The Moolie.

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The Moolie.

Post by djp73 » 31 Dec 2018, 12:51

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Post by djp73 » 03 Jan 2019, 11:19

came back to troll soapy but realized we haven't had a monday in january yet

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Post by Soapy » 07 Jan 2019, 09:05

"If you ever need it," Ms. Parker said as she doused another pack of a sugar, the fifth one, into her cup of coffee, "You should just ask, Donte."

"I'm sorry," Donte said sheepishly as he raised his head just high enough to initiate eye contact, "Just kind of.....I don't know, it's sort of embarrassing. It is embarrassing, you know? I just feel like I should be able to take care of shit like that on my own."

"Baby," she got up and sat on his lap while running her hand through her chest, "You're more of a man than most of these niggas and you're still just a boy, you'll be fine. Just 'cause you slinging some grown man dick under there don't mean you grown now. Shit, I might need to call out sick after last night. You gotta be careful when you start pining my legs back like that, I ain't them 20 year old girls you be fucking."

Donte let out a wry smile as she got up and walked back into the kitchen. His adrenaline was still pumping from the morning and who knew that robbing liquors store was an aphrodisiac? Donte crept up behind her in the kitchen and put his arm around her waist, startling her a little bit.

"Boy," she laughed.

"I'm really sorry about taking your car," he said as he lifted up her night gown as she continued to stir the pot of porridge in front of her.

"Don't worry about it," she moaned as Donte started to kiss her on the neck before he got on his knees and found himself under her robe, "Don't worry about a thing, baby, just keep doing that."


"At least you're not dead," Bobby laughed as he shared a hug with his nephew. Donte wasn't sure if he was only half-kidding but nonetheless, he was glad to see his uncle.

He had managed to drop the stolen goods off at his apartment before returning the car back to an awoken and upset Ms. Parker but he was quickly able to remedy that. Donte wasn't thrilled about having all that money in his room and wasn't sure if someone had perhaps seen him and followed him. Not to mention that given his zip code, the chances that his apartment would get broken into and robbed -- simply off coincidence -- was high as well.

"Where's the shit?" Bobby asked as he stayed at the doorway, lighting another cigarette.

"It's in there," Donte motioned towards his bedroom.

"Come on down in the car with it," Bobby replied before turning around and heading downstairs.

Donte was slightly disappointed that congratulations weren't in order but he obliged as he threw the stack of money into his bag and unloaded the case of Scotch into a cooler. Even as a rookie, he knew that the labeled box of Scotch would probably be evidence should he ever get caught. Donte hurried up down the stairs and got into Bobby's car, something he had done countless of times but this time, it felt different. This time, it felt like it was his father's half that was getting into the car, not his mother's.

It was a relatively quiet car ride, especially given the context. Donte had been wanting to tell someone -- anyone -- how he managed to pull it off without a single shot being fired or anyone getting hurt. He was proud of what he had done and wanted someone to tell him they were proud too.

They pulled up to a coffee shop on Bobby's side of town, the side of town that Donte's last name fit in but his face didn't. Bobby got out without saying anything and Donte followed suit, grabbing the bag and the cooler case as they went into the coffee shop.

"You want anything up front?" Bobby asked, turning to face Donte but Donte simply shook his head. He was hungry, the only thing he'd eaten was Ms. Jackson and the nutritional value of that was little to none.

Bobby shared a nod with the cashier and they went through the swinging doors beyond the cash register that went into a smoke filled kitchen. There were a few workers, mostly just sitting around and sharing a cigarette over a fryer. Bobby led Donte into a closet door and there he was.

For such a big guy, the name 'Little Al' seemed unbecoming. He was the spitting image of his father with just tighter skin and a few less gray hairs. They were right out of central casting for someone of their occupation and their aura filled the room. Donte had seen him a few times in his life whenever he hung out with Bobby as a kid but mainly from afar and he had certainly heard the name. This was the first time he was standing within arm's reach with such a local celebrity. Robbing the wrong restaurant can certainly land you in some unforeseen rooms.

Little Al was sitting in front of a few stack of papers and next to him were two guys, both older gentlemen with jet black hair that seemed a bit too dark given their age.

"My pops was right," Little Al laughed, "Look at him!"

Bobby let out an uncomfortable laugh but Donte kept a straight face.

"Let me see what you got, kid."

Donte extended his arm out and gave one of the guys that were sitting next to Little Al the bag. They opened it up and started counting the money in the bag, throwing it all on the table in front of Little Al. Little Al seemed mildly interested, only taking a gander every now and then.

"Seems about right," the guy said once he was done counting. Little Al nodded his head and the man got up with the money and started to divide the bills into different manila envelopes.

"This is for your dad," Donte finally opened up the cooler and gave Little Al the bottles of scotch he had also snagged.

"He ain't the only one that likes scotch," Little Al scoffed as he didn't waste no time opening one of them up and taking a swing right from the bottle, "This is some good shit."

"There was a drop," Donte muttered, "The morning of, you know, I guess they were getting re-supplied so this truck pulled up, had a boatload of shit."

"Oh, yeah?" Little Al inquired.

Bobby gave Donte a strange look but Donte kept talking, "Yeah, he wasn't armed or nothing and honestly didn't put up much of a fight."

"I like this one," Little Al smiled as he looked towards one of his guys, "Bobby, take a look into that, will you?"

"You got it," Bobby nodded before placing a hand on Donte's shoulder, "We'll let you enjoy your scotch."

"Good work, kid." Little Al let out as they left the room.
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The Moolie.

Post by Chillcavern » 07 Jan 2019, 09:19

Moolie Mondays start now :melo:

Donte just wants someone to be proud of him, poor boy
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Post by djp73 » 07 Jan 2019, 10:59

solid update :yep:
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Post by djp73 » 14 Jan 2019, 16:25

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Post by Chillcavern » 14 Jan 2019, 16:59


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Post by Soapy » 14 Jan 2019, 19:11

Chillcavern wrote:
14 Jan 2019, 16:59
i was.....busy this morning lmaoo

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The Moolie.

Post by Soapy » 14 Jan 2019, 19:46

"Just let him play with y'all," an exhausted Donte said as he took a seat on the bench, letting his hang head past the back of his neck.

The giddy child joined the rest of the older crew as they waved him over.

Miles sat next to Donte on the bench and quickly lit a cigarette as he tried to catch his breathe, "I don't know how we used to play all day."

"We'd be out until your momma started yelling," Donte laughed as he wiped his brow with the sleeve of his shirt, "How she doing by the way?"

"She's aight," Miles shrugged as he took another drag, "Don't really be over there like that, you know. Don't need niggas breaking down her door for nothing."

"They still on y'all ass?"

You don't get to own the entire criminal underworld of a neighborhood without drawing attention. The booming criminal enterprise of Bernard and Miles Incorporated were dealing with a rough time as the police was starting to earn their stripes by just taking their pick at busting one of their many safe houses. The lack of organization within said organization made is that at any one moment, their product could be at any member's house and if the police just happened to knock their door down for that night, they'd end up on the news.

"Yeah," he nodded as he stared at the ground, "You all good from the other day?"

Miles made a motion to his waist band.

"Yeah," Donte quipped, "I'll get you the money and everything, soon."

"Don't worry about it," Miles shrugged, much to the surprise of Donte. As long as Donte knew Miles, he was always about getting to a bag. Donte was just as surprised that while taking his neighbor's kid to the park as a favor, he ran into Miles playing with the neighborhood kids.

"I got you man," Donte insisted.

"How about this?" Miles laughed, "Fucking call my sister back, nigga. She be on a nigga, these days."

"About me?"

"Not really," Miles shook his head, "She's just been agging lately, every since the shirt with Martin and I don't be seeing y'all around anymore so she probably just lonely and shit. You know how she gets."

"Just been busy," Donte replied.

"I can tell," Miles replied as he motioned his head towards the middle-aged white man that was walking towards them, sticking out like a sore thumb.

"Scrap kid," Bobby told Miles as he got closer.

"Fuck you talking to?" Miles whispered under his breathe but obliged and got up, dapping up Donte.

"I've been looking for you all day," Bobby said with a bit of frustration.

"What for?"

"Fuck you mean what for?" Bobby slapped his nephew upside the head, "Because I have! Get the fuck up, we gotta go."

"I can't," Donte replied, "I'm looking after my neighbor's kid."

"Which one is he?" Bobby asked Donte and Donte pointed to the kid in the olive shirt, "Hey, yo, olive shirt! Get one of them fucking kids to take you home, alright?"

"Jalen," Donte instructed him, "You okay with getting home?"

The soft-spoken eight-year old nodded his head before returning to his game.

Donte followed Bobby into the car before slamming the door for emphasis.


"This is your room," Bobby swung open the door and flickered the lights to reveal an empty room with just a bed on the floor, nothing else.

"My room?" Donte was confused.

"I'm tired of looking for you," Bobby explained, "So you're going to stay your ass up here from now on."

"What the fuck are you talking about? The fuck is going on?"

Before Bobby could answer, Donte heard a whole lot of commotion coming from the living room. "Let me just show you the guys."

"This right here is Ronny," Bobby pointed to the hefty follow that was carrying the bag of chicken into the house, "Over there is fucking Robbie, don't let him trick you into calling him Little Bobby. I wouldn't fuck his mother with my enemy's dick and that right there is Charlie."

"I don't think you have enough cock to fuck my mother," Robbie flipped Bobby off.

"She's got a big pussy," Bobby fired right back as the crew shared a laugh. Except for Charlie who simply took the bag of chicken from Ronny and placed them on the table.

"He's the liquor store boy?" Ronny asked as he sized up Donte, who was standing awkwardly behind Bobby.

"I ain't no fucking boy," Donte shot back.

"Sensitive one," Charlie let out a chuckle.

"His name is Donte," Bobby said loudly as in to cut the bullshit, "And yes, you guys might be able to learn a thing or two about how to fucking get a job done without leaving a body behind."

They all sort of hung their heads after Bobby's last comment.

"He's going to be staying with us for a while," Bobby said as he placed his hand on Donte's chest, "He's my fucking blood, act accordingly."
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The Moolie.

Post by Chillcavern » 14 Jan 2019, 23:41


TFW Donte's already teaching others
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