Ruthless Aggression | A WWE Universe

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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by djp73 » 22 Jun 2020, 10:30

Lashley put in work against Show/Cena!

Chyna didn't have to do Lita like that.

Glad to see the Goldberg/Hogan feud continue, Goldberg needs to recruit some homies.

Pretty great RAW show, gonna be a challenge for the PPV to live up to.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 22 Jun 2020, 11:01

djp73 wrote:
22 Jun 2020, 10:30
Lashley put in work against Show/Cena!

Chyna didn't have to do Lita like that.

Glad to see the Goldberg/Hogan feud continue, Goldberg needs to recruit some homies.

Pretty great RAW show, gonna be a challenge for the PPV to live up to.
Lashley and Chyna are both beasts.

Good guys never have enough sense to recruit allies in wrestling lol. We'll see if the Backlash PPV can be as good as or better than that RAW show.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 22 Jun 2020, 15:48


September Week 4

Match #1: One on One Normal | Trish Stratus vs. Molly Holly
Molly Holly started out hot, taking it right to Trish Stratus, but her eagerness got the best of her when she went for a diving move and Trish rolled out of the way. From there, Trish took control, hitting Molly with a series of moves and almost getting the victory. However, Molly Holly was eventually able to get back into things and seemingly out of nowhere hit a diving senton off the top rope that put Trish down for a three count. After Molly Holly left the ring following her victory, Stephanie McMahon walked past her and into the ring and started beating up on Trish. Molly was having none of that, she ran back into the ring to defend Trish, punching the Divas Champion repeatedly before clotheslining her out of the ring. It looks like the Billionaire Princess isn't quite going to be able to run the Divas division on Smackdown! how she wants with Molly Holly around, and the two are headed for a collision at Backlash for the Divas title.
Winner: Molly Holly by pinfall.

Match #2: Two on Two Tag Team | Randy Orton & Big Boss Man vs. Shelton Benjamin & X-Pac
Shelton Benjamin and Randy Orton got things started in this tag team match, and Benjamin, who is set for an Intercontinental Title match at Backlash on Sunday, quickly gained the upper hand. He then tagged in X-Pac, who started to do a number of his own on Orton. Randy's cunning started to make an impact though. When a kick from X-Pac knocked him out of the ring and X-Pac came after him, Orton low-blowed him outside the view of the official. Orton then rolled back into the ring and tagged in a fresh Big Boss Man. By the time X-Pac recovered from the low blow and re-entered the ring, Big Boss Man was ready for him, hitting him with a Boss Man Slam. He pinned him for the three count while Orton clotheslined Shelton Benjamin in his attempt to break up the pin. Score one for Orton heading into the pay-per-view clash.
Winners: Randy Orton & Big Boss Man by pinfall.

Match #3: 6-Man Tag Team | Randy Savage & The Brothers of Destruction vs. The Nation of Domination
The Rock came down the ring with Papa Shango and Mark Henry from the Nation of Domination, and dared Randy Savage to come out and face them. Savage obliged, but stopped on the stage and said, "Hey Rock, I'll face you and your buddies there, but if you don't mind, I've brought a little help!" The stage pyro exploded and out came Undertaker and Kane from the Brothers of Destruction. These two had a score to settle with the Nation after losing their titles to them at Summerslam, and were more than happy to assist Savage and make this a 6-Man tag team match. Savage started off against The Rock and took the WWE Champion to task, clotheslining him over and over again before Rock finally relented and tagged in Papa Shango. The fresher Shango was then caught on the receiving end of a double team from Savage and Kane before he too cried uncle and tagged in Mark Henry. Kane and Henry went toe to toe before the Big Red Machine tagged in The Undertaker. The former WWE and World Tag Team Champion raised hell, chokeslamming Henry and hitting him with a Last Ride before clearing both The Rock AND Papa Shango off the ringside apron and pinning Henry 1, 2, 3 with no interference from the rest of the Nation. Major statement from Savage and the Brothers of Destruction, while also handing the Nation of Domination their first loss since their formation. Can they put on repeat performances at Backlash?
Winners; Randy Savage & The Brothers of Destruction by pinfall.

Main Event: One on One Normal | Christian (6) vs. Kurt Angle (2) | King of the Ring Semi-Final
Christian came into this match as a heavy underdog, but that didn't seem to phase him after picking up a big upset win in the last round over Eddie Guerrero. This actually started out as somewhat of a pure wrestling match, which should have favoured Angle, but Captain Charisma was the one winning it instead. Eventually though, Angle's superior mat skills gave him the advantage as he was able to hit Christian with a german suplex and follow that up with a sleeper hold that nearly forced Christian to submit. Christian's refusal to give up, and that frustration cost him when Christian was able to catch him by surprise with an inverted DDT and then his finisher the Killswitch. That almost put Angle away for good but he kicked out miraculously just before the referee hit the three count. It was Christian's turn then to lose focus due to things not going his way, and that would also prove costly as he found himself on the receiving end of a series of german suplexes that lead to a near fall. Kicking out of that took nearly everything Christian had left however, and when he stumbled back to his feet, Angle was waiting to greet him with an Angle Slam. There would be no kick out this time and no upset. Kurt Angle advances to the King of the Ring final to face Brock Lesnar.
Winner: Kurt Angle by pinfall.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 23 Jun 2020, 09:27


September PPV

Match #1: Two on Two Tag Team | Brothers of Destruction vs. Nation of Domination (c) | WWE Tag Team Championships
The Nation of Domination attacked the Brothers of Destruction behind during their entrance to give themselves an advantage. That paid off during the match as Kane and Undertaker were already weakened and the Nation just had to mop up the pieces. While Undertaker was able to kick out of a World's Strongest Slam and tag in his brother, Kane wouldn't fare quite as well. He put up a bit of a fight against Papa Shango, but Shango eventually caught him a Shoulderbreaker that put him out of commission and down for a three count.
Winners: Nation of Domination by pinfall.

Match #2: One on One Normal | Molly Holly vs. Stephanie McMahon (c) | Divas Championship
Molly Holly came roaring out the gates. With a victory over Trish Stratus in her pocket from just three days ago, she was supremely confident and it showed. Stephanie simply couldn't get much going, When she did make somewhat of a surge, Molly immediately stopped her with a snap suplex. She followed that up with her finishing move, a diving senton from the top rope, and hooked both of Stephanie's legs as the Billionaire Princess couldn't do anything but be pinned and relinquish the Divas Championship.
Winner: Molly Holly by pinfall.

Match #3: One on One Falls Count Anywhere | Shelton Benjamin vs. Randy Orton (c) | Intercontinental Championship
Shelton Benjamin came out to the ring first and grabbed a mic and announced to the crowd and Randy that he'd gotten approval from Stephanie McMahon to make this a Falls Count Anywhere match. There would be no screwy DQ or count out finishes, somebody was going to have to come away with a legitimate victory. The two started off in what was a pretty traditional wrestling style, locking in the Collar & Elbow and exchanging grappling moves. But things started to pick up once Shelton took to the air. He put his athleticism on display, and even the supremely athletic Orton was having trouble keeping pace with him. That was until, Shelton's cockiness got the better of him and he showed off to the crowd before diving off the top rope. Orton was playing possum and sprung to his feet and RKO'd Benjamin out of midair. He was just about to roll him up for what would've been an easy pin when the lights all went out. When the lights came back on, Orton was flat on his back in the center of the ring and Papa Shango and Mark Henry were on either side of the ring, standing there menacingly. The latter then grabbed Benjamin's body and dragged it on top of Orton and demanded the referee start his count. The official obliged. This being a falls count anywhere match, the ref could not disqualify Benjamin for the Nation's interference and so he was forced to count to three and crown Shelton Benjamin the new Intercontinental Champion. A seemingly confused Benjamin held the title on his own in disbelief in the center of the ring as Henry and Shango walked back up the ramp. When they reached the stage they raised the black power fist in unison. Then Benjamin's look of confusion turned to a smirk and he followed suit with a raised fist of his own. Has Benjamin joined the Nation of Domination?
Winner: Shelton Benjamin by pinfall.

Match #4: One on One Normal | Randy Savage vs. The Rock (c) | WWE Championship
After the antics from the Nation in the previous match, Savage was on high alert for their interference in this one and looked to put away The Rock early before they could get involved. He was dominating the WWE Champion, still riding the momentum from his 6-man tag victory on Smackdown!, but then The Rock performed an absolutely despicable act. The action spilled outside the ring and a sprawling Rock spat in the eye of Savage, blinding him temporarily. When Savage finishing wiping his eyes The Rock plastered him over the head with a chair. The ref immediately called for the bell, but it didn't matter. The title cannot change hands on a DQ and The Rock knew that, and chose the cheap way out to hang onto his belt.
Winner: Randy Savage by disqualification.

Main Event: One on One Normal | Brock Lesnar (1) vs. Kurt Angle (2) | King of the Ring Final
Angle looked to prove from the onset that he wasn't afraid of Lesnar and was willing to match him blow for blow and hold for hold. When Brock connected with a suplex, Angle returned with one of his own. When Brock went for a submission hold, Angle countered and locked in one of his own. These two were very evenly matched, something Lesnar had not been used to since debuting in WWE and effectively running over everyone he had faced to this point. The frustration seemed to fuel Lesnar more than hurt him though, and eventually he would catch Angle with his F-5 finisher. That wasn't enough though, Angle kicked out at ONE on the first F-5 attempt, leaving Lesnar mouth agape in disbelief. Brock went for a second F-5, but this time Kurt was able to slip out of it and roll Lesnar over into the Ankle Lock. Brock was writhing in pain and with nowhere to go in the center of the ring, looked almost certain to tap. Almost in desperation, however, Lesnar did a somersault to roll himself out of the submission hold. When Kurt turned around, Lesnar was waiting for him with a second F-5, but again Kurt kicked out at two. The damage was clearly done though. Brock knew that Angle was going to give him the same kind of problems in refusing to be pinned that Mysterio did, so he grabbed Angle's arm and locked him in the Kimura Lock. With very little strength left and no way out of the hold, the submission specialist, Kurt Angle, was forced to tap to The Beast. Brock Lesnar is your new Smackdown! King of the Ring.
Winner: Brock Lesnar by submission.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 23 Jun 2020, 12:54


After Backlash...
After Backlash ended the fans were about to start heading for the exits after a good show, when once again, just like at Summerslam, a McMahon took center stage in the middle of the ring. This time it wasn't Vince, it was Shane.

"I hope you all enjoyed the show tonight. It was a great showcase for Smackdown!, although personally, I think it could have been even better. Obviously, you've not seen our interactions behind the scenes, but Stephanie have been butting heads on how to best run this show, and I particularly wasn't a fan of her just giving herself the Divas Championship without having to earn it, and I'm glad Molly Holly took it off her tonight."

Shane continued, "I spoke with my father, and informed him I'll no longer be acting as Smackdown! co-general manager with my sister Stephanie. She will assume sole control of the show." The crowd erupted into boos, Shane was a fan-favourite while Stephanie's "Billionaire Princess" persona had always drawn her the ire of the fanbase. Shane smirked and waved his hands, dismissive of the crowds' boos, "However... I'm not leaving the company. In fact, I'm getting my own show. Starting next week and every Saturday night for the foreseeable future, my new show Velocity will be airing live!" This time the crowd exploded into cheers. "As general manager of Velocity, you're going to see me do things a lot differently from my father on RAW is WAR or my sister on Smackdown!, and that all starts with roster construction."

"I've been allowed to draft a total of nine superstars from Smackdown! and RAW is WAR by the WWE head office. And I've already made my selections. Moving to Velocity on Saturday nights effective immediately are RAW is WAR's Mankind, Batista, Lita and the current RAW King of the Ring, Booker T! And joining us from Smackdown! are Kurt Angle, Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels, Eddie Guerrero and X-Pac. You'll notice that means D-Generation X has been split up, Stephanie wouldn't let me have Triple H due to her relationship with The Game, so on Velocity a new D-Generation X will form with HBK, X-Pac and two young stars that Shawn himself scouted from our developmental ranks: Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode! In addition to these two signings, I have also penned deals with the Dudley Boyz who are back from injury and ready to dominate the tag division, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, and independent wrestling star, Daniel Bryan, formerly known as Bryan Danielson!"

The marks in the crowd went crazy at the mention of Danielson, who had been an extremely hot commodity in Japan and Ring of Honor, and was well known to fans who followed smaller promotions outside of the WWE. Shane wasn't finished, "Additionally, Alicia Fox will join our women's division from developmental. The reality TV stars known as The Miz, John Morrison and Maryse will also join our tag and women's divisions. And last but not least, three members of the legendary Anoa'i family, the Uso twins and Tamina will also be inking lucrative deals with Velocity!"

"Now let's talk championships. Since Booker T already earned a guaranteed title shot by winning the King of the Ring tournament back in June, he will be our inaugural ECW Champion on Velocity. Yes you heard that right, E-C-W, we are bringing back the EXTREME on Velocity. Our other titles will be the previously defunct European Championship, ECW World Tag Team Championships and the Hardcore Championship will make a return, but this time as our flagship WOMEN'S championship!" Each of these three will be competed for in matches on our first show this coming Saturday."

"There are also some minor changes coming to RAW is WAR and Smackdown!. My father has signed Natalya Neidhart to team with her father and uncle in the Hart Foundation and also signed legends Ricky Steamboat and Rowdy Roddy Piper to fill out his roster. Two major Ring of Honor superstars, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles will be joining Smackdown!, and Edge will be returning to the blue-brand to re-form his tag team with Christian. Additionally, we will maintain a pay-per-view schedule of one per month. Six of these pay-per-views: Money in the Bank, Summerslam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber and Wrestlemania will be shared by all three brands. You may notice Money in the Bank has replaced King of the Ring, and as such the King of the Ring briefcases will be renamed and rebranded to Money in the Bank briefcases for each brand. For the other six pay-per-views, each brand will have two brand-exclusive pay-per-views. RAW is WAR will have Clash of Champions and Hell in a Cell, Smackdown! will have Backlash and Fastlane and Velocity will have Extreme Rules and Tables, Ladders and Chairs!"

"That's all for now, be sure to tune into all three shows this week, particularly my show, Velocity, this Saturday! Good night!"
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 23 Jun 2020, 12:56


New Velocity Roster and Divisions


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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 27 Jun 2020, 07:31


Before RAW...

Vince McMahon came out to address the WWE Universe. He looked furious, "My son came out here last night and made a whole bunch of promises and announcements that he claims were approved by me. Well the truth is, they weren't. If Shane and Stephanie can't resolve their issues and make peace, well then guess what you two? YOU'RE FIRED! And on top of that, you won't have a show! I run this damn company, and I'm going to run it my way. Effective immediately tonight, there will be no Smackdown! or Velocity, there will only be one show, the flagship show that got this company to where it is right now and that is RAW.. IS.. WAR!!!"

"Now thanks to this crap that my son did there are over sixty superstars on this roster, and that's just way too many for my liking." Vince motioned to the backstage crew to put up something on the Titantron, it was a list of names. "If your name is on that list on the jumbotron, you are FIRED!" The following superstars were listed:

Ricky Steamboat
Alicia Fox
Miz & Morrison
Ric Flair
Maria Kanellis

"We also have a secondary issue of there being too many championships now. All the Velocity titles will be rendered defunct, with he exception of the Hardcore title which will become a singles title on RAW is WAR and be competed in a 6-man ladder match between the new members of my Hardcore division: Big Boss Man, Brian Kendrick, Christian, R-Truth, X-Pac and the original Hardcore Champion, Mankind!"

"There are two world titles, two women's championships, two tag team championships and two Money in the Bank briefcases. Well at the next pay-per-view, Night of Champions, to turn two into one, these champions will face each other to unify their belts. The winner's title will become the official title of RAW is WAR in the case of the women's and tag team titles, while the world title match winner between The Rock and Goldberg will become the WWE Undisputed Champion, and the Money in the Bank winner between Lesnar and Booker T will become the sole holder of a new, money-green coloured Money in the Bank briefcase."

"Now with that. Unfortunately, there will be no RAW is WAR for the rest of this month as we organize our roster and reset. But get excited for Night of Champions in a few weeks where all titles will be on the line."
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by Xixak » 28 Jun 2020, 05:15


October PPV | Indianapolis, IN

Match #1: 6-Man Ladder | Big Boss Man vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Christian vs. R-Truth vs. X-Pac vs. Mankind | Hardcore Championship
Mankind came close to winning this multiple times, but each time was thrown from the top of the ladder to the floor, sustaining major damage to his body. Aside from that, nobody else was able to gain a clear advantage, as the sheer number of superstars in the match made it very difficult to get a clear shot at grabbing the belt. At the end of the day, it was the broken and battered Mankind who would be rise above the others. With only him, Kendrick and R-Truth in the ring, Truth hit a flying corkscrew on Kendrick to take him out, but then Mankind threw Truth over the top rope as well. Finally, with nobody else around, Mankind could scale the ladder to reclaim the Hardcore Championship.
Winner: Mankind by climbing the ladder.

Match #2: One on One Normal | Chyna vs. Molly Holly | Women's Championship
Molly Holly has been on an impressive run on Smackdown! the last few weeks, but she knew coming into this that Chyna had been on arguably an even more impressive run on RAW is WAR. She wanted to make the first move and attacked Chyna on the ramp before she could even get to the ring. While this caught the 9th Wonder of the World by surprise, she eventually overpowered Holly before dragging her back into the ring. From there it was all Chyna. She beat up Molly and hit a Military Press on her before setting her up for the Pedigree. But Molly Holly refused to go down that easily, she caught Chyna's foot on the initial kick and leg whipped her to the floor before taking the action back outside the ring looking to gain an advantage. When they got back into the ring, Molly tried to lock Chyna into a submission but she easily got out of it. When they rose to their feet, Chyna was quicker and hit Molly with another Military Press. Again she went for the Pedigree, but once again it was caught by Holly and countered into a leg whip. This infuriated Chyna and when she got back on her feet she stomped towards Molly in a rage. Big mistake. Molly Holly caught her and hit her with a devastating Northern Lights Suplex and chained that into a bridge pin. Chyna couldn't kick out of it and Molly Holly got the 3-count, unifying the Divas and Women's titles to become the Undisputed Women's Champion.
Winner: Molly Holly by pinfall.

Match #3: Two on Two Tag | Nation of Domination vs. The nWo | World Tag Team Championships
Both the nWo and the Nation of Domination have been wreaking havoc on their respective shows the last several weeks, just in different ways. The nWo has been helping their leader Hollywood Hulk Hogan attack the World Heavyweight Champion, Goldberg, while the Nation of Domination have been doing whatever they can to help the WWE Champion, The Rock, keep his belt. Prior to the start of the match we saw two backstage segments. First, Hogan promised Hall and Nash he'd be out there to back them as a manager, however The Rock told the Nation that he couldn't be there as he had to prepare for his match with Goldberg later that night. These two decisions ended up having major ramifications, as when the match started, Hogan made sure to get himself involved wherever and whenever possible. His rampant cheating made it effectively a 3 on 2 match, and he was able to distract and low blow Mark Henry outside of the referee's line of sight. Papa Shango had Kevin Nash beaten up in the corner, but while he protested and tried to get the referee to see what Hogan had done, Scott Hall tagged himself in. When Shango turned around, a Razor's Edge was waiting for him, and so was a three-count. The nWo keep their World Tag Team titles and as a result those will also become the official tag team titles for RAW is WAR and the WWE.
Winners: The nWo by pinfall.

Match #4: One on One Normal | Randy Orton vs. Shelton Benjamin (c) | Intercontinental Championship
These two have been locked in a feud for months now, and seem to get better with each match. They've proven themselves to be the best young talents in the company this side of Brock Lesnar. As usual they put on a classic wrestling match featuring incredibly athletic moves. Shelton came careening off the ropes looking to hit Orton with a running clothesline, but Orton popped him into the air and RKO'd him out of midair, a move he'd done to him to retain his title the first time they faced off for it. This time though, Shelton Benjamin was able to kick out at the last second. Orton spent far too much time complaining to the official, which allowed Benjamin to recover. When he did, they wrestled again for a bit before Benjamin hit a superkick, followed by Paydirt seemingly out of nowhere. This time, though, it was Randy's turn to kick out at two. The match kept going and things spilled to the outside, but not for long. Orton was first to roll back into the ring, and when Benjamin did as well, as soon as he got to his feet he was leveled with a second RKO. There would be no kick-out this time as the Viper had struck and reclaimed the Intercontinental title. After the match, Orton offered a handshake to Orton, seemingly wanting to put an end to their feud, but Shelton slapped his hand away and walked away visibly frustrated. Looks like things aren't quite finished between these two.
Winner: Randy Orton by pinfall.

Match #5: One on One Ladder | Brock Lesnar vs. Booker T | Money in the Bank
Both of these men won King of the Ring tournaments to claim guaranteed shots at the World Championship, any time and any place they wanted. In fact, Booker T actually beat Lesnar in the final of the June tournament on Smackdown! thanks to some assistance from the nWo. However, both of them would now have to fight one more time to keep that opportunity and claim the Money in the Bank briefcase. Booker, surprisingly, was dominating the much stronger Lesnar early on. Neither superstar seemed particularly intent on going for the briefcase before they could punish their opponent, and Booker was using his speed and guile to his advantage. It was Lesnar who would opt to introduce the ladder, smashing Booker with it before setting it up in the middle of the ring and starting to climb. He started working to unhook the ladder, but Booker didn't take long to recover and scaled it to challenge him. They exchanged punches atop the steel steps, but Booker was quicker. He dodged a punch from Lesnar and then grabbed the back of Lesnar's head and smashed him face first onto the unforgiving steel atop the ladder. This bloodied Lesnar and left him dazed just long enough for Booker to throw him off the top. With most of the work of unhooking it already done, Booker finished the job and claimed the Money in the Bank briefcase, defeating Lesnar for a second time, this time on his own, to earn a guaranteed shot at the WWE Undisputed Championship.
Winner: Booker T by climbing the ladder.

Main Event: One on One Normal | Goldberg vs. The Rock | WWE Undisputed Championship
The Rock had been relying a lot on the Nation of Domination to help him, and they were nowhere to be found after losing earlier in the night in his absence. He would have to take on Goldberg on his own, and that was quite a tall order. Despite being victimized by the nWo lately, Goldberg has been on an absolute tear, and has still not lost a single sanctioned match since joining WWE. The reasons for that were clear from the start of this match. The Rock got his offense in, but nothing he did seemed to keep Goldberg down for very long, as he kept getting up again and again no matter what The Rock did. As The Rock grew increasingly frustrated by this, he started taking bigger and bigger risks to give himself an advantage, and that proved costly. He went for a running elbow and Goldberg came running like freight train in the other direction to split him in half with a Spear. The Rock was writhing on the floor in pain as Goldberg slapped his own head and pumped himself and the crowd up. He got in his stance and started moving around The Rock, who was slowly rising to his feet. Once he did, Goldberg hoisted him high in the air and then brought him right back down with the Jackhammer and covered him. The Rock didn't even respond as the referee counted to three and Goldberg became the first ever WWE Undisputed Champion.
Winner: Goldberg by pinfall.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by djp73 » 29 Jun 2020, 11:11

That women's division has actually been really good. Molly Holly makes things interesting.

Orton & Boss Man vs Benjamin & X felt like filler at first but a good push for Orton.

Six man was a great match-up, didn't seem like a great match though.

Bummer Angle beat Christian, Angle vs Lesnar should be fun for the final though.
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Ruthless Aggression | A WWE 2K20 Universe

Post by djp73 » 29 Jun 2020, 11:22


NOD vs BOD has been a good series. Wondering if you'll keep it going or come up with something new?

Should be able to get some good women's matches with Molly holding the belt now.

Ohhh Benjamin joining NOD? If so that's gotta make them the best faction going.

Want to see that Savage vs Rock feud keep going. Can't end it on that.

Great Angle vs Lesnar match. Poetic result.
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