.

"It's fucking great," James laughed, slamming the paper down.

"Congrats!" Naomi jumped up and hugged James, "Oh, I'm so proud of you."

"Quit all that damn noise," Tim waved at them, "What does it mean?"

"It means I'm actually going to Fresno," James said, not believing the words that are coming out of his mouth, "Fuck, I have to tell coach."

"That can wait," Naomi rushed inside the bedroom before coming out with her purse, completely bypassing Tim, "I'm taking you out today."
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Captain Canada
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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Captain Canada » 29 Jul 2019, 13:46

If you make James fuck Naomi, you officially a legend.

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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Soapy » 30 Jul 2019, 16:58

“You’re getting fat again.”

James simply smiled before the sound of whistle sent him sprinting up the hill, hitting full stride about halfway through the 100-meter dash before bringing his feet to a slow, careful halt. He was never a fan of running but it felt good to be running at full speed again, a luxury he hadn’t had for the last few months. Beating Brandon again also felt good.

“I’m still smoking his ass,” James shoved Brandon as the two of them started their 45-second walk back down the hill as coach Marcus watched from the bottom of the hill with a disapproving look on his face.

“Brandon is and always will be a slow shit,” Marcus said with a straight face, “When you can throw like Brandon, you can run like him too.”

“Bitch,” Brandon muttered under his breath with a slight smirk before lining up again.

They continued to run up and down the hill under Marcus’ watchful eye, constantly critiquing them on their effort and speed. The morning came to a close and so did the hill sprints but the workout did not.

Marcus harkened back to his days as a quarterback, running Brandon and James through several drills over the course of the afternoon, only taking brief reprieves to down water, Gatorade and peanut butter-and-honey sandwiches.

This was the fifth and final day of a spring break that was nothing but a break for both Brandon and James. Their counterparts had taken off to Tijuana and James’ lack of a passport saw him stuck stayside while Brandon’s very uneventful first college season had his mind elsewhere.

“We’ll wrap it up,” Marcus said as James slowly jogged bag to the line of scrimmage, serving as both as a receiver for Brandon’s reps and a quarterback himself.

“One more out and up,”Brandon protested, taking the ball out of James’ hands.

“You run the route,” James told Marcus before plopping down on the grass, enjoying the new dynamic between them as he now viewed Marcus as a peer versus a coach, despite the grueling six-hour workout session they just endured.

“Don’t make me make your ass run another gasser,” Marcus threatened him with a light chuckle before getting into a receiver stance.

“Ready! Ready! Blue 19! Blue 19! Down! Set! Hut!”

James didn’t bother watching as he continued to wipe the sweat off of his face. The loud of grunt from Brandon made him turn his head to watch Marcus have to slow down and adjust his body to catch the ball from Brandon.

“Noodle arm,” James joked as Brandon joined him on the floor, taking his drenched shirt off, “I need you to have the same ‘fat boy’ energy you’re giving me to Brandon. He’s fatter than me!”

“I’m compact,” Brandon replied as Marcus was now standing over them, barely breaking a sweat.

“It’s that freshman fifteen,” Marcus nodded, “And when you’re not playing? Forget about that shit.”

“It’s those late night sessions,” Brandon shook his head, “You get home after practice and tutoring and all that shit and want to grab something to eat at like eleven.”

“And then you sneak off for some pussy,” James got up with some help from Marcus, “End up eating again -- literally and figuratively -- before you head back home. I’ve spent a few nights on college campuses, I know the vibes.”

“Not everyone cheats on their girlfriends,” Brandon threw his balled up, sweaty shirt at James’ legs but missed.

“Really, bro? She seemed like a nice girl,” Marcus shrugged, having met Beck a few times throughout the season.

“I’m the only non-faithful man,” James said sarcastically, “You guys just be going home to your faithful wives so I’m not even going to bother to ask if y’all want to go out tonight.”

“Go out where? Everyone’s gone,” Brandon raised his eyebrows.

“I’m too old for this,” Marcus laughed.

“You’re like two years older than Brandon,” James waved him off, “Not everyone went to Mexico but this ain’t your father’s kind of party, either.”


“Give me my money! I don’t give a fuck! Give me my money! Ayy, Mike! Tell this nigga to give me my money, man!”

James made himself skinny as he got through the ruckus crowd that had formed around the bottom of the staircase. James bumped into one of them and did not hesitate to give them a head nod, which they returned in favor.

“About time,” said one of the girls, grabbing a cup out of James’ right hand.

“Bitch,” James snatched it back before giving her another one from his left hand, “That shit is straight alcohol and will have you on your ass. I’m not trying to catch a charge tonight, ma’am.”
“You’re not getting any pussy tonight anyway,” Diamond sucked her teeth as she also was given a cup from James’ left hand, “Jasmine don’t fuck with you like that anymore.”

“Yes, she does.”

“I sure don’t,” Jasmine took a sip of her drink, “Jay, this is a baby ass drink.”

“You’re a baby ass girl,” James laughed as he gave Marcus the last cup that was in his hand.

“Appreciate it,” Marcus said softly, slowly taking a sip.

“Where’s Brandon?” James asked over the music.

“We too dark for him,” Jasmine got all in James’ face, “You stay bringing scary ass dudes around us.”

“He’s not scared,” James defended his friend, “He just has a girlfriend.”

“What about him? Why is he so quiet?” Diamond put her arm around Marcus’ neck.

“He’s in the league,” James stifled his laugh, “He’s not trying to make it hot, you know? Keep a low profile.”

“You do look familiar,” Jasmine joined her sister as they were now both using the light from their phones to brighten up Marcus’ face in the dark lit living room.

“Who you play for?” Diamond asked.

Marcus looked at James with a smile, who simply shrugged. “The Cardinals.”

“Where they play at?” Diamond turned towards her sister.

“Arizona,” Marcus answered, “I’m just out here helping James train and stuff.”

“Train for what?” Jasmine scoffed, “He’s still a scrub, always going to be a scrub.”

“Shut up,” Diamond told her sister, stealing the words out of James’ mouth, “When you going back to Arizona?”

James’ face lit up and he made a face towards Marcus who read it perfectly, “Tonight’s my last night.”


“The curly-haired one was nice,” James said with a smug smile as he let his face pressed up against the window, enjoying its coldness, “Jasmine sure knows her way around some shit, boy.”

Marcus kept quiet as the car flew past traffic light after traffic light with the sun slowly rising in the backdrop.

“Did I past your house?”

James sat up and looked around before shaking his head, “It’s two more lights than a left.”

He quickly returned to his nap, trying to sleep off the cognac and shots of tequila that they enjoyed once they brought the girls back to Marcus’ apartment. His bachelor pad was surely convincing to the girls that he was an NFL player although by that point, they were pretty much game. The NFL bit is probably what got them to be more open to sharing.

“This your house, right?” Marcus said sternly as the car came to a halt.

Once again, James sat up and then pointed Marcus to two houses down, “It’s this one right here, boss.”

James opened the door and stumbled almost directly into the grass. He tried to pick himself up again but fell back down again before just deciding to lay in the grass.

“Motherfucker,” Marcus muttered under his breath before he got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side of the car, “I can’t believe your ass.”

“This feels nice,” James smiled as he was now face-first in the grass which was undoubtedly covered with dog shit.

“Get your ass up,” Marcus said, grabbing James by the back of his shirt and dragging him up.

Marcus threw James’ arm over his shoulder and balanced him as they slowly made their way to the door, “Where’s the fucking keys?”

Noticing the car parked out in front, Marcus knocked on the door and then knocked some more until he heard commotion inside the house.

“Be quiet,” James smiled, bringing his right index finger to his mouth as the door swung open.

“The fuck is this?”

“I’m sorry,” Marcus tried to explain, “James, wake up, is this the right house?”

“It sure ain’t,” Tim scoffed as he went to close the door but James managed to stop the door with his hand, somehow mustering up the strength, “Get the fuck out!”

“Just drop me on the couch,” James shook his head, slowly starting to realize the situation, “This old motherfucker always talking about something. Just shut the fuck up, damn.”

“Fuck you, boy.”

Tim pressed his palm against James’ face, pushing him out of Marcus’ grasp and sent him stumbling down in front of the doorsteps.

“Hey!” Marcus shouted at Tim as he went to help James up.

“What’s going on?” said a soft voice from inside the house.

“Go back to bed!” Tim commanded to Naomi, “This drunk motherfucker trying to come in, causing shit.”

“You’re drunk all the time,” Naomi made her way to the door, opening it completely as she pushed Tim out of the way, “Come on, James. Thank you, mister, for getting him home safe.”

Before Marcus could open his mouth, Tim grabbed Naomi by the back of her neck and threw her back inside the house. James was now back on his feet and in one quick motion, leaped inside the house and punched Tim in the back of his head. He didn’t connect all the way but enough to send Tim stumbling down.

“Fuck you!”

Marcus stepped in and separated the two as Tim had turned around and was getting ready to load up a punch. Tim kept trying to get past Marcus before he was finally able to, landing a clean punch that struck James in the face. James took a few steps back before charging at his father, brushing up against Marcus and the couch in the process. They both fell down with James landing on top of Tim. He started swinging away, landing countless punches before a shell shocked Marcus pulled James off of him.

“Get the fuck out my house!” Tim yelled as Naomi came to his aide, holding his face in her hand as she joined him on the hardwood floors.
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Captain Canada
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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Captain Canada » 30 Jul 2019, 17:38

James a real one, sometimes you got throw some.
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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Fapplatte » 30 Jul 2019, 17:53

nice story development so far

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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Soapy » 01 Aug 2019, 08:45

Captain Canada wrote:
30 Jul 2019, 17:38
James a real one, sometimes you got throw some.
Had to be done.
Fapplatte wrote:
30 Jul 2019, 17:53
nice story development so far
Thanks brudda welcome along.

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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Soapy » 01 Aug 2019, 08:45

“I’m not going to your prom.”

“I went to yours!”

“That’s different,” Beck explained as she finished off the last of her slice, “I’m not going to be one of those lame ass college kids that go to proms. You were a junior going to a senior prom, that’s some hot shit. Since when are you Mr. School Spirit?”

“Come on,” James pleaded, “I’ve always wanted to lose my virginity at prom.”

Beck simply shook her head and scoffed. She often wondered if James came out of a vagina and inserted his penis directly into another. Knowing him, it’s not as far fetched as one would think.

“Are you even going to be allowed at prom? You haven’t been to school in like forever.”

“Let me worry about that,” James dismissed, “Just show up looking all good and let me tear that ass up afterwards, for all times sake. Hanging out and hiding in your dorm ain’t exactly the dopest shit.”

“We’re not hiding,” she quickly replied, “You’ve never been one to complain about being in bed all day, fucking, eating, fucking, eating, fucking and eating some more. You’re trying to make me fat, is that what this is?”

“I love that extra cushion,” James teased, squeezing her love handles which drew her ire.

“I have nothing to wear,” she sighed, “Nothing fucking fits me anymore! Nope, I’m not about to be the washed up bad bitch that comes back to school fat and shit.”

“You’re not fat,” James said supportingly, “You’re morphing into a woman’s body and not for nothing, I love it.”

James got closer to Beck, moving the pizza box aside as he leaned in for a kiss.

“You can’t spend the night,” Beck moved out of the way, “I need to get some actual studying done and I haven’t been able to for like the last week with you here.”

“Come on,” James kissed her neck, “I’ll do that thing with the ice cube that you like.”

“I hate you,” Beck gave in with a light chuckle, shifting her body weight around as James took her underwear off.


“We were thinking about doing a limo.”

“You watch too many movies,” James shook his head as he threw his shirt on, looking down to wipe off some of the excretion that had made its way onto his stomach, slightly above his crotch area.

“What’s wrong with a limo?” Tiffany asked as she rested on her elbows, feet dangling in the air.

“It’s a waste of money,” James scoffed, “Besides, you really want to be stuck in traffic in a limo?”

“That’s the best way to spend being in traffic,” Tiffany shook her head, which made her bare ass jiggle.

James reached over the bed and went to slap her ass but she scooted out of his way.

“I’m for real this time,” Tiffany covered herself up with the nearby sheets, “I don’t need motherfuckers coming up in here causing shit because of you.”

“We’ll be quiet,” James said with a soft voice, trying to accentuate his puppy eyes.

“You can’t,” she pointed towards the door, “You said you needed to crash for a few days, not a whole ass week. My people are going to start noticing I’m never leaving my room. Get.”


“The food isn’t going to leave.”

James briefly looked up to see a smiling Marcus at the end of the table. Marcus was just a few bites into his plate while James’ was completely gone and this was his second servings of the sweet potato and fish that Marcus had cooked.

“Where have you been staying?”

“Around,” James shrugged.

“You missed a lot of days at school,” Marcus put down his fork, “You’re almost there, man. Don’t fuck it up now.”

“You of all people should know this isn’t exactly my fault.”

“I know,” Marcus sighed, “Look, I know it’s easy coming from me, son of a guy that was in the league and grew up with a silver spoon, all of that. But I’ve seen talented guys waste themselves by allowing their situations to consume them, eat them up.”

“I hear you.”

“How are things, you know, back home? Well, obviously they’re not great....just meant....have you been back?”

“Not really,” James looked up from his plate, “I’ll be out of here soon though and you probably won’t notice I’m even.”

“It’s fine, it’s good actually. Stay as long as you want. We’re going to have some rules, though.”

“Don’t worry,” James laughed, “You won’t be coming here and finding Jasmine butt ass naked on your couch....again.”

“That didn’t happen,” Marcus held his index finger out towards James, “I’m going to be taking you to school, every day. After school, I’m picking you up and dropping you off at my boy’s Los’ gym. He needs some help running the place and I don’t want you just running around, eating shit until I’m done with practice. 12 A.M. curfew on weekdays and 2 A.M. on the weekends.”

“Coach,” James pleaded, “I’ve never had a curfew....like ever.”

“I don’t want to hear it,” Marcus replied, “My dad was a whole lot tougher than this and I was at that man’s house for more than just two months. You’ll be aight.”

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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Soapy » 01 Aug 2019, 11:26

“I don’t remember quarterbacks lifting like this.”

James remained hunched over, taking quick and shallow breaths before he lifted his head up and placed his hands on his hips. He paced around the open area for a bit before getting under the bar one more time.

“He wants some more!”

James finished off an extra set, each rep getting tougher as he squatted down and exploded back up, causing the sounds of the weights clanking to reverberate through the empty gym. James finally racked the barbell off his back and fell to his knees, letting his head rest against the mirror that was facing him.

“You’re an athlete, boy.”

“Thanks,” James smiled as he dapped Carlos up, not even carrying that his hand was dripping with sweat.

James grabbed the nearest clean towel he could find, drying himself off as Carlos started taking the plates off of the bar and racked them up.

It had been two hours since the gym had closed down but it had become almost tradition that Carlos and James got a workout in afterwards. It first started as a challenge with Carlos, the owner of the gym, boasting that James wouldn’t be able to survive one of his workouts. It then morphed into lifting competitions and by the third week, James would end all of shifts with Carlos putting him through the workouts that James would watch him run his personal clients through while James kept the place tidy.

“I don’t want your sweaty ass in my car,” Iman declared as he came through the double-doors, “Los, I need you get to some showers up here man.”

“Put the bread up,” Carlos chuckled as he greeted Iman, “I wanted to actually get a water fountain or a bottle station, something. Man, them people came around and gave me an estimate and I damn near kicked them out.”

“You did kick them out,” James corrected him as he disappeared into the office before coming out with his bag, “Let’s get going, man. I don’t need your boy crawling up my house about being late again.”

“Tell Marcus I said his bitch ass been hiding from my motherfucking workouts,” Carlos put his hand on James’ shoulder, “Y’all boys have fun this weekend, make good memories.”

“Appreciate it,” James replied.

“Hold on,” Carlos put his hand into his pocket and pulled out his wallet before taking out a condom, “Make sure you wrap it up, don’t need them child support payments hitting y’all for 18.”

James and Iman gave each other a look before James went to grab the condom, “Thanks?”

“I’m fucking with you,” Carlos laughed, bringing the condom down and going back into his wallet, pulling out a wad of cash, “Consider this a payday loan, take her someplace nice and proper afterwards. Maybe a little Shake Shack and Motel 6.”

“You’re a trip,” James thanked Carlos before him and Iman made their way through the double doors and were talking towards Iman’s car.

“How much he give you?” Iman asked as soon as they reached his car.

“A few hundreds,” James laughed, he had never held this much money in his hands before.

“You might actually not have to wear my dad’s tux after all,” Iman started the car, “Lexie’s dad is taking care of the limo and Eric is going to look out with the food and liq after so we really should be straight.”

“Fuck that,” James stuffed the money in his pocket, “I’m keeping all this shit, fuck a tux. I’m still wearing your dad’s.”

“You’re going to look a mess,” Iman shook his head.


“I just don’t get why we have to drive all the way up there just to get driven all the back down and then afterwards, have to go all the way back up the Hills.”

“When you get a free fucking ride,” James explained, “You don’t look the horse in the mouth. Trust me, I know a thing or two about free rides.”

“This limo better be nice as fuck,” Vanessa sucked her teeth as she continued to speed her way through the highway.

Given that the limo was being provided by Lexie, they had all ‘decided’ that it would be picking them up at her house which was at least an hour drive for everyone else.

“You’re the one that wanted to get there super early,” James shook his head, “Didn’t want precious Tyler seeing you before you’re ready as if he hasn’t seen you literally every other time just like this.”

“Shut up,” she knew he was right, “I’m not-so-secretly rooting for Beck to not show up.”

“Free reigns for me,” James shrugged, “Besides, I don’t get what the big deal is. The whole point of tonight is to get to the point where your makeup is smudged and you’re both butt ass naked in a hotel bathroom, not the actual dance.”

“I’m not going to a hotel bathroom,” she scoffed, “That is nasty, that is not how I want to....you’re disgusting. For some of us, tonight is more than just trying to fuck someone and I’m sure as shit not ending up in some sleezy hotel.”

“You’re definitely ending up there,” James laughed, “We’re all going to this spot after prom. I told you to get in the group chat but you didn’t want to.”

“Why would I want to go to some hotel?”

“Why else were you on my dick about getting Tyler to go with you? I figured you wanted to get fucked on prom night and he was your pick.”

“Did it ever cross your mind it might have just been an innocent crush? I’d ask if you ever just found someone cute when you were kid without wanting to fuck them but I’m scared of that answer.”

“You’re a virgin,” James gasped, “Wait, seriously? Yes, you’re a virgin!”

“It’s none of your business,” Vanessa rolled her eyes before turning up the volume of the radio.
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Explosions of Grandeur.

Post by Fapplatte » 01 Aug 2019, 13:22

James reached over the bed and went to slap her ass but she scooted out of his way.
Brah, your protagonist is about to catch a case :?
“Why else were you on my dick about getting Tyler to go with you? I figured you wanted to get fucked on prom night and he was your pick.”
I am dead :lol:
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