War of the Roses: Redux Edition

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War of the Roses: Redux Edition

Post by Caesar » 17 Oct 2019, 15:02

Fort Sumter

“Bruh, these fuckin’ breakfast burritos be hittin’ different on Mondays. I don’t even care that the shit came out a gas station microwave like two hours ago. We need to start a hustle on these things so we ain’t broke when we get to a university.”

Devin ignored Hasan’s ramblings about breakfast burritos as he sat at the second to last red light before getting to Terrebonne’s student parking lot. His hands gripped and released the steering wheel and his left leg bounced against the floor of the car.

“You did that shit for Mrs. Patin class?” Hasan asked.

Devin shrugged, but didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure what assignment their history teacher had given to the class and he wasn’t concerned about it. He had no problem taking the zero. It was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment.

They passed under the last light and merged into the traffic inching down the street in front of Houma Junior High. Usually, the wait didn’t bother him, but today it was making him want to pull over in the old community college parking lot and just leave his car there.

“You alright, bruh? You unusually quiet.”

Devin only shrugged again as they inched forward. He glanced at the clock on the dash. 7:03. Still about ten minutes before students would have to be in their homerooms.

He’d never done what he had on his mind, but he was going to do it anyway.

He waited until the cars in the opposite lane passed and turned onto the road that led into the student parking lot. As usual, it was mostly full save for a few spots on the far edge. Hasan grabbed his bag from the floor as Devin navigated toward an open spot.

He looked to his right and saw Caesar laughing with his friends. It seemed like he was regaling them with some humorous tale that they were all engrossed by.

Devin swung into an empty spot and barely put the car into park before he hopped out and started walking toward Caesar.

Hasan got out of the car. “You forgot your shit, bruh!”

Devin ignored him and pulled off his uniform shirt, tossing it on the ground. He heard footsteps running up behind him and looked over his shoulder to see Hasan had discarded his bag and was following him.

Turning back, he could hear Caesar’s laugh as he got closer. He balled his right hand into a fist, his nails digging into his hand.

He shoved Bentley out of the way and threw his entire body into punching Caesar square in the jaw. Caesar fell onto the trunk of his car, taken off guard by Devin. Seizing his opportunity, Devin put his left hand on Caesar’s neck and swung with his right, landing solid shots to his face.

“What the fuck are you doing, King?!” Ron shouted, grabbing Devin’s arm.

Before Ron could try to pull Devin off Caesar, Hasan tackled the quarterback to the ground and the two of them began fighting as well.

A crowd quickly formed being treated to not one, but two fights now.

The momentarily pause in Devin’s assault when Ron grabbed him gave Caesar an opportunity to grab him around the waist and flip him onto the ground. Being a good bit smaller, Devin was basically powerless to stop it from happening.

He hit the pavement hard, the air being forced from his lung. White exploded in his vision as Caesar punched him in the face. The second and third punches had his head swimming. By the fifth one, he was starting to regret his decision to get into a fight with an overgrown man child. He covered his head as best he could with his arms.

It was a good thing he had as the smell of pepper took over thanks to the SRO macing all four of them. The officer pulled Caesar off Devin and put a knee in his back as a few male teachers yoked up Devin, Hasan and Ron.

“Y’all going to enjoy your stay at the booty palace since you want to fight early in the morning!” the cop yelled as he struggled getting his handcuffs out to slap onto Caesar’s wrists.

“I was fucking defending myself!” Caesar shouted, spitting blood out of his mouth as if to show he’d been attacked.

“Shut up and put your hands behind your back.”

Devin rubbed at his burning eyes, catching glimpses of the crowd of his fellow students who’d formed around them. He could already feel his face beginning to swell and he cringed when his hand brushed a cut under his eye.

He was yanked to his feet and shoved toward the school by the teacher next to him. He and Caesar caught each other’s stare and Caesar spat at his feet.

“Your bitch took the dick like a champ, motherfucker,” he said.

Devin lunged at him but the student resource officer held up his can of mace threateningly so Devin backed off.

“This isn’t over,” Devin said as they were all led to the assistant principal's office to get confirmation of their suspensions.

Devin, Hasan and Ron sat outside of the offices, all nursing bruises, cuts and the lingering effects of pepper spray despite using a chemistry lab’s eye wash to flush their eyes. Caesar was inside with Mr. Hebert, the assistant principal, loudly pleading his case despite the district’s zero tolerance rule.

Hasan tilted his head back and held his shirt up to his face to staunch blood coming from his nose. He glanced over at Devin who had his head in his hands. Then he looked at Ron. “You caught me with that one left. I ain’t gone lie.”

“I caught you more than one left and a few rights,” Ron said as he inspected his torn shirt and the grass stains and mud on his pants. “For what it’s worth, King?”

Devin glanced up.

“At least you can say you fought for your girl even if it got your and your friend’s asses whooped.”

Devin shook his head and looked back down at the floor.

“We can go for round two right now if you think you won,” Hasan said.

Ron laughed. “You don’t want these problems, man. I know you’re coming this time.”


For the next two days rumors swirled around Terrebonne High regarding the early morning throwdown between the mild-mannered Devin King and the boisterous Caesar Jenkins. The person in the middle, of course, hadn’t been to school the entire week.

Devin and Caesar avoided each other when their suspensions were over and they’d returned to school, but there was one place that they couldn’t avoid one another.

“Count it out, Thaddeus!” Coach Hill shouted, walking through the lines of the team as they went through their pre-practice stretching.

There were some grumbles about Trigga leading the exercise as that was a captain’s job and the backup quarterback was not a captain. Of course, missing three of four practices in a week made a player ineligible for Friday.

Caesar straightened up and waited as the rest of the team completed the stretches.

“Why aren’t you stretching, Jenkins?” Coach Hill asked. “You’ve been at home the last few days, you should be ready to work.”

“Fuck all that, coach. This isn’t a yoga body. I don’t need to stretch to dominate these chumps in practice.”

There were a few snickers around the team.

“Sounds like Caesar wants to earn everyone stadiums until the sun goes down. We’re a team after all and where one of us deserves discipline, we all deserve discipline.”

Bart stood up and looked at Caesar. “Fucking do the shit, nigga. I’m not trying to run for your bitch ass.”

“Who asked you to open your mouth?”

“Respect to my boy, Devin, but I ain’t him. I’ll knock your stupid ass out.”

Everyone oooh’d and aaah’d and looked back at Devin who only shrugged, not caring about Bart’s comments.

“That’s enough of that. Count them out,” Coach Hill said.

Caesar stalked over to Bart and shoved him. “Nah, you aren’t King. But just like I fucked his bitch, I fucked yours, too, motherfucker. Don’t worry, that ugly ass kid is definitely yours. Jamie was calling me daddy though.”

Bart tackled Caesar to the ground and the two of them started trading blows. The rush to separate them sparked a chain reaction of other scuffles sparking off around the field. Guys who’d had problems with each other all season took it as an opportunity to hash it out with their fists.

Members of the marching band practicing on the other side of the stadium rushed over with their phones at the sound of the commotion, soon joined by the dance team. And almost instantly, dozens of videos of the undefeated Terrebonne football team fracturing into two on the field popped up on social media.
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Captain Canada
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War of the Roses: Redux Edition

Post by Captain Canada » 18 Oct 2019, 00:06

Caesar the definition of a team cancer. Goddamn, this nigga sucks.
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War of the Roses: Redux Edition

Post by Caesar » 23 Oct 2019, 15:44

First Manassas

“It’s a disgrace, plain and simple. The school district and the diocese knew something like this would happen last year when they decided to go through with this idiotic plan. These kids are too different. They have different values, different upbringings, different ways of handling things. There are just too different to be forced into a school together. They need to step up the pace on repairing Vandebilt or force E.D White to take these kids out of that environment.”

“And that, ladies and gentlemen, was what Terrebonne Parish councilman Dirk Landry had to say about the viral video of a brawl breaking out during practice a few days ago at Terrebonne High. The videos all start once fists are already flying, but some of the old Vandebilt boosters who attend practices tell me that it all started when Caesar Jenkins was attacked by Shawntoine Jackson.”

“C’mon, bo. Everybody that know football in this parish know Caesar Jenkins, just like his daddy before him, ain’t usually on the right side of these things. If Jackson went after him, mais, I gotta say he had a reason.”

“Well, we’ll never know about that. But what we do know is that the aforementioned Caesar Jenkins is suspended for tonight’s game along with Devin King, Hasan Santiago and Ron DeRossi after they were suspended from school on Monday. Another hush-hush situation here, but some kids are saying it’s because of a separate fight involving those four which could’ve led to Wednesday’s fracas.”

“Lord, this gonna be the start of a good Boudreaux and Thibodaux joke in a few years. They worse than the Houmas and the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw!”


“Jackson is stopped at the line of scrimmage and it’s the second consecutive three and out for Terrebonne tonight. You’ve got to give it to this Thibodaux defense. They are really taking advantage of Thaddeus Williams being in at quarterback for the suspended Ron DeRossi.”

Coach Hill dragged his hand down his face as the offense trudged off the field once again, confused by their sudden inability to run the offense as they had for the last four weeks. He could hear the boos coming from the home crowd. It was only halfway through the first quarter and the natives were already getting restless.

He looked behind him to where Hasan and Devin were sitting on the bench in street clothes as he’d ordered to let them feel the regret of letting their teammates down. He’d given the same order to Caesar and Ron, but he had no idea where they were. That would be a fight for next week though.

“Booooooooooooooo, you fucking suck!” Caesar shouted. “Get ‘em outta here, coach!”

Ron shoved him back from the bleachers railing and shook his head. Reaching over to snatch a nacho out of the tray in Francesca's lap, he leaned back himself. “It’s going to be a long enough night for them without you joining in with the boo birds.”

“Yeah, Caesar. Don’t be a dick,” Riley said, her head buried in her phone.

Caesar sighed and leaned back, wishing for a chair back for the bleachers. Emma sat next to him, her hands in the pocket of his jacket to stave off the cold. The news about him fucking Scarlett only pissing her off for a day or two.

He glanced around the crowd, wondering if Devin’s, now-ex, girlfriend had decided to attend the game. Given her week-long absence from school, the answer was no.

“You want to put some money on the score?” Caesar asked Ron, swatting at his pocket.

“Absolutely not. I’m not trying to have any bad karma brought down on me because you’re trying to make money off getting your own ass suspended.”

“Last I checked, you’re up here with me and not down there.”

Ron shrugged. “Yeah, but that’s not the point.”

“C’mon. $100 on Thibodaux winning. I’ll even give you 21 points. Are you game?”

“There’s no way that Thibodaux’s winning by more than 21.” Ron reached into his pocket for his wallet and shook his head when he saw it was empty. “I’ll send the money to you if I lose, but I’m not going to so you can just cashapp me now.”

Caesar laughed. “We’ll see, bro.”

“Clint Daigle dives into the endzone and Thibodaux extends their lead to 11 here in the second quarter. The Tigers are really on the ropes!”

“Cazayoux misses the block and Williams is slammed into the turf for a huge sack! Terrebonne’s going to have to punt it away once again.”

“Skylar LaJaunie trips and Trivon Garner is off to the races. He’s going to waltz into the endzone and make it 21-3 Tigers, the purple and gold ones, here in the waning seconds of the second quarter. That Thibodaux sideline is fired up!”

Hasan and Devin stood outside of the locker room, barred from entering as part of their suspensions, as the team was reamed by Coach Hill and the rest of the coaching staff. Both of them stared out onto the field where the marching band went through its halftime show in front of a half empty stadium. Either because people had started to leave early or because they’d made their way to the concession stands to drown their sorrows in greasy food.

“This shit fuckin’ sucks dick,” Hasan said as he leaned on a pillar on the sidewalk. “Look at the fuckin’ score, man. We’re getting our asses beat by a team that’s 1-3. ONE AND THREE. All because Jenkins can’t keep his dick in his pants.”

Devin shrugged as he sipped from a cup of Gatorade. “I did punch him and start the fight.”

“That shit was justified. You just should’ve stole off on him at practice so it would’ve been handled by coach and not with the school dumbass rules.”

“You live and you learn, huh?”

“You better stop readin’ them fuckin’ self-help books in the store. Talkin’ ‘bout any ‘you live and you learn.’”

“You know about all this recruiting stuff more than I do,” Devin said, staring out to the stands and wondering how many scouts were disappointed to learn that Terrebonne’s two best players wouldn’t be in action. “Do you think something like this is a red flag?”

Hasan shook his head. “Nah. Niggas get into fights all the time. As long as we ain’t out there cookin’ crack or fuckin’ minors then we’ll be alright.”

“Good thing those two things have never been on my to-do list.”

“What? You ain’t got good wrist work in the kitchen?” Hasan laughed as he spun his wrist in a circle.

Devin shook his head at the antics before reaching into his pocket as his phone vibrated once more. He deleted the texts from Scarlett without so much as a second glance and put the phone back.

“Another blown assignment by Terrebonne and it’s an easy touchdown for Thibodaux from the 15 yard line. 27-3 Tigers.”

“Williams is picked off and it’s Thibodaux’s ball!”

“The handoff isn’t clean and Cazayoux puts the ball in the dirt. There’s a scramble for it and it looks like Thibodaux has come up with it! Thibodaux football on the Terrebonne 34!”

“Fazio dives into the endzone to make it 35-3 Thibodaux and the fans are started to head for the exits.”

“The visitor’s side of the stadium is counting down as the clock apporaches zero and that’s ballgame folks. The Terrebonne Tigers fall for the first time this season losing to the Thibodaux Tigers, 38-3. Terrebonne’s undefeated no more.”

Coach Hill pulled into his driveway, exhausted after a long night and a worst game. He gathered his stuff from the passenger seat and hopped out of his car. He scratched his forehead and pulled his visor back on.

Then he almost tripped over a sign stabbed into his yard.

He looked down and noticed it was a for sale sign. Looking up, he noticed that there were dozens of them jabbed throughout the yard.

“Danny?” his wife called from the door. She stepped outside with her arms wrapped around herself. “I thought that was you.”

“What’s all this?” He pointed to the signs.

She shrugged. “Some men were out here sticking those in the ground a while ago. I tried to shoo them away, but well, it is Louisiana and you know what they think about women telling them what to do. I guess y’all lost?”

“Yeah,” he said, putting his arm around her and steering her toward the door. “C’mon. I just want to go to sleep and worry about all this tomorrow.”
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Captain Canada
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War of the Roses: Redux Edition

Post by Captain Canada » 23 Oct 2019, 20:20

Shit's getting deep, huh. Interesting development. Keep it coming.
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War of the Roses: Redux Edition

Post by Caesar » 24 Oct 2019, 18:12

Mending Fences

Devin laid on the top row of the bleachers in the Field House, hands crossed over his chest and his eyes closed. For the most part, the big, old building drowned out the noise of the students outside of it going about their lunch hour.

Friday’s loss had sapped the excitement out of the student body and everything had returned to normal without the football craze sweeping the campus. Despite the fact the team already had more wins than it had in years, teenagers were a fickle bunch.

That, and his situation with Scarlett, were reason enough the abandon his typical place in the bus circle for the Field House and a few moments of peace and quiet before he had to go back to class.

He heard the doors open and close and assumed it was the basketball coach heading back to his office on the opposite side so he remained lying down.

But the creaking on the old steps leading up from the court made him open his eyes and sit up. He groaned and smacked his head back against the wall when he saw Scarlett climbing the bleachers toward him.

“Who even told you I was in here?” Devin asked before she had reached him. “And why are you in here?”

“That one guy. Thaddeus? He told me.”

“Trigga? How do you know Trigga? You make some new friends in the last week or something?”

She sighed as she came to a stop next to him. “No, I know he plays football with you and Hasan wouldn’t tell me anything so I asked him.”

“I should’ve given him a picture and told him ‘don’t tell this bitch where I am,’” Devin said, miming holding up a picture and pointing to it.


“That’s what I said.”

“I guess I deserve that.”

“Yeah. So, what do you want? I was trying to sleep if you couldn’t tell.”

She sat down next to him and wrung her hands in her lap. “I just wanted to apologize again. You haven’t been answering my texts and my calls and I didn’t know when you were home so I couldn’t go over there and try to talk to you.”

“Yeah, I know. That was all on purpose.”

“Can you just let me apologize and stop being a dick?”

Devin held his hand out and turned toward her to show that he was going to listen to her.

“I’m really sorry about what happened, Devin. I haven’t been able to sleep. Haven’t been able to look at myself in the mirror. Everything just happened so fast and I don’t know. I just fucked up. I do love you and hope that we can start over. Is there a way I can fix it?”

“You do realize that I got punched in the face over this, right?” he asked. He pointed to the almost healed cut on his face. “Like I was the one who did something wrong. I shouldn’t even have been fighting for that in the first place.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“You know if you wanted to be one of Caesar’s lays then you could’ve just told me. We could’ve broken up without all the hassle and you would’ve been able to go get fucked as much as you want. I don’t know about you being number one for him though. That Emma chick seems to have that locked up.”

“That’s not what I wanted. I don’t know what I want. Well, I do. I want us to be back together.”

Devin steepled his hands in front of his face. “Please, do tell how you expect to make that happen. You cheated on me. We’re graduating from high school in a year and change. What if we do get back together and we end up on different ends of the country? I can’t trust you not to cheat on me again so we’d just have to break up again.”

“You can trust me!”

“What kind of shit are you smoking that helped you come to that? No, I fucking can’t. That’s why we’re here.”

“There has to be something I can do to fix it.” She looked around the Field House and then back at Devin. “How about we just have sex? That has to be part of it, right? I broke a promise to you and made you wait when I didn’t so I can fix that.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Yeah, if you want.”

“Right now?”

“At school?”


“Devin, I--”

He stood up and started walking down the bleachers toward the court. She got up and followed him, but he stopped when he put his foot on the discolored hardwood near the hallway leading to the inside entrance to the football locker room.

He turned around. “I’m actually good. I don’t want Caesar’s seconds, but it’s not even about that. It’s only about the trust that you threw away for some dick. And you didn’t even know what that was like when you made the decision. We can be friends, though.”

“Devin, please.”

He shrugged and headed for the locker room, figuring that she wouldn’t follow him in there. When the door closed behind him and he was alone, he knew he was right.

He sat down in front of his locker and stared up at the ceiling. For a moment, he thought about changing his mind and telling her that having sex would fix what she did. Just so he could see what it was like to finally do what it seemed like everyone else at the school was doing on the hour.

He jumped when he heard his phone vibrating in his duffel bag in the locker. Reaching his hand over his shoulder, he spun the lock to the right combination and opened the dented metal door. He expected to see a call or text from Scarlett.

Instead, he was met with an 850 number – an area code he didn’t know.


The person on the other end cleared their throat. “This Devin King?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“About time I get the right number. You know there’s four of you, right?”

“Yeaaaah. That’s how being named after someone works. Who is this again? And make it quick, I’m at school and can’t really talk.”

“That you are. Name’s Clay Reacher. I’m the defensive coordinator at Florida State University. Devin, how would you like to be a Seminole?”

Devin fought to contain the smile threatening to creep up on his face. As shitty as the last two weeks had been, a call from a Power 5 school could turn that around.

“That’s who you’re going to homecoming with?”

Anthony shrugged as he turned his phone back toward himself to look at the picture of the girl on it. “Yeah, man. She’s cute.”

Caesar scoffed. “’Cute’ is one way to put it.”

“Don’t listen to him. He’s just mad that he doesn’t have a choice because Emma’s going to clip his nuts if he keeps cheating on her,” Ron said as he pulled his shoes on. “I bet she’s expecting some extravagant way to ask her, too, right?”

“I think you should streak through the campus with only a banner that says ‘Emma, will you go to homecoming with me?’” Britton said, laughing to himself.

“Personally, I think he should helicopter in with a mariachi band playing as he walks up and gets down on one knee. Hell, might as well propose for real,” Bentley added.

“I see everyone has jokes today. It doesn’t matter who I go to the shit with. It only matters who I go home with. I might pawn Emma off on Ron for a night again,” Caesar said.

Ron waved his hand and shook his head. “No can do, man. I’m going with Francesca. We started dating for real yesterday. No more fucking around for a bit.”

“You sound like a bitch.”

“Just want to see what it’s like before I go off to college and swim in it.”

Coach Hill walked down the aisle of lockers with his visor crunched up in his hand. The man’s face was red from a practice of yelling and barking orders. “Jenkins, I need to see you in my office.”

Caesar threw his shirt on and followed the coach toward his office. Coach Hill shut the door behind him when he stepped inside. Caesar went to sit down, but the coach stopped him.

“You don’t need to sit. This will be quick.”

Caesar shrugged and started buttoning up his shirt. “Yeah?”

“Where were you Friday?” Coach Hill asked before sitting down at his desk and started to rummage through the papers on top of it.

“I was at the game. I got there late and the cops wouldn’t let me on to the field so I was sitting in the stands.”

“I remember telling you that you needed to be on the field. You getting to the game late has nothing to do with what I told you. You know what time we’re at the Field House before kickoff. You should’ve been there.”

“Yeah, I don’t know what you want me to say.”

The coach looked up from his rummaging. “How about ‘I’m sorry, coach. I fucked up. I should’ve done as I was told and been there to support the team even though I act like one of those NFL diva receivers.’? Want to give that a try?”

“I don’t think I did fuck up to be honest with you, coach. I was suspended Friday because I missed school because King decided he wanted to fight me. I don’t make decisions for other people and I shouldn’t be punished for the decisions of other people.”

“You are the most infuriating little shit that I’ve ever had the displeasure of coaching.”

“But the best,” Caesar countered.

“You’re suspended for the game Friday.”


“You heard me. You’re suspended Friday, too.”

“You can’t fucking suspend me again. I didn’t fucking do anything.”

Coach Hill reached forward and tilted the placard on the edge of his desk back, looking down at it. “Yep, that still says that I’m the head coach here. I can do whatever I want with my team, son. You better have your ass at practice on time all week and give 110 percent and your ass better be on the sideline Friday or you’ll be looking at another week off.”

“This team isn’t winning without me and Ron. You saw that last week.”

“Ron isn’t suspended. Just you. All this stuff starts and ends with you. You’re not bigger than this team and you’d do well to remember that. Flash in the pan receivers are a dime a dozen. Don’t let that number one recruit ranking fool you. They’re already looking at the next guy. College scholarships are still one year at a time if you didn’t know.”

Caesar clenched his jaw. “Is that it?”

“Yep. You can go.”

Caesar turned around and stalked out of the office. He ignored jokes from Ron, Bentley, Britton and Anthony as he snatched up his bag before leaving the locker room.

The cold wind bit at his bare arms outside, but his anger kept him from stopping to put his jacket on. He got into his car, threw the bag into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut. He reached into the center console and pulled a white pill out, popping it into his mouth and swallowing it.

His phone dinged in his pocket. He initially thought to ignore it, but instead took it out.

‘Still technically hurricane season’ read a text from an unknown number.

‘Thanks for the heads-up?’ he tapped back.

‘When the next one comes to fuck up Louisiana, how about you spring for evacuation to somewhere nice like California instead of Galveston. I’ll even bring Val, Andrea and Dawn with me.’

It took a moment for his brain to connect the dots, but when he did, he called the number. The phone rang once and then went straight voicemail.

‘Not somewhere I can talk’

‘Shouldn’t you be at home about now?’

‘Not exactly, but exactly?’

He sighed as he typed back ‘David James, eh?’

He figured the conversation was over when he didn’t get a response after a few minutes. Saving her number into his phone, he reached into the center console for another pill before starting up the car and pulling out of the parking lot.
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Captain Canada
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War of the Roses: Redux Edition

Post by Captain Canada » 26 Oct 2019, 00:06

Told that bitch Scarlett she gotta go and then got the call to be the next Deion? Solid day for my guy Devin.
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War of the Roses: Redux Edition

Post by Caesar » 28 Oct 2019, 15:59

A New Contender

“You’re going to blow your fucking hand off. That’s not how you light the shit. Watch ou--”

Devin, Michael and Hasan dove out of the way as Will dropped a now-ignited Roman candle. The firework went off, sending balls of light across the pavement and sending the four of them dancing as they tried to avoid getting burned.

“Never trust the white boy with explosives,” Hasan said, brushing his pants off from where he’d fell of the ground. “Motherfucker gonna have me up here like JPP.”

“Who?” Will asked as he walked over the box of Roman candles that they’d found in the back of the store and promptly repurposed for their own amusement.

“Jason Pierre-Paul. A football player from like 30 years ago. He blew his fingers off with fireworks,” Devin said. He walked over to a row of tables and chairs and sat down, pulling his phone out of his pocket to scroll through his social pages.

“Didn’t he keep playing after?” Michael asked.

Hasan shook his head. “I can’t play without all my fingers, nigga. I’m a back. I gotta tote the rock.”

“Guess you better make sure you leave tonight with all 10 digits then.”

Ralph walked out of the store, followed by a couple cashiers. He looked over at the guys as he looked the door just as Will lit another Roman candle, this time keeping it in his hand. “Y’all know that shit's illegal in this parish, right?”

“So is fucking juvies,” Michael said under his breath. Devin and Hasan were close enough to hear him and laughed to themselves.

“If the cops come, don’t call me to get you out of that shit,” Ralph said as he strolled to his car. He chatted up a new cashier as he walked away.

Gina walked over and sat down next to Devin. She winked at him when he looked up, but didn’t say anything.

Hasan jogged to the table to sit down as well, leaning toward Gina. “Gina, I need to a date to homecoming. What’s up?”

“What’s up?”

“Yeah, what’s up? I’m tryin’ to have a good time in this podunk ass town and I know you know where all the afterparties at even though you don’t go to Terrebonne. So, what’s up? You tryin’ to roll with me?”

“I’m good. I’m boycotting Terrebonne,” she said as she kicked her feet up on a nearby chair.

“Boycotting Terrebonne? What could you possibly be boycotting Terrebonne for?” Devin asked.

“Probably that nigga Caesar,” Hasan said.

Gina laughed, wiping at her eyes for effect. “Hardly. I could have him eating out of my hand if I wanted. Y’all are the ones who make him out to be some kind of boy wonder.”

“Damn, it’s like that?”

“That’s what happens when you fuck with them white she-devils. They enslave us with that pink pussy and them mediocre dick sucking skills,” Michael said.

“Isn’t that racist?” Will asked. “I don’t think I know any ‘white she-devils.’”

“You know plenty.”

“I’ll take that crown,” Gina said with a shrug. “But nothing is mediocre about anything I do, honey. You need to check your sources.”

“That’s what I’m sayin’!” Hasan yelled. “I’m tryin’ to find out about it. Look, I’ll even take you to the Golden Corral before the dance.”

“You got a date, Devin?” she asked, ignoring Hasan.

Devin shook his head. “Nope. Not going.”

“We ain’t talkin’ about him. It makes sense, but he’s not goin’ to avoid his ex. Let that man be and let’s talk about how we’re goin’ to have us some fun Friday.”

“I can get you a date if you want,” Gina said to Devin, ignoring Hasan again.

“Sounds like a quick way to end up going to homecoming with a girl three times my size,” Devin said.

Gina laughed and pulled out her phone. She made some swipes across the screen before setting it on the table. A picture of a pretty brunette was on it. “I wouldn’t do that to you. This is who I had in mind. She’s one of my good friends. We go to school together. Her name’s Carla. She needs a nice guy like you.”

Devin looked at the picture. “That’s just chest up. She could still be fat. You seem like the type to hang out with fat chicks to make yourself look skinnier.”

“I do, but Carla’s not one.”

“Nigga, just say yes. What you got to lose? I know you ain’t waitin’ it out to take Scarlett ho ass back,” Hasan said.

“No, I’m not,” Devin said. He scratched at his forehead as he mulled his decision then shrugged. “If you think she’d be alright with it then I don’t mind, I guess. She’s probably going to tell you no, though. I wouldn’t want to be set up on a blind date.”

Gina smiled and snatched her phone up, her fingers already tapping out a text. “No, she won’t say no. She has a thing for black guys, I think. It’s why she can’t find anyone at Houma Christian. They’re all white.”

“She needs to stick to her own. Don’t get caught up in that devil pussy, D!” Michael shouted from out in the parking lot. “Find you a Nubian queen, bruh. Do it now before it’s too late!”

“This nigga out here thinkin’ he Louis Farrakhan,” Hasan said, shaking his head. He reached across the table and tapped Gina on her arm to get her attention. “Since you settin’ up my friend with your friend, it’s only right that we go together now.”

“I can set you up with my fat friend if you want? Sometimes, she smells like ham but don’t let that put you off,” she said.

“That’s fucked up.”

She shrugged. “It’s a cold world. But she has enough meat to keep both of you warm.”

“You sure that’s your friend? You’re talking about her kinda rough.”

She didn’t answer, but looked up from her phone and smiled at Devin. “Carla said she’ll come by here in a little bit and see if you’re as cute as I told her you are. Don’t fuck it up. I’m putting my reputation on the line here.”

“I’ll try my best,” Devin said.

Some thirty minutes passed and the street out in front of the store has gone from sparse to desolate. Michael and Will had gone through all the Roman candles and now sat with Devin, Hasan and Gina. They passed a bottle of stolen Jack Daniels between them, but Devin refrained.

“I don’t believe people really do that, man. No girl is letting a bunch of dudes fuck her one after another. This is real life, not porn,” Will said as he took a swig from the bottle and gave it to Michael.

“Gina, tell this man,” Hasan said.

She raised an eyebrow. “Why in the world would you think that I know anything about that? It’s 2051 though. If some girl wants to take 40 dicks at a time, all I have to say about that is sis should get her.”

“Pussy gonna be looser than my grandmama purse strings on bingo night,” Michael said, shaking his head.

“Vaginas don’t work like that, dingus. A vagina can push a nine-pound baby out and snap back but you think a few four-inch dicks are going to stretch it out? I thought it was private school that they didn’t sex ed at.”

“It’s real, though, Will. Queens don’t do that shit, but these white bitches?” Michael paused and gestured toward Gina. “Don’t let ‘em fool you. They all the way out here.”

“How do you even know? There aren’t many white people at Ellender,” Will said. The bottle came back to him and he decided to take a more generous swig which prompted Michael to snatch it away from him.

“The ones that are there bust it open for a smile and a bit of smooth talking.”

“I heard all the girls there were lesbians,” Devin said.

“I can confirm that,” Gina said, laughing.

Hasan stopped mid-sip. “How can you confirm that unless you been doin’ some shit?”

“I’m not giving you material to beat your meat to later. You’ll just have to wonder how I know.”

Michael nudged Devin with his elbow. “See? Can’t trust these white she-devils.”

A white Jeep swung into the parking lot, bathing the pavement with light. It crept through the spaces before pulling to a stop on the curb in front of them. The girl that Gina had shown Devin hopped down from the driver’s side. She looked around the table. Noticing there was a lack of an empty chair, she went and sat on the arm rest of the chair Gina was sitting in.

She stared at Devin for a moment.

Gina smiled. “I told you he was cute. He looks even better when he’s sitting when these little shits.”

“I take offense to that,” Will said. “I think I’m adorable in a puppy kind of way.”

“No one wants to fuck their dog, Will.”

He raised his hand to argue then stopped and took his phone out of his pocket, burying his head in the screen.

Devin had to admit that she was prettier than he’d expected even with her hair up and an old hoodie that was a few sizes too big on. He nodded toward her. “I’m Devin, obviously.”

“Carla,” she said, flashing him a smile.
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Captain Canada
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War of the Roses: Redux Edition

Post by Captain Canada » 29 Oct 2019, 11:45

Oh fuck yeah.
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War of the Roses: Redux Edition

Post by Caesar » 29 Oct 2019, 17:20

Specializing in Failure

“Caesar, you’re not even looking!” Emma shouted as she held a red dress up to her body.

He glanced up from his phone. “Yes, because I’m not the one wearing the dress. You are. I don’t know why you would need my eyes. If you wouldn’t have waited until the last minute, we could’ve gone to New Orleans and done this with much better shit and got it tailored to your body.”

“I don’t have New Orleans and tailoring money. Don’t know if you remember but it was only a year ago that we had much stricter rules when it came to homecoming,” she said as she put the dress back and scanned the racks in front of her.

“I thought I was paying for this?”

“You are, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be a good girlfriend and not break the bank on a dress for a stupid high school dance.”

“If it’s stupid, why are you dragging me to it, again?”


Caesar decided that he’d let the conversation go given her non-answer. His phone vibrated in his hand and he looked down, a small smile on his face as he saw another text from Kaley. Over the last couple days, their communication had ramped up. But they’d also set an unspoken rule that Caesar couldn’t mention Kaley’s beau. That, of course, wasn’t a problem. He had plenty experience acting like girls didn’t have the boyfriends they did.

“Caesar! You’re not listening to me again!” Emma whined. “Who are you texting that’s so important? It better not be Scarlett. I’ve tried to be friends with her, but you can’t keep it in your pants--”

He shrugged, considering he was able to tell the truth in relation to what she’d said. “I’m not texting Scarlett.”

She eyed him for a second, deciding if she was going to believe that or not. After a beat, she held up a purple dress. “What do you think about this one?

Caesar took it from her and turned it around until he found the zipper. He tugged the zipper down, back up, down, back up then down once more.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to see how easy this would be to take off you. I’m not trying to fumble with a zipper like a 12-year-old getting his first nut because you decided you wanted a dress with a broken zipper,” he said before handing the dress back to her.

“I never said that you’d be getting any Saturday night.”

“I’ll be getting some from you or I’ll be getting some from someone else. Either way, I’m going to be cumming in someone’s daughter Saturday night.”

Emma’s face turned red and she looked around to make sure that no one heard Caesar’s comment. When she was sure no one had, she swatted at his arm. “First of all, that’s disgusting. Secondly, the fuck you will be fucking someone else. I’ve let you get away with that long enough.”

“Let me?” he laughed. “I do what I want.”

“I just let you think that.” She went back to browsing the dresses.

Caesar’s phone vibrated once more and he was quick to look at it, chuckling to himself as he responded to a humorous text Kaley had sent him. Her next text came quickly, but as he was tapping something back, Emma snatched the phone out of his hand.

She looked at the screen and furrowed her eyebrows. “Who the fuck is Kaley?”

Instinctively, Caesar grabbed her wrist but let her go when he noticed the cashier staring at him thanks to a yelp escaping Emma’s mouth. He maneuvered himself so that he was between the cashier’s line of sight and Emma before yanking her arm down and pulling the phone from her hand.

“Don’t touch my shit,” he said quietly.

“Who is she?”

Caesar turned around and grabbed the purple dress off the rack, shoving it toward her. “I think this is the one for you. Let’s go get it, eh? As a matter of fact, hold on.”

He walked up and down the rows of dresses and pulled a dozen off the rack, not bothering to look at the size or take account of what color they were. As he passed Emma, he took the purple dress from her and stalked up to the register.

The cashier gave him an odd look as he dropped the dresses on the counter. “Does she need to try these on or--”

Caesar shook his head before taking out his wallet. “I’m buying them all.”

“We don’t do refunds.”

He smiled, albeit a fake one. “That’s quite alright. I’ll survive.”

Caesar walked into the family home and noticed the sound of voices coming from the living room. Walking into it, he found his parents and grandparents sitting across from each other. His father and grandfather were leaned over the coffee table, looking at some documents, while his mother and grandmother both nursed glasses of alcohol.

“Hey, sweetie,” his mother said, smiling at him as he sat down in a chair between the two sofas. “How was your day?”

“Long. All this homecoming shit is exhausting.”


He held his hands up. “Sorry. I just don’t see what’s wrong with going somewhere, getting what you need, putting it on and then going to the dance and calling it a year on this.”

His grandmother, Cassia, laughed. “That’s not what normal people do. Normal people fret over everything. We can just buy whatever and roll the dice.”

“That’s why I’m going broke now,” Marcus Jenkins said without looking up from the documents. He pointed at a spot on one of the pages. “This account needs to be closed. It should’ve been closed years ago, but it should be closed now.”

Deion Jenkins waved a dismissive hand at his father. “It’s open for a reason.” He looked up at Caesar and shook his head. “Heard you went and got yourself suspended for Friday.”

“Yeah, on some bullshit, though. I didn’t do anything. Coach Hill just doesn’t know how to be a winner and it’s eating him up.” Caesar leaned to his right and picked up a small puzzle lock toy, likely another whim purchase by his mother.

“That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard today. I already know what happened. Thomas told me when I saw him in Cristiano’s. I told you a couple weeks ago to stop thinking with your fucking dick and yet here we fucking are.”

“I don’t think that’s how we gave you the birds and the bees talk, son,” Cassia said with a practiced laugh.

“I’m not sure he remembered it however you told it to him,” Candice added. She looked at her husband who scowled at her and she shrugged in response before sipping from the glass in her hand.

Deion shook his head as he stood up and walked over to Caesar. “You know that recruiters are started to pop red flags on you, right?”

“What difference does it make? I’m already move in ready at Oklahoma State. Who cares what recruiters anywhere else think?”

He cuffed Caesar on the back of his head. “Because it’s going to affect your draft stock, dumbass. GMs love a flashy player until it comes time to draft a flashy guy and then they start saying that he has character problems because he didn’t answer the question about stealing panties, right.”

“Sorry, damn,” Caesar said, rubbing where his father had hit him.

Deion cuffed Caesar again. Caesar moved his hand away, rubbing the back of it to quell the stinging before going back to rubbing his head.

“Stop it!” Candice shouted. “He said he was sorry.”

Deion shook his head and went back to his paperwork. “If he was sorry, he wouldn’t do it. You’re going to learn one day, son, or you’re going to be the failure of the family. And ain’t no son of mine going to be the one to fuck around and end up selling car insurance.”

“Go easy on the kid,” Marcus said.

“Just trying to make sure he doesn’t start specializing in failure, pops. S’all I’m doing.”
Last edited by Caesar on 31 Oct 2019, 16:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Captain Canada
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Joined: 01 Dec 2018, 00:15

War of the Roses: Redux Edition

Post by Captain Canada » 29 Oct 2019, 17:49

Bigger fan of the all Devin update than the all Caesar update, but I think that speaks on how you build your characters. Good shit.
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